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Created October 25, 2014 15:28
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SPServices test file - forum post 444799
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<!-- SPServices v2014.02ALPHA6 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
* SPServices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
* Version 2014.02
* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
* Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
* Examples and docs at:
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* @description Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
* @type jQuery
* @name SPServices
* @category Plugins/SPServices
* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/
/* jshint undef: true */
/* global L_Menu_BaseUrl, _spUserId, _spPageContextInfo, GipAddSelectedItems, GipRemoveSelectedItems, GipGetGroupData */
(function ($) {
"use strict";
// Version info
var VERSION = "2014.02"; // TODO: Update version
// String constants
// General
var SLASH = "/";
var spDelim = ";#";
var TXTColumnNotFound = "Column not found on page";
var SCHEMASharePoint = "";
var multiLookupPrefix = "MultiLookupPicker";
var multiLookupPrefix2013 = "MultiLookup";
// Dropdown Types
var dropdownType = {
simple: "S",
complex: "C",
multiSelect: "M"
// Known list field types
var spListFieldTypes = [
// "Computed",
// Caching
var promisesCache = {};
//#### TESTING CODE HERE ##########################################
window.promisesCache = promisesCache;
//#### END OF TESTING CODE ##########################################
// Web Service names
var ALERTS = "Alerts";
var AUTHENTICATION = "Authentication";
var COPY = "Copy";
var FORMS = "Forms";
var LISTS = "Lists";
var MEETINGS = "Meetings";
var OFFICIALFILE = "OfficialFile";
var PEOPLE = "People";
var PERMISSIONS = "Permissions";
var PUBLISHEDLINKSSERVICE = "PublishedLinksService";
var SEARCH = "Search";
var SHAREPOINTDIAGNOSTICS = "SharePointDiagnostics";
var SITEDATA = "SiteData";
var SITES = "Sites";
var SOCIALDATASERVICE = "SocialDataService";
var SPELLCHECK = "SpellCheck";
var TAXONOMYSERVICE = "TaxonomyClientService";
var USERGROUP = "usergroup";
var USERPROFILESERVICE = "UserProfileService";
var VERSIONS = "Versions";
var VIEWS = "Views";
var WEBPARTPAGES = "WebPartPages";
var WEBS = "Webs";
var WORKFLOW = "Workflow";
// Global variables
var currentContext = new SPServicesContext(); // Variable to hold the current context as we figure it out
var i = 0; // Generic loop counter
var encodeOptionList = ["listName", "description"]; // Used to encode options which may contain special characters
// Array to store Web Service information
// WSops.OpName = [WebService, needs_SOAPAction];
// OpName The name of the Web Service operation -> These names are unique
// WebService The name of the WebService this operation belongs to
// needs_SOAPAction Boolean indicating whether the operatio needs to have the SOAPAction passed in the setRequestHeaderfunction.
// true if the operation does a write, else false
var WSops = [];
WSops.GetAlerts = [ALERTS, false];
WSops.DeleteAlerts = [ALERTS, true];
WSops.Mode = [AUTHENTICATION, false];
WSops.Login = [AUTHENTICATION, false];
WSops.CopyIntoItems = [COPY, true];
WSops.CopyIntoItemsLocal = [COPY, true];
WSops.GetItem = [COPY, false];
WSops.GetForm = [FORMS, false];
WSops.GetFormCollection = [FORMS, false];
WSops.AddAttachment = [LISTS, true];
WSops.AddDiscussionBoardItem = [LISTS, true];
WSops.AddList = [LISTS, true];
WSops.AddListFromFeature = [LISTS, true];
WSops.ApplyContentTypeToList = [LISTS, true];
WSops.CheckInFile = [LISTS, true];
WSops.CheckOutFile = [LISTS, true];
WSops.CreateContentType = [LISTS, true];
WSops.DeleteAttachment = [LISTS, true];
WSops.DeleteContentType = [LISTS, true];
WSops.DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument = [LISTS, true];
WSops.DeleteList = [LISTS, true];
WSops.GetAttachmentCollection = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetList = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListAndView = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListCollection = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListContentType = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListContentTypes = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListItemChanges = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListItemChangesSinceToken = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetListItems = [LISTS, false];
WSops.GetVersionCollection = [LISTS, false];
WSops.UndoCheckOut = [LISTS, true];
WSops.UpdateContentType = [LISTS, true];
WSops.UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument = [LISTS, true];
WSops.UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument = [LISTS, true];
WSops.UpdateList = [LISTS, true];
WSops.UpdateListItems = [LISTS, true];
WSops.AddMeeting = [MEETINGS, true];
WSops.CreateWorkspace = [MEETINGS, true];
WSops.RemoveMeeting = [MEETINGS, true];
WSops.SetWorkSpaceTitle = [MEETINGS, true];
WSops.GetRecordRouting = [OFFICIALFILE, false];
WSops.GetRecordRoutingCollection = [OFFICIALFILE, false];
WSops.GetServerInfo = [OFFICIALFILE, false];
WSops.SubmitFile = [OFFICIALFILE, true];
WSops.ResolvePrincipals = [PEOPLE, true];
WSops.SearchPrincipals = [PEOPLE, false];
WSops.AddPermission = [PERMISSIONS, true];
WSops.AddPermissionCollection = [PERMISSIONS, true];
WSops.GetPermissionCollection = [PERMISSIONS, true];
WSops.RemovePermission = [PERMISSIONS, true];
WSops.RemovePermissionCollection = [PERMISSIONS, true];
WSops.UpdatePermission = [PERMISSIONS, true];
WSops.GetPortalSearchInfo = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.GetQuerySuggestions = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.GetSearchMetadata = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.Query = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.QueryEx = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.Registration = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.Status = [SEARCH, false];
WSops.SendClientScriptErrorReport = [SHAREPOINTDIAGNOSTICS, true];
WSops.GetAttachments = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.EnumerateFolder = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.SiteDataGetList = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.SiteDataGetListCollection = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.SiteDataGetSite = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.SiteDataGetSiteUrl = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.SiteDataGetWeb = [SITEDATA, false];
WSops.CreateWeb = [SITES, true];
WSops.DeleteWeb = [SITES, true];
WSops.GetSite = [SITES, false];
WSops.GetSiteTemplates = [SITES, false];
WSops.AddComment = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.AddTagByKeyword = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.CountCommentsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.CountCommentsOfUserOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.CountCommentsOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.CountRatingsOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.CountTagsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.DeleteComment = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.DeleteRating = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.DeleteTag = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.DeleteTagByKeyword = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.DeleteTags = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetAllTagTerms = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetAllTagTermsForUrlFolder = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetAllTagUrls = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetAllTagUrlsByKeyword = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetCommentsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetCommentsOfUserOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetCommentsOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetRatingAverageOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetRatingOfUserOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetRatingOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetRatingsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetRatingsOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetSocialDataForFullReplication = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
