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Created April 20, 2021 09:35
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F# gRPC Service
module Main
open Libraries.Grpc
open Libraries.Logging
open Libraries.Sentry
open Libraries.Tracing
open System
open Grpc.Core
open Grpc.HealthCheck
open Grpc.Health.V1
open Prometheus
open Src.Protobuf.Bootstrap.Service
open Service
open FsConfig
open System.Threading
type Config =
{ [<DefaultValue("fsharp-bootstrap-api")>]
ServiceName: string
Env: string
Port: int
LogLevel: string
SentryDsn: string
TracingAgentEndpoint: string option }
let getConfigFromEnvironment () =
match EnvConfig.Get<Config>() with
| Ok config -> config
| Error error ->
match error with
| NotFound envVarName -> failwithf "Environment variable %s not found" envVarName
| BadValue (envVarName, value) -> failwithf "Environment variable %s has invalid value %s" envVarName value
| NotSupported msg -> failwith msg
let getTracer config =
match config.TracingAgentEndpoint with
| Some endpoint -> createTracer config.ServiceName config.ServiceName [ ExporterType.Otlp { Endpoint = endpoint } ]
| None -> createTracer config.ServiceName config.ServiceName [ ExporterType.Console ]
let main argv =
let config = getConfigFromEnvironment ()
let sentry =
initSentry config.SentryDsn config.Env config.ServiceName
let logger = configureLogger config.LogLevel
let (tracer, provider) = getTracer config
let metricServer = new MetricServer(9090)
let healthService = HealthServiceImpl()
let serviceImpl = BootstrapImpl(logger, tracer)
let server = Server()
let serviceDefinition =
addServerInterceptors (BootstrapService.BootstrapServiceMethodBinder.BindService(serviceImpl))
server.Ports.Add(ServerPort("", config.Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure))
|> ignore
(fun e ->
Console.WriteLine "Server shutting down..."
metricServer.Start() |> ignore
healthService.SetStatus(config.ServiceName, HealthCheckResponse.Types.ServingStatus.Serving)
printf "Server listening on port %i\n" config.Port
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