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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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// The main game class, instantiated from Main, takes a scheduler and a display window
// The scheduler supplied should be where anything asynchronous should be executed for
// the game, or any kind of repeatable task. Example - game tick.
// The display window actually displays stuff.
// I was hoping for the injected Scheduler to potentially run on the current thread.
// At the point of inception the Game will have been created on the Main thread, thus,
// the Scheduler would run on the Main thread and prevent the program from immediately
// returning.
public class Game implements Disposable {
private final DisplayWindow _display;
private final Disposable _displayUpdates;
private final Scheduler _scheduler;
* Create the Game.
* @param displayService - the service to use for the Display
* @param width - the initial width of the display
* @param height - the initial height of the display
public Game(Scheduler gameScheduler, DisplayWindow displayWindow) {
_display = displayWindow;
_scheduler = gameScheduler;
// schedule display to update @ 60 fps
int frameInterval = (int) ((1f / displayWindow.getTargetFramesPerSecond()) * 1000f);
public void dispose() {
* An interface that schedules tasks.
* @author Dan
public interface Scheduler extends Disposable {
* Schedule a task to be run indefinitely until the token is disposed.
* @param task The task itself. The passed argument is the actual difference between the last repeat and this repeat.
* @param interval The interval between each task run.
* @returns A token that can be disposed to cancel the task prematurely
Disposable schedule(Runnable task, int interval);
* Schedule a single-fire function. The return value of the function
* is returned through the surfaced Future.
* @param runnable
* @return
<T> Future<T> schedule(Callable<T> runnable);
public interface Disposable {
* Dispose of the object, releasing any resources that this object owns.
void dispose();
* A scheduler that uses new threads to create tasks.
* @author Dan
public class BasicScheduler implements Scheduler, Disposable {
private final ScheduledExecutorService _executor;
* Create the BasicScheduler with a single thread executor.
public BasicScheduler() {
* Create the BasicScheduler with the given ExecutorService.
* @param executorService
public BasicScheduler(ScheduledExecutorService executorService) {
_executor = executorService;
public Disposable schedule(Runnable task, int interval) {
ScheduledFuture<?> future = _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, 0, interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return new RunnableDisposable(() -> future.cancel(true));
public void dispose() {
public <T> Future<T> schedule(Callable<T> runnable) {
return _executor.submit(runnable);
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