WSops.GetTags = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagTerms = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagTermsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagTermsOnUrl = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagUrlsOfUser = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagUrlsOfUserByKeyword = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagUrls = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.GetTagUrlsByKeyword = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.SetRating = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.UpdateComment = [SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
WSops.SpellCheck = [SPELLCHECK, false];
// Taxonomy Service Calls
// Updated 2011.01.27 by Thomas McMillan
WSops.AddTerms = [TAXONOMYSERVICE, true];
WSops.GetChildTermsInTerm = [TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
WSops.GetChildTermsInTermSet = [TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
WSops.GetKeywordTermsByGuids = [TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
WSops.GetTermsByLabel = [TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
WSops.GetTermSets = [TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
WSops.AddGroup = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddGroupToRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddRoleDef = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddUserCollectionToGroup = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddUserCollectionToRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddUserToGroup = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddUserToRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetGroupCollection = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromRole = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromSite = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromUser = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromWeb = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetGroupInfo = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRoleCollection = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRoleCollectionFromGroup = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRoleCollectionFromUser = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRoleCollectionFromWeb = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRoleInfo = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserCollection = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserCollectionFromGroup = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserCollectionFromRole = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserCollectionFromSite = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserCollectionFromWeb = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserInfo = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.GetUserLoginFromEmail = [USERGROUP, false];
WSops.RemoveGroup = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveGroupFromRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserCollectionFromRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserCollectionFromSite = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserFromGroup = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserFromRole = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserFromSite = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.RemoveUserFromWeb = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.UpdateGroupInfo = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.UpdateRoleDefInfo = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.UpdateRoleInfo = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.UpdateUserInfo = [USERGROUP, true];
WSops.AddColleague = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.AddMembership = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.AddPinnedLink = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.CreateMemberGroup = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.CreateUserProfileByAccountName = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.GetCommonColleagues = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetCommonManager = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetCommonMemberships = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetInCommon = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetPropertyChoiceList = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserColleagues = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserLinks = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserMemberships = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserPinnedLinks = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserProfileByGuid = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserProfileByIndex = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserProfileByName = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserProfileCount = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserProfileSchema = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.GetUserPropertyByAccountName = [USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
WSops.ModifyUserPropertyByAccountName = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveAllColleagues = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveAllLinks = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveAllMemberships = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveAllPinnedLinks = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveColleague = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveLink = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemoveMembership = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.RemovePinnedLink = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.UpdateColleaguePrivacy = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.UpdateLink = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.UpdateMembershipPrivacy = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.UpdatePinnedLink = [USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
WSops.DeleteAllVersions = [VERSIONS, true];
WSops.DeleteVersion = [VERSIONS, true];
WSops.GetVersions = [VERSIONS, false];
WSops.RestoreVersion = [VERSIONS, true];
WSops.AddView = [VIEWS, true];
WSops.DeleteView = [VIEWS, true];
WSops.GetView = [VIEWS, false];
WSops.GetViewHtml = [VIEWS, false];
WSops.GetViewCollection = [VIEWS, false];
WSops.UpdateView = [VIEWS, true];
WSops.UpdateViewHtml = [VIEWS, true];
WSops.AddWebPart = [WEBPARTPAGES, true];
WSops.AddWebPartToZone = [WEBPARTPAGES, true];
WSops.DeleteWebPart = [WEBPARTPAGES, true];
WSops.GetWebPart2 = [WEBPARTPAGES, false];
WSops.GetWebPartPage = [WEBPARTPAGES, false];
WSops.GetWebPartProperties = [WEBPARTPAGES, false];
WSops.GetWebPartProperties2 = [WEBPARTPAGES, false];
WSops.SaveWebPart2 = [WEBPARTPAGES, true];
WSops.CreateContentType = [WEBS, true];
WSops.GetColumns = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetContentType = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetContentTypes = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetCustomizedPageStatus = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetListTemplates = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetObjectIdFromUrl = [WEBS, false]; // 2010
WSops.GetWeb = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetWebCollection = [WEBS, false];
WSops.GetAllSubWebCollection = [WEBS, false];
WSops.UpdateColumns = [WEBS, true];
WSops.UpdateContentType = [WEBS, true];
WSops.WebUrlFromPageUrl = [WEBS, false];
WSops.AlterToDo = [WORKFLOW, true];
WSops.ClaimReleaseTask = [WORKFLOW, true];
WSops.GetTemplatesForItem = [WORKFLOW, false];
WSops.GetToDosForItem = [WORKFLOW, false];
WSops.GetWorkflowDataForItem = [WORKFLOW, false];
WSops.GetWorkflowTaskData = [WORKFLOW, false];
WSops.StartWorkflow = [WORKFLOW, true];
// Set up SOAP envelope
var SOAPEnvelope = {};
SOAPEnvelope.header = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''><soap:Body>";
SOAPEnvelope.footer = "</soap:Body></soap:Envelope>";
SOAPEnvelope.payload = "";
var SOAPAction;
// Main function, which calls SharePoint's Web Services directly.
