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Created December 5, 2023 20:55
day 5
import re
import argparse
import sys
def print_error(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def parse_section(section:str):
def parse_map(section:str):
header,*lines = section.splitlines()
source,destination = (header.split(' ')[0]).split('-to-')
object = Map()
object.source_name = source
object.destination_name = destination
for range in lines:
dest,sour,size = range.strip().split(' ')
range_object = MapRange(int(sour),int(dest),int(size))
return object
class Map:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.source_name = ""
self.destination_name = ""
self.mapping_list = list()
def __str__(self):
return f"Map: Source:{self.source_name}, Dest:{self.destination_name}, MappingCount:{len(self.mapping_list)}"
def convert_forward(self,number):
for range in self.mapping_list:
if range.in_range(number):
num2 = number - range.source_start + range.destination_start
return num2
return number
def convert_backward(self,number):
for range in self.mapping_list:
if range.in_range(number):
num2 = number + range.source_start - range.destination_start
return num2
return number
class MapRange:
source_start = -1
destination_start = -1
range_size = 0
def __init__(self,source:int ,destination:int ,size:int ):
self.source_start = source
self.destination_start = destination
self.range_size = size
def __repr__(self):
return f"<MapRange source_start:{self.source_start}, destination_start:{self.destination_start}, range:{self.range_size}>"
def __str__(self):
return f"Range: {self.source_start}:{self.source_start+self.range_size} -> {self.destination_start}:{self.destination_start+self.range_size}"
def in_range(self,number:int):
source_end = self.source_start + self.range_size
return (number >= self.source_start and number < source_end)
def parse_seed(section:str):
header,seed_section = section.split(':')
if (header != 'seeds'):
print_error("seeds header missing, results might be wonky")
seed_id_list = [int(x) for x in re.split(' +',seed_section.strip())]
seed_list = list()
for id in seed_id_list:
object = Seed()
object.seed = id
return seed_list
class Seed:
seed = -1
soil = -1
fertilizer = -1
water = -1
light = -1
temperature = -1
humidity = -1
location = -1
def calculate_properties(self,maps:dict):
current_type = "seed"
while current_type in maps.keys() and hasattr(self,current_type):
new_n = maps[current_type].convert_forward(getattr(self,current_type))
current_type = maps[current_type].destination_name
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Seed: {self.seed}, soil={self.soil}, fert={self.fertilizer}, water={self.water}, light={self.water}, temp={self.temperature}, hum={self.humidity}, loc={self.location}>"
def __str__(self):
return f"Seed: {self.seed}, soil={self.soil}, fert={self.fertilizer}, water={self.water}, light={self.water}, temp={self.temperature}, hum={self.humidity}, loc={self.location}"
def main(file_string:str):
seed_part,*map_parts = file_string.split('\n\n')
if (not re.match('seeds:',seed_part)):
raise Exception("File Must start with seeds record.")
seeds = parse_seed(seed_part)
maps = [parse_map(x) for x in map_parts]
[print(str(x)) for x in maps]
maps_index = { x.source_name:x for x in maps}
#print (maps_index)
for t in seeds:
# seeds should be updated
seeds.sort(key=lambda x:x.location)
print("closest seed:")
print (seeds[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="day 5 solver")
args = parser.parse_args()
filename = args.input
if filename == None:
file = open(filename,'r')
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