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Created January 16, 2019 15:06
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  • Save puria/ca0ffe61742465ce874fdedcedb29bcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save puria/ca0ffe61742465ce874fdedcedb29bcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
❯ docker run -ti cslog /bin/bash
root@fcdcfb86b0a5:/app# make tail-node
tail -f chainspacecore-0-0/screenlog.0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
[thread-38] NettyClient.reconnect - re-connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-42] NettyClient.reconnect - re-connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
root@fcdcfb86b0a5:/app# cat ./chainspacecore-0-0/screenlog.0
Writing PID file for process with PID [13] on [fec433787613] (file is at [/app/chainspacecore-0-0/])
[s?n?] 1547647490948 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Reading configuration
[s?n?] 1547647490949 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file shardConfigFile ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647490949 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID shardConfigFile Replica ID ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647490949 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file thisShard 0
[s?n?] 1547647490949 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID thisShard Replica ID 0
[s?n?] 1547647490950 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file thisReplica 0
[s?n?] 1547647490950 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID thisReplica Replica ID 0
[s?n?] 1547647490950 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: Loading configuration
[s?n?] 1547647490950 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: thisShard is 0
[s?n?] 1547647490950 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: shardConfigFile is ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647490950 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: thisReplica is 0
[s0n0] 1547647490951 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> Starting ServiceReplica for shard 0, replica 0 with config from [/app/chainspacecore-0-0/ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0]
-- Creating current view from configuration file
[thread-1] ServersCommunicationLayer() - Attempting to initialise server socket for : processID = 0, at localhost address on port [10001].
[thread-1] ServersCommunicationLayer() - Initialised server socket ok - socket.hostName: [], socket.hostAddress: [], binding to port: [10001]
[thread-1] ServerCommunicationSystem - Created ServersCommunicationsLayer
[thread-1] Netty ServerSide - Configuring server - isUseSocksProxy: [false], host [], port [10000] - will bind to ip from system.config []
[thread-1] Netty Server - Binding server host from config: [], socketHostname: [localhost], socketAddress: [localhost/], socketPort: [10000], isUnResolved [false]
-- ID = 0
-- N = 4
-- F = 1
-- Port = 10000
-- requestTimeout = 2000
-- maxBatch = 400
-- Using MACs
-- In current view: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[thread-10] ServerConnection.reconnect - reconnecting to remoteId [1] host [] on port [11001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 1
[thread-10] ServerConnection.reconnect - reconnecting to remoteId [2] host [] on port [12001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 2
[thread-10] ServerConnection.reconnect - reconnecting to remoteId [3] host [] on port [13001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 3
-- Replica state is up to date
-- Retrieving State
-- Ready to process operations
[s0n0] 1547647497430 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> ServiceReplica started
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
[s0n0] 1547647502431 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> Starting MapClient with shardConfigFile [ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt]
[s0n0] 1547647502435 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Shard 0 Config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Session Created, active clients=0
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
[s0n0] 1547647502502 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: NEW port of client 0 in shard 0 is 10000
[s0n0] 1547647502502 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new client proxy ID 1701873735 for shard 0 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[s0n0] 1547647502502 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 1701873735 for shard 0 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Session Created, active clients=0
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
[s0n0] 1547647502541 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new ASYNCH client proxy ID 1701873736 for shard 0 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[s0n0] 1547647502541 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 1701873735 for shard 0 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[s0n0] 1547647502541 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Shard 1 Config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
[thread-1] Netty Client - Could not connect to replica [3] at [/]. Cause [$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: /]$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: /
at Method)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$
Caused by: Connection refused
... 11 more
[s0n0] 1547647502570 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: NEW port of client 0 in shard 1 is 14000
[s0n0] 1547647502570 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new client proxy ID 1701873737 for shard 1 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[s0n0] 1547647502570 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 1701873737 for shard 1 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
[thread-1] Netty Client - Could not connect to replica [3] at [/]. Cause [$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: /]$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: /
at Method)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$
Caused by: Connection refused
... 11 more
[s0n0] 1547647502590 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new ASYNCH client proxy ID 1701873738 for shard 1 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[s0n0] 1547647502590 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 1701873737 for shard 1 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
[thread-38] NettyClient.reconnect - re-connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-42] NettyClient.reconnect - re-connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
root@fcdcfb86b0a5:/app/chainspacecore-0-2# cat screenlog.0
Writing PID file for process with PID [75] on [fec433787613] (file is at [/app/chainspacecore-0-2/])
[s?n?] 1547647494032 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Reading configuration
[s?n?] 1547647494033 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file shardConfigFile ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647494033 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID shardConfigFile Replica ID ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647494034 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file thisShard 0
[s?n?] 1547647494034 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID thisShard Replica ID 0
[s?n?] 1547647494034 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file thisReplica 2
[s?n?] 1547647494034 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID thisReplica Replica ID 2
[s?n?] 1547647494034 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: Loading configuration
[s?n?] 1547647494034 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: thisShard is 0
[s?n?] 1547647494035 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: shardConfigFile is ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647494035 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: thisReplica is 2
[s0n2] 1547647494036 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> Starting ServiceReplica for shard 0, replica 2 with config from [/app/chainspacecore-0-2/ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0]
-- Creating current view from configuration file
[thread-1] ServerConnector Connecting to host [] on port [10001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 0
[thread-1] ServerConnector Connecting to host [] on port [11001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 1
[thread-1] ServersCommunicationLayer() - Attempting to initialise server socket for : processID = 2, at localhost address on port [12001].