$.fn.SPServices = function (options) {
// If there are no options passed in, use the defaults. Extend replaces each default with the passed option.
var opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.SPServices.defaults, options);
// Encode options which may contain special character, esp. ampersand
for (var i = 0; i < encodeOptionList.length; i++) {
if (typeof opt[encodeOptionList[i]] === "string") {
opt[encodeOptionList[i]] = encodeXml(opt[encodeOptionList[i]]);
// Put together operation header and SOAPAction for the SOAP call based on which Web Service we're calling
SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " ";
switch (WSops[opt.operation][0]) {
case ALERTS:
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/2002/1/alerts/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/2002/1/alerts/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/meetings/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/meetings/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/recordsrepository/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/recordsrepository/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='' >";
SOAPAction = "";
case SEARCH:
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search' >";
SOAPAction = "urn:Microsoft.Search/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/diagnostics/' >";
SOAPAction = "";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='' >";
SOAPAction = "";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='' >";
SOAPAction = "";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/taxonomy/soap/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/taxonomy/soap/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='' >";
SOAPAction = "";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='' >";
SOAPAction = "";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/workflow/' >";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/workflow/";
SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/'>";
SOAPAction = SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/";
// Add the operation to the SOAPAction and opfooter
SOAPAction += opt.operation;
SOAPEnvelope.opfooter = "</" + opt.operation + ">";
// Build the URL for the Ajax call based on which operation we're calling
// If the webURL has been provided, then use it, else use the current site
var ajaxURL = "_vti_bin/" + WSops[opt.operation][0] + ".asmx";
var thisSite = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite();
if (opt.webURL.charAt(opt.webURL.length - 1) === SLASH) {
ajaxURL = opt.webURL + ajaxURL;
} else if (opt.webURL.length > 0) {
ajaxURL = opt.webURL + SLASH + ajaxURL;
} else {
ajaxURL = thisSite + ((thisSite.charAt(thisSite.length - 1) === SLASH) ? ajaxURL : (SLASH + ajaxURL));
SOAPEnvelope.payload = "";
// Each operation requires a different set of values. This switch statement sets them up in the SOAPEnvelope.payload.
switch (opt.operation) {
case "GetAlerts":
case "DeleteAlerts":
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "<IDs>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.IDs.length; i++) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("string", opt.IDs[i]);
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "</IDs>";
case "Mode":
case "Login":
addToPayload(opt, ["username", "password"]);
case "CopyIntoItems":
addToPayload(opt, ["SourceUrl"]);
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "<DestinationUrls>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.DestinationUrls.length; i++) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("string", opt.DestinationUrls[i]);
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "</DestinationUrls>";
addToPayload(opt, ["Fields", "Stream", "Results"]);
case "CopyIntoItemsLocal":
addToPayload(opt, ["SourceUrl"]);
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "<DestinationUrls>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.DestinationUrls.length; i++) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("string", opt.DestinationUrls[i]);
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "</DestinationUrls>";
case "GetItem":
addToPayload(opt, ["Url", "Fields", "Stream"]);
case "GetForm":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "formUrl"]);
case "GetFormCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName"]);
case "AddAttachment":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "listItemID", "fileName", "attachment"]);
case "AddDiscussionBoardItem":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "message"]);
case "AddList":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "description", "templateID"]);
case "AddListFromFeature":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "description", "featureID", "templateID"]);
case "ApplyContentTypeToList":
addToPayload(opt, ["webUrl", "contentTypeId", "listName"]);
case "CheckInFile":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "comment", "CheckinType"]);
case "CheckOutFile":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "checkoutToLocal", "lastmodified"]);
case "CreateContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "displayName", "parentType", "fields", "contentTypeProperties", "addToView"]);
case "DeleteAttachment":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "listItemID", "url"]);
case "DeleteContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "contentTypeId"]);
case "DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "contentTypeId", "documentUri"]);
case "DeleteList":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName"]);
case "GetAttachmentCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", ["listItemID", "ID"]]);
case "GetList":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName"]);
case "GetListAndView":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName"]);
case "GetListCollection":
case "GetListContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "contentTypeId"]);
case "GetListContentTypes":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName"]);
case "GetListItems":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName", ["query", "CAMLQuery"],
["viewFields", "CAMLViewFields"],
["rowLimit", "CAMLRowLimit"],
["queryOptions", "CAMLQueryOptions"]
case "GetListItemChanges":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewFields", "since", "contains"]);
case "GetListItemChangesSinceToken":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName", ["query", "CAMLQuery"],
["viewFields", "CAMLViewFields"],
["rowLimit", "CAMLRowLimit"],
["queryOptions", "CAMLQueryOptions"], {
name: "changeToken",
sendNull: false
}, {
name: "contains",
sendNull: false
case "GetVersionCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["strlistID", "strlistItemID", "strFieldName"]);
case "UndoCheckOut":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl"]);
case "UpdateContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "contentTypeId", "contentTypeProperties", "newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields", "addToView"]);
case "UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "newDocument"]);
case "UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "contentTypeId", "newDocument"]);
case "UpdateList":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "listProperties", "newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields", "listVersion"]);
case "UpdateListItems":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName"]);
if (typeof opt.updates !== "undefined" && opt.updates.length > 0) {
addToPayload(opt, ["updates"]);
} else {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "<updates><Batch OnError='Continue'><Method ID='1' Cmd='" + opt.batchCmd + "'>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.valuepairs.length; i++) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "<Field Name='" + opt.valuepairs[i][0] + "'>" + escapeColumnValue(opt.valuepairs[i][1]) + "</Field>";
if (opt.batchCmd !== "New") {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "<Field Name='ID'>" + opt.ID + "</Field>";
SOAPEnvelope.payload += "</Method></Batch></updates>";
case "AddMeeting":
addToPayload(opt, ["organizerEmail", "uid", "sequence", "utcDateStamp", "title", "location", "utcDateStart", "utcDateEnd", "nonGregorian"]);
case "CreateWorkspace":
addToPayload(opt, ["title", "templateName", "lcid", "timeZoneInformation"]);
case "RemoveMeeting":
addToPayload(opt, ["recurrenceId", "uid", "sequence", "utcDateStamp", "cancelMeeting"]);
case "SetWorkspaceTitle":
addToPayload(opt, ["title"]);
case "GetRecordRouting":
addToPayload(opt, ["recordRouting"]);
case "GetRecordRoutingCollection":
case "GetServerInfo":
case "SubmitFile":
addToPayload(opt, ["fileToSubmit"], ["properties"], ["recordRouting"], ["sourceUrl"], ["userName"]);
case "ResolvePrincipals":
addToPayload(opt, ["principalKeys", "principalType", "addToUserInfoList"]);
case "SearchPrincipals":
