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Forked from zr-tex8r/scarticle.satyh
Last active December 23, 2018 20:19
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% scarticle.satyh: An essential docuemnt class for SATySFi
% Copyright (c) 2018 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
% GitHub:
% Twitter: @zr_tex8r
% Distributed under the MIT License.
@require: pervasives
@require: list
@require: math
%=========================================================== module ZGr0
module ZGr : sig
type matrix
val identity : matrix
val scale : float * float -> matrix
val translate : length * length -> matrix
type z-pre-path
val path-of : z-pre-path -> pre-path
val path : matrix -> point -> z-pre-path
val line-to : point -> z-pre-path -> z-pre-path
val curve-to : point -> point -> point -> z-pre-path -> z-pre-path
val close : z-pre-path -> path
val line-close : z-pre-path -> path
val curve-close : point -> point -> z-pre-path -> path
val lines-to : point list -> z-pre-path -> z-pre-path
val curves-to : (point * point * point) list -> z-pre-path -> z-pre-path
val ellipse : matrix -> point -> (length * length) -> path
val circle : matrix -> point -> length -> path
type canvas
val make-canvas : length -> length -> length -> matrix -> canvas
val c-path : canvas -> point -> z-pre-path
val c-ellipse : canvas -> point -> (length * length) -> path
val c-circle : canvas -> point -> length -> path
val fill : color -> path -> canvas -> canvas
val stroke : length -> color -> path -> canvas -> canvas
val fill-stroke : color -> length -> color -> path -> canvas -> canvas
val inline-canvas : canvas -> inline-boxes
end = struct
type matrix = float * float * float * float * length * length
let identity = (1., 0., 0., 1., 0pt, 0pt)
let scale (sx, sy) = (sx, 0., 0., sy, 0pt, 0pt)
let translate (tx, ty) = (1., 0., 0., 1., tx, ty)
let trans (a, b, c, d, e, f) (x, y) =
(x *' a +' y *' c +' e, x *' b +' y *' d +' f)
type z-pre-path = pre-path * matrix
let path-of (pth, _) = pth
let prim-line-to = line-to
let path mtx p =
(start-path (trans mtx p), mtx)
let line-to p (pth, mtx) =
(pth |> prim-line-to (trans mtx p), mtx)
let curve-to p1 p2 p3 (pth, mtx) =
(pth |> bezier-to (trans mtx p1) (trans mtx p2) (trans mtx p3), mtx)
let close (pth, _) =
terminate-path pth
let line-close (pth, _) =
close-with-line pth
let curve-close p1 p2 (pth, mtx) =
close-with-bezier (trans mtx p1) (trans mtx p2) pth
let lines-to ps zpth =
List.fold-left (fun zpth p -> zpth |> line-to p) zpth ps
let curves-to crvs zpth =
List.fold-left (fun zpth (p1, p2, p3) -> zpth |> curve-to p1 p2 p3) zpth crvs
let alpha = 0.55228475
let ellipse mtx (cx, cy) (rx, ry) =
let (ax, ay) = (rx *' alpha, ry *' alpha) in
path mtx (cx +' rx, cy)
|> curve-to (cx +' rx, cy +' ay) (cx +' ax, cy +' ry) (cx, cy +' ry)
|> curve-to (cx -' ax, cy +' ry) (cx -' rx, cy +' ay) (cx -' rx, cy)
|> curve-to (cx -' rx, cy -' ay) (cx -' ax, cy -' ry) (cx, cy -' ry)
|> curve-close (cx +' ax, cy -' ry) (cx +' rx, cy -' ay)
let circle mtx ctr rds =
ellipse mtx ctr (rds, rds)
type metrics = length * length * length
type canvas = metrics * matrix * (graphics list)
let make-canvas wd ht dp mtx =
((wd, ht, dp), mtx, [])
let c-path (_, mtx, _) =
path mtx
let c-ellipse (_, mtx, _) =
ellipse mtx
let c-circle (_, mtx, _) =
circle mtx
let fill clr pth (mtr, mtx, gs) =
(mtr, mtx, (fill clr pth) :: gs)
let stroke lwd clr pth (mtr, mtx, gs) =
(mtr, mtx, (stroke lwd clr pth) :: gs)
let fill-stroke fclr lwd sclr pth cvs =
cvs |> fill fclr pth |> stroke lwd sclr pth
let inline-canvas ((wd, ht, dp), mtx, gs) =
let gs1 = List.reverse gs in
inline-graphics wd ht dp (fun p -> (shift-graphics p) gs1)
%=========================================================== module Essential0
module Essential : sig
val draw-essential : length -> ZGr.canvas
direct \essential : [length] inline-cmd
end = struct
let base = RGB(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
let muffler = RGB(0.855, 0.000, 0.000)
let arms = RGB(0.545, 0.188, 0.180)
let buttons = RGB(0.278, 0.498, 0.118)
let hat-red = RGB (0.988, 0.1, 0.1)
let hat-white = RGB (1., 1., 1.)
