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Created April 18, 2019 14:39
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Pantheon build script for master-lite environment
# This is a daily script to build an updated master-lite database for our various pubs.
for site in site1 site2 site3
echo "Building master-lite for $site"
# First, make sure the master-lite env is woke.
echo "Making sure master-lite environment is woke - $site."
terminus env:wake $site.master-lite
echo "Done (woke - $site)"
# Make sure master-lite branch is caught up with master.
echo "Merging any master commits to the master-lite branch - $site"
terminus multidev:merge-from-dev $site.master-lite --yes
echo "Done (merging master commits - $site)"
# We need to sync content from live to the master-lite environment.
echo "Now for the long part - cloning content from prod to master-lite - $site"
terminus env:clone-content $ master-lite --cc --no-interaction --yes
echo "Done (cloning content - $site)"
# Now we need to trim the large tables, except for site3
if [ "$site" != "site3" ]
MYSQL_CMD="$(terminus connection:info $site.master-lite --field mysql_command)"
echo "Truncating large tables - $site..."
${MYSQL_CMD} < ./$site-lite.sql
echo "Done (truncating large tables - $site)"
echo "Skipping large table truncation for site3 since it doesn't have any"
# The Quicksilver sanitize hook probably timed out, so let's make sure we explicitly sanitize our db.
# Should go faster since we truncated the large tables.
echo "Calling sql-sanitize - $site"
terminus drush $site.master-lite -- sql-sanitize --sanitize-password="password" --yes
echo "Done (sql-sanitize - $site)"
# Finally, create a backup...
echo "Finally, making a database backup - $site"
terminus backup:create $site.master-lite --element=db
echo "Done (db backup - $site)"
echo "Done building master-lite for $site"
echo "All done!"
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