addToPayload(opt, ["searchText", "maxResults", "principalType"]);
case "AddPermission":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionIdentifier", "permissionType", "permissionMask"]);
case "AddPermissionCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionsInfoXml"]);
case "GetPermissionCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectName", "objectType"]);
case "RemovePermission":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionIdentifier", "permissionType"]);
case "RemovePermissionCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectName", "objectType", "memberIdsXml"]);
case "UpdatePermission":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionIdentifier", "permissionType", "permissionMask"]);
case "GetLinks":
case "GetPortalSearchInfo":
SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns=''>";
SOAPAction = "" + opt.operation;
case "GetQuerySuggestions":
SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns=''>";
SOAPAction = "" + opt.operation;
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("queryXml", encodeXml(opt.queryXml));
case "GetSearchMetadata":
SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns=''>";
SOAPAction = "" + opt.operation;
case "Query":
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("queryXml", encodeXml(opt.queryXml));
case "QueryEx":
SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns=''>";
SOAPAction = "" + opt.operation;
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("queryXml", encodeXml(opt.queryXml));
case "Registration":
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("registrationXml", encodeXml(opt.registrationXml));
case "Status":
case "SendClientScriptErrorReport":
addToPayload(opt, ["message", "file", "line", "client", "stack", "team", "originalFile"]);
case "EnumerateFolder":
addToPayload(opt, ["strFolderUrl"]);
case "GetAttachments":
addToPayload(opt, ["strListName", "strItemId"]);
case "SiteDataGetList":
addToPayload(opt, ["strListName"]);
// Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
SOAPEnvelope = siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
case "SiteDataGetListCollection":
// Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
SOAPEnvelope = siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
case "SiteDataGetSite":
// Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
SOAPEnvelope = siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
case "SiteDataGetSiteUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["Url"]);
// Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
SOAPEnvelope = siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
case "SiteDataGetWeb":
// Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
SOAPEnvelope = siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
case "CreateWeb":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "title", "description", "templateName", "language", "languageSpecified",
"locale", "localeSpecified", "collationLocale", "collationLocaleSpecified", "uniquePermissions",
"uniquePermissionsSpecified", "anonymous", "anonymousSpecified", "presence", "presenceSpecified"
case "DeleteWeb":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "GetSite":
addToPayload(opt, ["SiteUrl"]);
case "GetSiteTemplates":
addToPayload(opt, ["LCID", "TemplateList"]);
case "AddComment":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "comment", "isHighPriority", "title"]);
case "AddTag":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "termID", "title", "isPrivate"]);
case "AddTagByKeyword":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "keyword", "title", "isPrivate"]);
case "CountCommentsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName"]);
case "CountCommentsOfUserOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName", "url"]);
case "CountCommentsOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "CountRatingsOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "CountTagsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName"]);
case "DeleteComment":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "lastModifiedTime"]);
case "DeleteRating":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "DeleteTag":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "termID"]);
case "DeleteTagByKeyword":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "keyword"]);
case "DeleteTags":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "GetAllTagTerms":
addToPayload(opt, ["maximumItemsToReturn"]);
case "GetAllTagTermsForUrlFolder":
addToPayload(opt, ["urlFolder", "maximumItemsToReturn"]);
case "GetAllTagUrls":
addToPayload(opt, ["termID"]);
case "GetAllTagUrlsByKeyword":
addToPayload(opt, ["keyword"]);
case "GetCommentsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName", "maximumItemsToReturn", "startIndex"]);
case "GetCommentsOfUserOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName", "url"]);
case "GetCommentsOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "maximumItemsToReturn", "startIndex"]);
if (typeof opt.excludeItemsTime !== "undefined" && opt.excludeItemsTime.length > 0) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode("excludeItemsTime", opt.excludeItemsTime);
case "GetRatingAverageOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "GetRatingOfUserOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName", "url"]);
case "GetRatingOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "GetRatingsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName"]);
case "GetRatingsOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "GetSocialDataForFullReplication":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName"]);
case "GetTags":
addToPayload(opt, ["url"]);
case "GetTagsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName", "maximumItemsToReturn", "startIndex"]);
case "GetTagTerms":
addToPayload(opt, ["maximumItemsToReturn"]);
case "GetTagTermsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userAccountName", "maximumItemsToReturn"]);
case "GetTagTermsOnUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "maximumItemsToReturn"]);
case "GetTagUrls":
addToPayload(opt, ["termID"]);
case "GetTagUrlsByKeyword":
addToPayload(opt, ["keyword"]);
case "GetTagUrlsOfUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["termID", "userAccountName"]);
case "GetTagUrlsOfUserByKeyword":
addToPayload(opt, ["keyword", "userAccountName"]);
case "SetRating":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "rating", "title", "analysisDataEntry"]);
case "UpdateComment":
addToPayload(opt, ["url", "lastModifiedTime", "comment", "isHighPriority"]);
case "SpellCheck":
addToPayload(opt, ["chunksToSpell", "declaredLanguage", "useLad"]);
case "AddTerms":
addToPayload(opt, ["sharedServiceId", "termSetId", "lcid", "newTerms"]);
case "GetChildTermsInTerm":
addToPayload(opt, ["sspId", "lcid", "termId", "termSetId"]);
case "GetChildTermsInTermSet":
addToPayload(opt, ["sspId", "lcid", "termSetId"]);
case "GetKeywordTermsByGuids":
addToPayload(opt, ["termIds", "lcid"]);
case "GetTermsByLabel":
addToPayload(opt, ["label", "lcid", "matchOption", "resultCollectionSize", "termIds", "addIfNotFound"]);
case "GetTermSets":
addToPayload(opt, ["sharedServiceId", "termSetId", "lcid", "clientTimeStamps", "clientVersions"]);
case "AddGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName", "ownerIdentifier", "ownerType", "defaultUserLoginName", "description"]);
case "AddGroupToRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName", "roleName"]);
case "AddRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
case "AddRoleDef":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
case "AddUserCollectionToGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName", "usersInfoXml"]);
case "AddUserCollectionToRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "usersInfoXml"]);
case "AddUserToGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName", "userName", "userLoginName", "userEmail", "userNotes"]);
case "AddUserToRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "userName", "userLoginName", "userEmail", "userNotes"]);
case "GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb":
case "GetGroupCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupNamesXml"]);
case "GetGroupCollectionFromRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName"]);
case "GetGroupCollectionFromSite":
case "GetGroupCollectionFromUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginName"]);
case "GetGroupCollectionFromWeb":
case "GetGroupInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName"]);
case "GetRoleCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleNamesXml"]);
case "GetRoleCollectionFromGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName"]);
case "GetRoleCollectionFromUser":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginName"]);
case "GetRoleCollectionFromWeb":
case "GetRoleInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName"]);