let line-width = 0.0139
let descent = 0.08
let strokes lwd clr lins cvs =
let prc cvs (p1, p2) = cvs |>
ZGr.stroke lwd clr (ZGr.c-path cvs p1 |> ZGr.line-to p2 |> ZGr.close) in
List.fold-left prc cvs lins
let draw-essential siz =
let lwd = siz *' line-width in
let (ht, dp) = (siz *' (1. -. descent), siz *' descent) in
let scl = siz /' 1pt in
let cvs = ZGr.make-canvas siz ht dp (ZGr.scale (scl, scl)) in
let (path, ellipse) = (ZGr.c-path cvs, ZGr.c-ellipse cvs) in
% body
|> ZGr.stroke lwd base (path (0.50pt,0.72pt) |> ZGr.curves-to [
((0.64pt,0.72pt), (0.76pt,0.65pt), (0.76pt,0.55pt));
((0.76pt,0.51pt), (0.72pt,0.47pt), (0.67pt,0.44pt));
((0.79pt,0.41pt), (0.84pt,0.32pt), (0.84pt,0.25pt));
((0.84pt,0.13pt), (0.75pt,0.08pt), (0.68pt,0.08pt));
((0.50pt,0.08pt), (0.40pt,0.08pt), (0.32pt,0.08pt));
((0.25pt,0.08pt), (0.16pt,0.13pt), (0.16pt,0.25pt));
((0.16pt,0.32pt), (0.21pt,0.41pt), (0.33pt,0.44pt));
((0.28pt,0.47pt), (0.24pt,0.51pt), (0.24pt,0.55pt));
] |> ZGr.curve-close (0.24pt,0.65pt) (0.36pt,0.72pt))
% hat🎅
|> ZGr.fill-stroke hat-red lwd base (path (0.35pt,0.72pt) |> ZGr.curves-to [
((0.35pt,0.72pt), (0.35pt,0.88pt), (0.50pt,0.88pt));
((0.50pt,0.88pt), (0.525pt,0.88pt), (0.58pt,0.88pt));
((0.58pt,0.88pt), (0.70pt,0.88pt), (0.73pt,0.82pt));
((0.73pt,0.82pt), (0.73pt,0.82pt), (0.72pt,0.81pt));
((0.72pt,0.81pt), (0.66pt,0.85pt), (0.61pt,0.83pt));
((0.61pt,0.83pt), (0.66pt,0.78pt), (0.65pt,0.72pt));
] |> ZGr.curve-close (0.50pt,0.72pt) (0.35pt,0.72pt))
|> ZGr.fill-stroke hat-white lwd base (path (0.35pt,0.67pt) |> ZGr.curves-to [
((0.35pt,0.67pt), (0.32pt,0.675pt), (0.32pt,0.70pt));
((0.32pt,0.70pt), (0.32pt,0.725pt), (0.35pt,0.73pt));
((0.35pt,0.73pt), (0.50pt,0.74pt), (0.65pt,0.73pt));
((0.65pt,0.73pt), (0.68pt,0.725pt), (0.68pt,0.70pt));
((0.68pt,0.70pt), (0.68pt,0.675pt), (0.65pt,0.67pt));
] |> ZGr.curve-close (0.50pt,0.66pt) (0.35pt,0.67pt))
|> ZGr.fill base (ellipse (0.74pt,0.81pt) (0.03pt,0.03pt))
|> ZGr.fill hat-white (ellipse (0.74pt,0.81pt) (0.02pt,0.02pt))
% eyes
|> ZGr.fill base (ellipse (0.40pt,0.56pt) (0.02pt,0.03pt))
|> ZGr.fill base (ellipse (0.60pt,0.56pt) (0.02pt,0.03pt))
% mouth
|> ZGr.stroke lwd base (path (0.40pt,0.48pt)
|> ZGr.curve-to (0.45pt,0.45pt) (0.55pt,0.45pt) (0.60pt,0.48pt)
|> ZGr.close)
% arms
|> ZGr.fill-stroke arms lwd arms (path (0.20pt,0.31pt) |> ZGr.curves-to [
((0.19pt,0.33pt), (0.14pt,0.41pt), (0.13pt,0.42pt));
((0.12pt,0.43pt), (0.10pt,0.43pt), (0.07pt,0.44pt));
((0.04pt,0.46pt), (0.06pt,0.46pt), (0.08pt,0.46pt));
((0.09pt,0.46pt), (0.11pt,0.44pt), (0.12pt,0.44pt));
