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Created July 13, 2011 05:07
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Start of port of Haskell MVar to Scala
package scalaz
package concurrent
import Scalaz._
import Promise._
import Strategy._
import java.util.concurrent._
import locks._
import atomic._
sealed trait MVar[A] {
def put(a: Promise[A]): Promise[Unit]
def take: Promise[A]
// def tryTake: Promise[Option[A]]
// def tryPut(a: Promise[A]): Promise[Boolean]
// def peek: Promise[A]
// def peekOrPut(a: => A): Promise[A]
// def modify(a: A => A): Promise[A]
// def replace(a: A): Promise[A] = modify(_ => a)
object MVar {
def apply[A]: Promise[MVar[A]] = promise(new MVar[A] {
val value: AtomicReference[Option[Promise[A]]] = new AtomicReference(None)
val readLatch = BooleanLatch()
val writeLatch = BooleanLatch()
def take = read(None, {
val a = value.getAndSet(None)
def put(a: Promise[A]) = promise(write(a, value.get))(Sequential)
// def tryTake =
// def tryPut(a: Promise[A]) = => false)
def read(init: Option[Promise[A]], reader: => Option[Promise[A]]) = {
def read_(r: => Option[Promise[A]]): Promise[A] =
r getOrElse {
// we don't have a value so we wait for someone to put one
// ??? If a thread puts a value here before we start the wait, we'll enter the wait when we shouldn't.
// This thread will block when we have a value we can use, until someone else takes it and a new value is put.
// Is there a way to fix this?
// someone has put a value so now we try to read it
def write(a: Promise[A], r: => Option[Promise[A]]): Unit =
r map { _ =>
// if there is a value, wait until someone takes it
// ??? If 1 thread completes a take here before we start the wait, we'll enter the wait when we shouldn't.
// This thread will block until another thread writes a value and it is taken.
// Is there a way to fix this?
// someone has taken the value, try and write it again
write(a, r)
} getOrElse {
// There is no value, so it's time to try and write one.
// If the value has changed, the write will fail so we'll need to try it again.
if (!value.compareAndSet(r, Some(a))) write(a, r)
// If the write succeeded, release a thread waiting for a value.
else readLatch.release()
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