case "GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser":
case "GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite":
case "GetUserCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginNamesXml"]);
case "GetUserCollectionFromGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName"]);
case "GetUserCollectionFromRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName"]);
case "GetUserCollectionFromSite":
case "GetUserCollectionFromWeb":
case "GetUserInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginName"]);
case "GetUserLoginFromEmail":
addToPayload(opt, ["emailXml"]);
case "RemoveGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName"]);
case "RemoveGroupFromRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "groupName"]);
case "RemoveRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName"]);
case "RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName", "userLoginNamesXml"]);
case "RemoveUserCollectionFromRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "userLoginNamesXml"]);
case "RemoveUserCollectionFromSite":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginNamesXml"]);
case "RemoveUserFromGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["groupName", "userLoginName"]);
case "RemoveUserFromRole":
addToPayload(opt, ["roleName", "userLoginName"]);
case "RemoveUserFromSite":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginName"]);
case "RemoveUserFromWeb":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginName"]);
case "UpdateGroupInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["oldGroupName", "groupName", "ownerIdentifier", "ownerType", "description"]);
case "UpdateRoleDefInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["oldRoleName", "roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
case "UpdateRoleInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["oldRoleName", "roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
case "UpdateUserInfo":
addToPayload(opt, ["userLoginName", "userName", "userEmail", "userNotes"]);
case "AddColleague":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "colleagueAccountName", "group", "privacy", "isInWorkGroup"]);
case "AddLink":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "name", "url", "group", "privacy"]);
case "AddMembership":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "membershipInfo", "group", "privacy"]);
case "AddPinnedLink":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "name", "url"]);
case "CreateMemberGroup":
addToPayload(opt, ["membershipInfo"]);
case "CreateUserProfileByAccountName":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetCommonColleagues":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetCommonManager":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetCommonMemberships":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetInCommon":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetPropertyChoiceList":
addToPayload(opt, ["propertyName"]);
case "GetUserColleagues":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetUserLinks":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetUserMemberships":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetUserPinnedLinks":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "GetUserProfileByGuid":
addToPayload(opt, ["guid"]);
case "GetUserProfileByIndex":
addToPayload(opt, ["index"]);
case "GetUserProfileByName":
// Note that this operation is inconsistent with the others, using AccountName rather than accountName
if (typeof opt.accountName !== "undefined" && opt.accountName.length > 0) {
addToPayload(opt, [
["AccountName", "accountName"]
} else {
addToPayload(opt, ["AccountName"]);
case "GetUserProfileCount":
case "GetUserProfileSchema":
case "GetUserPropertyByAccountName":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "propertyName"]);
case "ModifyUserPropertyByAccountName":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "newData"]);
case "RemoveAllColleagues":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "RemoveAllLinks":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "RemoveAllMemberships":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "RemoveAllPinnedLinks":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName"]);
case "RemoveColleague":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "colleagueAccountName"]);
case "RemoveLink":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "id"]);
case "RemoveMembership":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "sourceInternal", "sourceReference"]);
case "RemovePinnedLink":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "id"]);
case "UpdateColleaguePrivacy":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "colleagueAccountName", "newPrivacy"]);
case "UpdateLink":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "data"]);
case "UpdateMembershipPrivacy":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "sourceInternal", "sourceReference", "newPrivacy"]);
case "UpdatePinnedLink ":
addToPayload(opt, ["accountName", "data"]);
case "DeleteAllVersions":
addToPayload(opt, ["fileName"]);
case "DeleteVersion":
addToPayload(opt, ["fileName", "fileVersion"]);
case "GetVersions":
addToPayload(opt, ["fileName"]);
case "RestoreVersion":
addToPayload(opt, ["fileName", "fileVersion"]);
case "AddView":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName", "viewFields", "query", "rowLimit", "rowLimit", "type", "makeViewDefault"]);
case "DeleteView":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName"]);
case "GetView":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName"]);
case "GetViewCollection":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName"]);
case "GetViewHtml":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName"]);
case "UpdateView":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName", "viewProperties", "query", "viewFields", "aggregations", "formats", "rowLimit"]);
case "UpdateViewHtml":
addToPayload(opt, ["listName", "viewName", "viewProperties", "toolbar", "viewHeader", "viewBody", "viewFooter", "viewEmpty", "rowLimitExceeded",
"query", "viewFields", "aggregations", "formats", "rowLimit"
case "AddWebPart":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "webPartXml", "storage"]);
case "AddWebPartToZone":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "webPartXml", "storage", "zoneId", "zoneIndex"]);
case "DeleteWebPart":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "storageKey", "storage"]);
case "GetWebPart2":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "storageKey", "storage", "behavior"]);
case "GetWebPartPage":
addToPayload(opt, ["documentName", "behavior"]);
case "GetWebPartProperties":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "storage"]);
case "GetWebPartProperties2":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "storage", "behavior"]);
case "SaveWebPart2":
addToPayload(opt, ["pageUrl", "storageKey", "webPartXml", "storage", "allowTypeChange"]);
case "Webs.CreateContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["displayName", "parentType", "newFields", "contentTypeProperties"]);
case "GetColumns":
addToPayload(opt, ["webUrl"]);
case "GetContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["contentTypeId"]);
case "GetContentTypes":
case "GetCustomizedPageStatus":
addToPayload(opt, ["fileUrl"]);
case "GetListTemplates":
case "GetObjectIdFromUrl":
addToPayload(opt, ["objectUrl"]);
case "GetWeb":
addToPayload(opt, [
["webUrl", "webURL"]
case "GetWebCollection":
case "GetAllSubWebCollection":
case "UpdateColumns":
addToPayload(opt, ["newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields"]);
case "Webs.UpdateContentType":
addToPayload(opt, ["contentTypeId", "contentTypeProperties", "newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields"]);
case "WebUrlFromPageUrl":
addToPayload(opt, [
["pageUrl", "pageURL"]
case "AlterToDo":
addToPayload(opt, ["item", "todoId", "todoListId", "taskData"]);
case "ClaimReleaseTask":
addToPayload(opt, ["item", "taskId", "listId", "fClaim"]);
case "GetTemplatesForItem":
addToPayload(opt, ["item"]);
case "GetToDosForItem":
addToPayload(opt, ["item"]);
case "GetWorkflowDataForItem":
addToPayload(opt, ["item"]);
case "GetWorkflowTaskData":
addToPayload(opt, ["item", "listId", "taskId"]);
case "StartWorkflow":
addToPayload(opt, ["item", "templateId", "workflowParameters"]);
// Glue together the pieces of the SOAP message
var msg = SOAPEnvelope.header + SOAPEnvelope.opheader + SOAPEnvelope.payload + SOAPEnvelope.opfooter + SOAPEnvelope.footer;
// Check to see if we've already cached the results
var cachedPromise;
if (opt.cacheXML) {
cachedPromise = promisesCache[msg];
if (typeof cachedPromise === "undefined") {
// Finally, make the Ajax call
promisesCache[msg] = $.ajax({
// The relative URL for the AJAX call
url: ajaxURL,
// By default, the AJAX calls are asynchronous. You can specify false to require a synchronous call.