((0.14pt,0.46pt), (0.14pt,0.47pt), (0.15pt,0.49pt));
((0.16pt,0.51pt), (0.16pt,0.49pt), (0.16pt,0.48pt));
((0.16pt,0.46pt), (0.14pt,0.44pt), (0.15pt,0.43pt));
((0.16pt,0.42pt), (0.21pt,0.35pt), (0.22pt,0.33pt));
] |> ZGr.curve-close (0.23pt,0.31pt) (0.21pt,0.30pt))
|> ZGr.fill-stroke arms lwd arms (path (0.80pt,0.31pt) |> ZGr.curves-to [
((0.81pt,0.33pt), (0.86pt,0.41pt), (0.87pt,0.42pt));
((0.88pt,0.43pt), (0.90pt,0.43pt), (0.93pt,0.44pt));
((0.96pt,0.46pt), (0.94pt,0.46pt), (0.92pt,0.46pt));
((0.91pt,0.46pt), (0.89pt,0.44pt), (0.88pt,0.44pt));
((0.86pt,0.46pt), (0.86pt,0.47pt), (0.85pt,0.49pt));
((0.84pt,0.51pt), (0.84pt,0.49pt), (0.84pt,0.48pt));
((0.84pt,0.46pt), (0.86pt,0.44pt), (0.85pt,0.43pt));
((0.84pt,0.42pt), (0.79pt,0.35pt), (0.78pt,0.33pt));
] |> ZGr.curve-close (0.77pt,0.31pt) (0.79pt,0.30pt))
% buttons
|> ZGr.fill-stroke buttons lwd buttons
(ellipse (0.50pt,0.16pt) (0.03pt,0.03pt))
|> ZGr.fill-stroke buttons lwd buttons
(ellipse (0.50pt,0.26pt) (0.03pt,0.03pt))
% muffler
|> ZGr.fill-stroke muffler lwd muffler (path (0.27pt,0.48pt) |> ZGr.curves-to [
((0.42pt,0.38pt), (0.58pt,0.38pt), (0.73pt,0.48pt));
((0.75pt,0.46pt), (0.76pt,0.44pt), (0.77pt,0.41pt));
((0.77pt,0.39pt), (0.75pt,0.37pt), (0.73pt,0.36pt));
((0.74pt,0.33pt), (0.74pt,0.31pt), (0.76pt,0.26pt));
((0.75pt,0.25pt), (0.72pt,0.24pt), (0.66pt,0.23pt));
((0.66pt,0.27pt), (0.65pt,0.30pt), (0.63pt,0.34pt));
((0.42pt,0.30pt), (0.32pt,0.35pt), (0.24pt,0.41pt));
] |> ZGr.curve-close (0.25pt,0.45pt) (0.26pt,0.47pt))
let-inline ctx \essential siz =
ZGr.inline-canvas (draw-essential siz)
%=========================================================== module Dummy
module Dummy : sig
direct +h1 : [inline-text; block-text] block-cmd
direct +h2 : [inline-text; block-text] block-cmd
direct +h3 : [inline-text; block-text] block-cmd
direct +p : [inline-text] block-cmd
direct +ul : [inline-text list] block-cmd
direct +ol : [inline-text list] block-cmd
direct +code : [string] block-cmd
direct +console : [string] block-cmd
direct +quote : [block-text] block-cmd
direct +hr : [] block-cmd
direct +error : [string] block-cmd
direct \code : [string] inline-cmd
direct \emph : [inline-text] inline-cmd
direct \bold : [inline-text] inline-cmd
direct \link : [string; inline-text] inline-cmd
direct \reference : [string; string; (string * string) option] inline-cmd
direct \hard-break : [] inline-cmd
direct \embed-block : [block-text] inline-cmd
direct \error : [string] inline-cmd
end = struct
let-block ctx +h1 a1 a2 = block-nil
let-block ctx +h2 a1 a2 = block-nil
let-block ctx +h3 a1 a2 = block-nil