[thread-1] ServersCommunicationLayer() - Initialised server socket ok - socket.hostName: [], socket.hostAddress: [], binding to port: [12001]
[thread-1] ServerCommunicationSystem - Created ServersCommunicationsLayer
[thread-1] Netty ServerSide - Configuring server - isUseSocksProxy: [false], host [], port [12000] - will bind to ip from system.config []
[thread-1] Netty Server - Binding server host from config: [], socketHostname: [localhost], socketAddress: [localhost/], socketPort: [12000], isUnResolved [false]
-- ID = 2
-- N = 4
-- F = 1
-- Port = 12000
-- requestTimeout = 2000
-- maxBatch = 400
-- Using MACs
-- In current view: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
-- Retrieving State
[thread-10] ServerConnection.reconnect - reconnecting to remoteId [3] host [] on port [13001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 3
-- Replica state is up to date
-- Ready to process operations
[s0n2] 1547647499567 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> ServiceReplica started
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
[s0n2] 1547647504567 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> Starting MapClient with shardConfigFile [ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt]
[s0n2] 1547647504575 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Shard 0 Config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
Session Created, active clients=0
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n2] 1547647504652 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: NEW port of client 0 in shard 0 is 10000
[s0n2] 1547647504653 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new client proxy ID 838497203 for shard 0 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[s0n2] 1547647504653 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 838497203 for shard 0 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
Session Created, active clients=0
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n2] 1547647504699 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new ASYNCH client proxy ID 838497204 for shard 0 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[s0n2] 1547647504700 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 838497203 for shard 0 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[s0n2] 1547647504700 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Shard 1 Config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n2] 1547647504728 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: NEW port of client 0 in shard 1 is 14000
[s0n2] 1547647504728 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new client proxy ID 838497205 for shard 1 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[s0n2] 1547647504728 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 838497205 for shard 1 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n2] 1547647504754 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new ASYNCH client proxy ID 838497206 for shard 1 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[s0n2] 1547647504754 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 838497205 for shard 1 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
root@fcdcfb86b0a5:/app/chainspacecore-0-1# cat screenlog.0
Writing PID file for process with PID [44] on [fec433787613] (file is at [/app/chainspacecore-0-1/])
[s?n?] 1547647492413 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Reading configuration
[s?n?] 1547647492414 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file shardConfigFile ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647492414 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID shardConfigFile Replica ID ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647492415 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file thisShard 0
[s?n?] 1547647492415 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID thisShard Replica ID 0
[s?n?] 1547647492415 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Read this line from configuration file thisReplica 1
[s?n?] 1547647492416 [thread-1] readConfiguration: Shard ID thisReplica Replica ID 1
[s?n?] 1547647492416 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: Loading configuration
[s?n?] 1547647492416 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: thisShard is 0
[s?n?] 1547647492416 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: shardConfigFile is ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt
[s?n?] 1547647492416 [thread-1] loadConfiguration: thisReplica is 1
[s0n1] 1547647492417 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> Starting ServiceReplica for shard 0, replica 1 with config from [/app/chainspacecore-0-1/ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0]
-- Creating current view from configuration file
[thread-1] ServerConnector Connecting to host [] on port [10001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 0
[thread-1] ServersCommunicationLayer() - Attempting to initialise server socket for : processID = 1, at localhost address on port [11001].
[thread-1] ServersCommunicationLayer() - Initialised server socket ok - socket.hostName: [], socket.hostAddress: [], binding to port: [11001]
[thread-1] ServerCommunicationSystem - Created ServersCommunicationsLayer
[thread-1] Netty ServerSide - Configuring server - isUseSocksProxy: [false], host [], port [11000] - will bind to ip from system.config []
[thread-1] Netty Server - Binding server host from config: [], socketHostname: [localhost], socketAddress: [localhost/], socketPort: [11000], isUnResolved [false]
-- ID = 1
-- N = 4
-- F = 1
-- Port = 11000
-- requestTimeout = 2000
-- maxBatch = 400
-- Using MACs
-- In current view: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
-- Retrieving State
[thread-10] ServerConnection.reconnect - reconnecting to remoteId [2] host [] on port [12001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 2
[thread-10] ServerConnection.reconnect - reconnecting to remoteId [3] host [] on port [13001]
-- Diffie-Hellman complete with 3
-- Replica state is up to date
-- Ready to process operations
[s0n1] 1547647498960 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> ServiceReplica started
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
[s0n1] 1547647503960 [thread-1] TreeMapServer<init> Starting MapClient with shardConfigFile [ChainSpaceConfig/shardConfig.txt]
[s0n1] 1547647503968 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Shard 0 Config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Session Created, active clients=0
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n1] 1547647504041 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: NEW port of client 0 in shard 0 is 10000
[s0n1] 1547647504041 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new client proxy ID 2015970213 for shard 0 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[s0n1] 1547647504041 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 2015970213 for shard 0 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Session Created, active clients=0
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n1] 1547647504072 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new ASYNCH client proxy ID 2015970214 for shard 0 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config0
[s0n1] 1547647504074 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 2015970213 for shard 0 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[s0n1] 1547647504074 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Shard 1 Config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
[s0n1] 1547647504112 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: NEW port of client 0 in shard 1 is 14000
[s0n1] 1547647504112 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new client proxy ID 2015970215 for shard 1 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[s0n1] 1547647504112 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 2015970215 for shard 1 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [0] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [1] at [/]
Channel active
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [2] at [/]
[thread-1] Netty Client - Connecting to replica [3] at [/]
Channel active
Channel active
[s0n1] 1547647504131 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: Created new ASYNCH client proxy ID 2015970216 for shard 1 with config ChainSpaceConfig/shards/config1
[s0n1] 1547647504131 [thread-1] initializeShardClients: The view of client 2015970215 for shard 1 is: ID:0; F:1; Processes:0(/,1(/,2(/,3(/,
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
Session Created, active clients=0
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