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Last active November 3, 2015 00:14
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leap ∷ Coor → Int2 → WithProblem Maybe Move
leap src dxy = do
let dst = src ~+ dxy
sqr ← squareAtM dst
kind ← captureM $ colorOnSquare sqr
return $ case kind of
SimpleMove -> [ Relocate src dst ]
CaptureMove -> [ Vacate dst, Relocate src dst ]
-- | linear movement by vector ij :: Int2
ride ∷ Coor → Int2 → WithProblem Identity [Move]
ride src@(Coor xy) ij = unfoldrM rideAdvance (xy +% ij)
-- | unfoldrM wants m (Maybe (a, b))
rideAdvance ∷ Int2 → WithProblem Identity (Maybe (Move, Int2))
rideAdvance z = mapReaderT (Identity . makePair) (leap src (z -% xy))
makePair ∷ Maybe Move → Maybe (Move, Int2)
makePair = liftM (, z +% ij) -- ^ tuple sections ahoy
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