let-block ctx +p a1 = block-nil
let-block ctx +ul a1 = block-nil
let-block ctx +ol a1 = block-nil
let-block ctx +code a1 = block-nil
let-block ctx +console a1 = block-nil
let-block ctx +quote a1 = block-nil
let-block ctx +hr = block-nil
let-block ctx +error a1 = block-nil
let-inline ctx \code a1 = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \emph a1 = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \bold a1 = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \link a1 a2 = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \reference a1 a2 a3 = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \hard-break = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \embed-block a1 = inline-nil
let-inline ctx \error a1 = inline-nil
%=========================================================== module SCArticle
module MdSCArticle : sig
val document : 'a -> block-text -> document
constraint 'a :: (|
title : string; show-title : bool;
end = struct
%--------------------------------------- helpers
let iota n =
let-rec iter | 0 rs = rs
| k rs = iter (k - 1) ((k - 1) :: rs) in
iter n []
let-rec zip | (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = (x, y) :: (zip xs ys)
| _ _ = []
let str-explode str = (fun i -> string-sub str i 1) (iota (string-length str))
let round-pt p =
1pt *' float (round (p /' 1pt +. 0.5))
let natural-width ib =
let (wd, _, _) = get-natural-metrics ib in wd
let make-box wd ib =
inline-frame-fixed wd (0pt, 0pt, 0pt, 0pt) (fun _ _ _ _ -> []) ib
let centering ctx ib =
line-break true true ctx (inline-fil ++ ib ++ inline-fil)
%--------------------------------------- fit-to-width
let ftw-max-font-size = 60pt
let ftw-min-space = 0.125
let ftw-steps wds =
let-rec iter | _ [] _ dsts = dsts
| hd (w :: wds) prev dsts =
if hd then iter false wds (prev +' w *' 0.5) (0pt :: dsts)
else iter false wds (prev +' w) ((prev +' w *' 0.5) :: dsts)
let rdsts = iter true wds 0pt [] in
let tdst = match rdsts with | [] -> 0pt
| (d :: _) -> d
if tdst >' 0pt then (fun d -> d /' tdst) (List.reverse rdsts)
else (fun _ -> 0.) wds
let ftw-make-chunks ctx wd its =
let-rec iter fsiz =
let ctx1 = ctx |> set-font-size fsiz in
let cnks = (fun it -> read-inline ctx1 it) its in
let twd = List.fold-left (+') 0pt ( natural-width cnks) in
if fsiz >' 1.5pt && twd >' wd then
let fsiz1 = if fsiz <' ftw-max-font-size then fsiz -' 1pt
else round-pt (fsiz *' (wd /' twd)) in
iter fsiz1
else (fsiz, twd, cnks)
iter ftw-max-font-size
let ftw-raised-chunks ctx fsiz rln stps its =
let ctx1 = ctx |> set-font-size fsiz in
