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Created February 21, 2018 00:30
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ClojureScript fix for ReactNative.NavigationIOS
(ns ios.navigation
"Translation for ReactNative.NavigatorIOS API. The core
issues this addresses is the previous stack item doesn't
re-render on pop and each component inside a navigation
stack needs to read it's props differently. This wrapper
keeps all the props the same and only assoc in a `react/navigation`
prop to push, pop, popToRoot."
(:require [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[fskl.ui :as ui]))
(declare style)
(declare render)
(declare StackWrapper)
; ---- navigation event fixes -----
(defn- route-wrapper
"Wraps a route in a Component wrapper and props wrapper.
Component wraps store previos state and provides a normal
React interface. Props need to be wrapper b/c React Native
is removing non-js objects."
([route] (route-wrapper route nil))
([route pre-route]
(let [js-props
(dissoc route :_previous-route)
(when pre-route {:_previous-route pre-route}))}]
#js{:component StackWrapper
:title (get route :title "")
:passProps js-props})))
(defn- _replacePreviousAndPop
"Wrappee component can pass props that go back to the parent."
([nav] ((:pop nav)))
([nav pre-route] ((:pop nav)))
([nav pre-route props]
((:replacePreviousAndPop nav)
(assoc pre-route :passProps
(merge (:passProps pre-route) props))))))
(defn- _push
[nav current-route new-route]
((:push nav)
(route-wrapper new-route current-route)))
(defn- _replace
[nav new-route]
((:replace nav)
(route-wrapper new-route)))
;; ----- Wrapper -----
(defui StackWrapper
"Wrap and unwrap props to remove NavigatorIOS weirdness."
(shouldComponentUpdate [this] true)
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [navigator
:as nav-props} (js->clj (aget this "props") :keywordize-keys true)
{:keys [component _previous-route]} om_props
current-route (select-keys om_props [:component :title :passProps])]
(get om_props :passProps)
#js{:push (partial _push navigator current-route)
:pop (partial _replacePreviousAndPop navigator _previous-route)
:popToTop (fn [] ((:popToTop navigator)))
:replace (partial _replace navigator)}})))))
(def stack-wrapper (om/factory StackWrapper))
;; ------ Navigation -----
(defui Navigation
(render [this]
(ui/el ui/ReactNative.NavigatorIOS
((:nav-root style)
(:initialRoute (om/props this)))}))))
(def navigator (om/factory Navigation))
; ----- style -----
(def style
(partial merge-with into
{:navigationBarHidden true
:shadowHidden true
:translucent true
:style {:flex 1
:marginTop -1}})}) ; hack-fix for nav jumping
(def fnc? nil?)
(s/def ::component fnc?)
(s/def ::title string?)
(s/def ::titleImage (partial instance? js/Object))
(s/def ::passProps map?)
(s/def ::backButtonIcon string?)
(s/def ::backButtonTitle string?)
(s/def ::leftButtonIcon string?)
(s/def ::leftButtonTitle string?)
(s/def ::leftButtonSystemIcon string?)
(s/def ::onLeftButtonPress fnc?)
(s/def ::rightButtonIcon string?)
(s/def ::rightButtonTitle string?)
(s/def ::rightButtonSystemIcon string?)
(s/def ::onRightButtonPress string?)
(s/def ::wrapperStyle map?)
(s/def ::barStyle #{"default" "black"})
(s/def ::barTintColor string?)
(s/def ::interactivePopGestureEnabled boolean?)
(s/def ::itemWrapperStyle map?)
(s/def ::navigationBarHidden boolean?)
(s/def ::shadowHidden boolean?)
(s/def ::tintColor string?)
(s/def ::titleTextColor string?)
(s/def ::translucent boolean?)
(s/def ::initialRoute
(s/keys :req [::component]
:opt [::title ::titleImage ::passProps ::backButtonIcon
::backButtonTitle ::leftButtonIcon ::leftButtonTitle
::leftButtonSystemIcon ::onLeftButtonPress
::rightButtonIcon ::rightButtonTitle ::rightButtonSystemIcon
::onRightButtonPress ::wrapperStyle
::barStyle ::barTintColor
::interactivePopGestureEnabled ::itemWrapperStyle
::navigationBarHidden ::shadowHidden ::tintColor
::titleTextColor ::translucent]))
(s/def ::navigation
(s/keys :req [::initialRoute]
:opt [::barStyle ::barTintColor ::interactivePopGestureEnabled
::itemWrapperStyle ::navigationBarHidden
::shadowHidden ::tintColor ::titleTextColor
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