async: opt.async,
// Before sending the msg, need to send the request header
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
// If we need to pass the SOAPAction, do so
if (WSops[opt.operation][1]) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", SOAPAction);
// Always a POST
type: "POST",
// Here is the SOAP request we've built above
data: msg,
// We're getting XML; tell jQuery so that it doesn't need to do a best guess
dataType: "xml",
// and this is its content type
contentType: "text/xml;charset='utf-8'",
complete: function (xData, Status) {
// When the call is complete, call the completefunc if there is one
if ($.isFunction(opt.completefunc)) {
opt.completefunc(xData, Status);
// Return the promise
return promisesCache[msg];
} else {
// Call the completefunc if there is one
if ($.isFunction(opt.completefunc)) {
opt.completefunc(cachedPromise, null);
// Return the cached promise
return cachedPromise;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices
// Defaults added as a function in our library means that the caller can override the defaults
// for their session by calling this function. Each operation requires a different set of options;
// we allow for all in a standardized way.
$.fn.SPServices.defaults = {
cacheXML: false, // If true, we'll cache the XML results with jQuery's .data() function
operation: "", // The Web Service operation
webURL: "", // URL of the target Web
makeViewDefault: false, // true to make the view the default view for the list
// For operations requiring CAML, these options will override any abstractions
viewName: "", // View name in CAML format.
CAMLQuery: "", // Query in CAML format
CAMLViewFields: "", // View fields in CAML format
CAMLRowLimit: 0, // Row limit as a string representation of an integer
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions></QueryOptions>", // Query options in CAML format
// Abstractions for CAML syntax
batchCmd: "Update", // Method Cmd for UpdateListItems
valuepairs: [], // Fieldname / Fieldvalue pairs for UpdateListItems
// As of v0.7.1, removed all options which were assigned an empty string ("")
DestinationUrls: [], // Array of destination URLs for copy operations
behavior: "Version3", // An SPWebServiceBehavior indicating whether the client supports Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: {Version2 | Version3 }
storage: "Shared", // A Storage value indicating how the Web Part is stored: {None | Personal | Shared}
objectType: "List", // objectType for operations which require it
cancelMeeting: true, // true to delete a meeting;false to remove its association with a Meeting Workspace site
nonGregorian: false, // true if the calendar is set to a format other than Gregorian;otherwise, false.
fClaim: false, // Specifies if the action is a claim or a release. Specifies true for a claim and false for a release.
recurrenceId: 0, // The recurrence ID for the meeting that needs its association removed. This parameter can be set to 0 for single-instance meetings.
sequence: 0, // An integer that is used to determine the ordering of updates in case they arrive out of sequence. Updates with a lower-than-current sequence are discarded. If the sequence is equal to the current sequence, the latest update are applied.
maximumItemsToReturn: 0, // SocialDataService maximumItemsToReturn
startIndex: 0, // SocialDataService startIndex
isHighPriority: false, // SocialDataService isHighPriority
isPrivate: false, // SocialDataService isPrivate
rating: 1, // SocialDataService rating
maxResults: 10, // Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of principals that can be returned from a provider is 10.
principalType: "User", // Specifies user scope and other information: [None | User | DistributionList | SecurityGroup | SharePointGroup | All]
async: true, // Allow the user to force async
completefunc: null // Function to call on completion
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.defaults
// Function to determine the current Web's URL. We need this for successful Ajax calls.
// The function is also available as a public function.
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite = function () {
// We've already determined the current site...
if (currentContext.thisSite.length > 0) {
return currentContext.thisSite;
// If we still don't know the current site, we call WebUrlFromPageUrlResult.
var msg = SOAPEnvelope.header +
"<WebUrlFromPageUrl xmlns='" + SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/' ><pageUrl>" +
((location.href.indexOf("?") > 0) ? location.href.substr(0, location.href.indexOf("?")) : location.href) +
"</pageUrl></WebUrlFromPageUrl>" +
async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
url: "/_vti_bin/Webs.asmx",
type: "POST",
data: msg,
dataType: "xml",
contentType: "text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"",
complete: function (xData) {
currentContext.thisSite = $(xData.responseXML).find("WebUrlFromPageUrlResult").text();
return currentContext.thisSite; // Return the URL
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite
// Function to set up cascading dropdowns on a SharePoint form
// (Newform.aspx, EditForm.aspx, or any other customized form.)