let zipd = zip stps its in
let sq v = v *. v in
let make (stp, it) =
let r = 1. -. sq (stp *. 2. -. 1.) in
read-inline (ctx1 |> set-manual-rising (rln *' r)) it
in make zipd
let ftw-place-chunks cnks = match cnks with
| [] -> inline-fil
| (c :: []) -> inline-fil ++ c ++ inline-fil
| (c :: cs) -> List.fold-left (fun c c1 -> c ++ inline-fil ++ c1) c cs
let ftw-inline ctx wd rln str =
let its = embed-string (str-explode str) in
let (fsiz, twd, cnks) = ftw-make-chunks ctx wd its in
let stps = ftw-steps ( natural-width cnks) in
let rcnks = ftw-raised-chunks ctx fsiz rln stps its in
ftw-place-chunks rcnks
let-inline ctx \fit-to-width wd rln str =
make-box wd (ftw-inline ctx wd rln str)
%--------------------------------------- document
let document docopt _ =
let ctx0 = get-initial-context 168mm (command \math)
|> set-dominant-wide-script Kana
|> set-dominant-narrow-script Latin
|> set-font Kana (`ipaexg`, 0.92126, 0.)
|> set-font HanIdeographic (`ipaexg`, 0.92126, 0.)
|> set-font Latin (`lmsans`, 1., 0.)
|> set-math-font `lmodern`
let title = docopt#title in
let showttl = docopt#show-title && (string-length title) > 0 in
let itesnt = {\essential(147mm);} in
let bbesnt = centering ctx0 (read-inline ctx0 itesnt) in
let bbmain =
if showttl then
let itttl = {\fit-to-width(168mm)(12mm)(title);} in
let bbttl = centering ctx0 (read-inline ctx0 itttl) in
bbttl +++ bbesnt
else bbesnt
let pglayout _ = (|
text-origin = (21mm, (if showttl then 56mm else 64mm));
text-height = if showttl then 192mm else 160mm;
|) in
let pgextra _ = (|
header-origin = (0mm, 0mm); header-content = block-nil;
footer-origin = (0mm, 0mm); footer-content = block-nil;
|) in
page-break A4Paper pglayout pgextra bbmain
%=========================================================== global
let document = MdSCArticle.document
%=========================================================== all done
%% EOF
"depends": ["mdsc"],
"document": "MdSCArticle.document",
"header-default": "(| title = ` `; show-title = false; |)",
"paragraph": "+p",
"hr": "+hr",
"h1": "+h1",
"h2": "+h2",
"h3": "+h3",
"h4": "+h4",
"h5": "+h5",
"h6": "+h6",
"ul-inline": "+ul",
"ul-block": "+ul-block",
"ol-inline": "+ol",
"ol-block": "+ol-block",
"code-block": [
("console", "+console")
"code-block-default": "+code",
"blockquote": "+quote",
"err-block": "+error",
"emph": "\\emph",
"bold": "\\bold",
"hard-break": <None>,
"code": [
"code-default": "\\code",
"url": "\\link",
"reference": "\\reference",
"embed-block": "\\embed-block",
"err-inline": "\\error"


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