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Last active October 27, 2015 19:43
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import scalaz._
import scodec.bits._
type EntityBody[F] = Process[Free.FreeC[F, ?], ByteVector]
final case class Request[A]
( method: Method
, uri: Uri
, httpVersion: HttpVersion
, headers: CI[String] ==>> IList[String]
, body: A
final case class Response[A]
( status: Status
, httpVersion: HttpVersion
, headers: CI[String] ==>> IList[String]
, body: A
sealed trait HttpcOps[A]
object HttpcOps {
final case class Send[F[_]]( req: Request[EntityBody[F]]) extends HttpcOps[Response[EntityBody[F]]]
sealed abstract class Httpc[F[_]](inj: HttpcOps ~> F) {
final def send(req: Request[EntityBody[F]]): Free.FreeC[F, Response[EntityBody[F]]] =
import scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent._
import org.http4s._
object TestHttpcOps {
// HttpcOps interpreters will need to know about the interpreter for the algebras in which they are embedded
// so they can run the effects created while streaming the body
def apply[F[_]](f: => F ~> Task): HttpcOps ~> Task =
new (HttpcOps ~> Task) {
import HttpcOps._
def apply[A](h: HttpcOps[A]) =
h match {
case o: Send[f] =>
val req = o.req
if (req.method == Method.POST && req.uri == Http4s.uri("")) {
val reqBody =
// run the interpreter, as if we were sending to a real server
translate(new (Free.FreeC[f, ?] ~> Task) {
def apply[A](ff: Free.FreeC[f, A]) = Free.runFC(ff)(f) // <-- compile error, need evidence that F =:= f somehow
val respBody =
// since this is just a fake server, we just turn the stream back into an entity body
reqBody.translate(new (Task ~> Free.FreeC[F, ?]) {
def apply[A](a: Task[A]) = ??? ///Free.pure[Coyoneda[F, ?], A](a)
Task.delay(Response(Status.Ok, req.httpVersion, IMap(), body))
} else
Task.delay(Response(Status.NotFound, req.httpVersion, IMap(), EntityBody.empty[f]))
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