$.fn.SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
relationshipWebURL: "", // [Optional] The name of the Web (site) which contains the relationships list
relationshipList: "", // The name of the list which contains the parent/child relationships
relationshipListParentColumn: "", // The internal name of the parent column in the relationship list
relationshipListChildColumn: "", // The internal name of the child column in the relationship list
relationshipListSortColumn: "", // [Optional] If specified, sort the options in the dropdown by this column,
// otherwise the options are sorted by relationshipListChildColumn
parentColumn: "", // The display name of the parent column in the form
childColumn: "", // The display name of the child column in the form
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
CAMLQuery: "", // [Optional] For power users, this CAML fragment will be Anded with the default query on the relationshipList
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns></QueryOptions>", // [Optional] For power users, ability to specify Query Options
promptText: "", // [DEPRECATED] Text to use as prompt. If included, {0} will be replaced with the value of childColumn. IOrignal value "Choose {0}..."
noneText: "(None)", // [Optional] Text to use for the (None) selection. Provided for non-English language support.
simpleChild: false, // [Optional] If set to true and childColumn is a complex dropdown, convert it to a simple dropdown
selectSingleOption: false, // [Optional] If set to true and there is only a single child option, select it
matchOnId: false, // By default, we match on the lookup's text value. If matchOnId is true, we'll match on the lookup id instead.
completefunc: null, // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, options);
var thisParentSetUp = false;
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns";
// Find the parent column's select (dropdown)
var parentSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.parentColumn
if (parentSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "parentColumn: " + opt.parentColumn, TXTColumnNotFound);
// Find the child column's select (dropdown)
var childSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.childColumn
if (childSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "childColumn: " + opt.childColumn, TXTColumnNotFound);
// If requested and the childColumn is a complex dropdown, convert to a simple dropdown
if (opt.simpleChild === true && childSelect.Type === dropdownType.complex) {
listName: opt.listName,
columnName: opt.childColumn
// Set the childSelect to reference the new simple dropdown
childSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.childColumn
var childColumnRequired, childColumnStatic;
// Get information about the childColumn from the current list
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
listName: opt.listName,
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("Fields").each(function () {
$(this).find("Field[DisplayName='" + opt.childColumn + "']").each(function () {
// Determine whether childColumn is Required
childColumnRequired = ($(this).attr("Required") === "TRUE");
childColumnStatic = $(this).attr("StaticName");
// Stop looking; we're done
return false;
// Save data about each child column on the parent
var childColumn = {
opt: opt,
childSelect: childSelect,
childColumnStatic: childColumnStatic,
childColumnRequired: childColumnRequired
var childColumns ="SPCascadeDropdownsChildColumns");
// If this is the first child for this parent, then create the data object to hold the settings
if (typeof childColumns === "undefined") {"SPCascadeDropdownsChildColumns", [childColumn]);
// If we already have a data object for this parent, then add the setting for this child to it
} else {
childColumns.push(childColumn);"SPCascadeDropdownsChildColumns", childColumns);
thisParentSetUp = true;
// We only need to bind to the event(s) if we haven't already done so
if (!thisParentSetUp) {
switch (parentSelect.Type) {
// Plain old select
case dropdownType.simple:
parentSelect.Obj.bind("change", function () {
// Input / Select hybrid
case dropdownType.complex:
// Bind to any change on the hidden input element
parentSelect.optHid.bind("propertychange", function () {
// Multi-select hybrid
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
// Handle the dblclick on the candidate select
$(parentSelect.master.candidateControl).bind("dblclick", function () {
// Handle the dblclick on the selected values
$(parentSelect.master.resultControl).bind("dblclick", function () {
// Handle button clicks
$(parentSelect.master.addControl).bind("click", function () {
$(parentSelect.master.removeControl).bind("click", function () {
// Fire the change to set the initially allowable values
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns
function cascadeDropdown(parentSelect) {
var choices = "";
var parentSelectSelected;
var childSelectSelected = null;
var newMultiLookupPickerdata;
var numChildOptions;
var firstChildOptionId;
var firstChildOptionValue;
// Filter each child column
var childColumns ="SPCascadeDropdownsChildColumns");
$(childColumns).each(function () {
// Break out the data objects for this child column
var opt = this.opt;
var childSelect = this.childSelect;
var childColumnStatic = this.childColumnStatic;
var childColumnRequired = this.childColumnRequired;
// Get the parent column selection(s)
parentSelectSelected = getDropdownSelected(parentSelect, opt.matchOnId);
// If the selection hasn't changed, then there's nothing to do right now. This is useful to reduce
// the number of Web Service calls when the parentSelect.Type = dropdownType.complex or dropdownType.multiSelect, as there are multiple propertychanges
// which don't require any action. The attribute will be unique per child column in case there are
// multiple children for a given parent.
var allParentSelections = parentSelectSelected.join(spDelim);
if ("SPCascadeDropdown_Selected_" + childColumnStatic) === allParentSelections) {
}"SPCascadeDropdown_Selected_" + childColumnStatic, allParentSelections);
// Get the current child column selection(s)
childSelectSelected = getDropdownSelected(childSelect, true);
// When the parent column's selected option changes, get the matching items from the relationship list
// Get the list items which match the current selection
var sortColumn = (opt.relationshipListSortColumn.length > 0) ? opt.relationshipListSortColumn : opt.relationshipListChildColumn;
var camlQuery = "<Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='" + sortColumn + "'/></OrderBy><Where><And>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += "<And>";
// Build up the criteria for inclusion
if (parentSelectSelected.length === 0) {
// Handle the case where no values are selected in multi-selects
camlQuery += "<Eq><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListParentColumn + "'/><Value Type='Text'></Value></Eq>";
} else if (parentSelectSelected.length === 1) {
// Only one value is selected
camlQuery += "<Eq><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListParentColumn +
(opt.matchOnId ? "' LookupId='True'/><Value Type='Integer'>" : "'/><Value Type='Text'>") +
escapeColumnValue(parentSelectSelected[0]) + "</Value></Eq>";
} else {
var compound = (parentSelectSelected.length > 2);
for (i = 0; i < (parentSelectSelected.length - 1); i++) {
camlQuery += "<Or>";
for (i = 0; i < parentSelectSelected.length; i++) {
camlQuery += "<Eq><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListParentColumn +
(opt.matchOnId ? "' LookupId='True'/><Value Type='Integer'>" : "'/><Value Type='Text'>") +
escapeColumnValue(parentSelectSelected[i]) + "</Value></Eq>";
if (i > 0 && (i < (parentSelectSelected.length - 1)) && compound) {
camlQuery += "</Or>";
camlQuery += "</Or>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += opt.CAMLQuery + "</And>";
// Make sure we don't get any items which don't have the child value
camlQuery += "<IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListChildColumn + "' /></IsNotNull>";
camlQuery += "</And></Where></Query>";
operation: "GetListItems",
// Force sync so that we have the right values for the child column onchange trigger
async: false,
webURL: opt.relationshipWebURL,
listName: opt.relationshipList,
// Filter based on the currently selected parent column's value
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
// Only get the parent and child columns
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListParentColumn + "' /><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListChildColumn + "' /></ViewFields>",
// Override the default view rowlimit and get all appropriate rows
CAMLRowLimit: 0,
// Even though setting IncludeMandatoryColumns to FALSE doesn't work as the docs describe, it fixes a bug in GetListItems with mandatory multi-selects
CAMLQueryOptions: opt.CAMLQueryOptions,
completefunc: function (xData) {
// Handle errors
$(xData.responseXML).find("errorstring").each(function () {
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns";
var errorText = $(this).text();
if (opt.debug && errorText === "One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields.") {
"relationshipListParentColumn: " + opt.relationshipListParentColumn + " or " +
"relationshipListChildColumn: " + opt.relationshipListChildColumn,
"Not found in relationshipList " + opt.relationshipList);
} else if (opt.debug && errorText === "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).") {
"relationshipList: " + opt.relationshipList,
"List not found");
// Add an explanatory prompt
switch (childSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
// Remove all of the existing options
// If the column is required or the promptText option is empty, don't add the prompt text
if (!childColumnRequired && (opt.promptText.length > 0)) {
childSelect.Obj.append("<option value='0'>" + opt.promptText.replace(/\{0\}/g, opt.childColumn) + "</option>");
} else if (!childColumnRequired) {
childSelect.Obj.append("<option value='0'>" + opt.noneText + "</option>");
case dropdownType.complex:
// If the column is required, don't add the "(None)" option
choices = childColumnRequired ? "" : opt.noneText + "|0";
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
// Remove all of the existing options
newMultiLookupPickerdata = "";
// Get the count of items returned and save it so that we can select if it's a single option
// The item count is stored thus: <rs:data ItemCount="1">
numChildOptions = parseFloat($(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("rs:data").attr("ItemCount"));
// Add an option for each child item
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
var thisOption = {};
// If relationshipListChildColumn is a Lookup column, then the ID should be for the Lookup value,
// else the ID of the relationshipList item
var thisValue = $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.relationshipListChildColumn);
if (typeof thisValue !== "undefined" && thisValue.indexOf(spDelim) > 0) {
thisOption = new SplitIndex(thisValue);
} else { = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
thisOption.value = thisValue;
// If the relationshipListChildColumn is a calculated column, then the value isn't preceded by the ID,
// but by the datatype. In this case, should be the ID of the relationshipList item.
// e.g., float;#12345.67
if (isNaN( { = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
// Save the id and value for the first child option in case we need to select it (selectSingleOption option is true)
firstChildOptionId =;
firstChildOptionValue = thisOption.value;
switch (childSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
var selected = ($(this).attr("ows_ID") === childSelectSelected[0]) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
childSelect.Obj.append("<option" + selected + " value='" + + "'>" + thisOption.value + "</option>");
case dropdownType.complex:
if ( === childSelectSelected[0]) {
choices = choices + ((choices.length > 0) ? "|" : "") + thisOption.value + "|" +;
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
$(childSelect.master.candidateControl).append("<option value='" + + "'>" + thisOption.value + "</option>");
newMultiLookupPickerdata += + "|t" + thisOption.value + "|t |t |t";
switch (childSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
// If there is only one option and the selectSingleOption option is true, then select it
if (numChildOptions === 1 && opt.selectSingleOption === true) {
$(childSelect.Obj).find("option[value!='0']:first").attr("selected", "selected");
case dropdownType.complex:
// Set the allowable choices
childSelect.Obj.attr("choices", choices);
// If there is only one option and the selectSingleOption option is true, then select it
if (numChildOptions === 1 && opt.selectSingleOption === true) {
// Set the input element value
// Set the value of the optHid input element
// If there's no selection, then remove the value in the associated hidden input element (optHid)
if (childSelect.Obj.val() === "") {
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
// Clear the master = "";
// Clear any prior selections that are no longer valid or aren't selected
$(childSelect.master.resultControl).find("option").each(function () {
var thisSelected = $(this);
thisSelected.prop("selected", true);
$(childSelect.master.candidateControl).find("option[value='" + thisSelected.val() + "']").each(function () {
thisSelected.prop("selected", false);
// Hide any options in the candidate list which are already selected
$(childSelect.master.candidateControl).find("option").each(function () {
var thisSelected = $(this);
$(childSelect.master.resultControl).find("option[value='" + thisSelected.val() + "']").each(function () {
// Set to the newly allowable values = GipGetGroupData(newMultiLookupPickerdata);
// Trigger a dblclick so that the child will be cascaded if it is a multiselect.
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
}); // $(childColumns).each(function()
} // End cascadeDropdown
// function to convert complex dropdowns to simple dropdowns
$.fn.SPServices.SPComplexToSimpleDropdown = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
columnName: "", // The display name of the column in the form
completefunc: null, // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, options);
// Find the column's select (dropdown)
var columnSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.columnName
if (columnSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox("SPServices.SPComplexToSimpleDropdown", "columnName: " + opt.columnName, TXTColumnNotFound);
// If we don't have a complex dropdown, then there is nothing to do
if (columnSelect.Type !== dropdownType.complex) {
// The available options are stored in the choices attribute of the complex dropdown's input element...
var choices = $(columnSelect.Obj).attr("choices").split("|");
// We need to know which option is selected already, if any
var complexSelectSelectedId = columnSelect.optHid.val();
// Build up the simple dropdown, giving it an easy to select id
var simpleSelectId = genContainerId("SPComplexToSimpleDropdown", columnSelect.Obj.attr("title"), opt.listName);
var simpleSelect = "<select id='" + simpleSelectId + "' title='" + opt.columnName + "'>";
for (i = 0; i < choices.length; i = i + 2) {
var simpleSelectSelected = (choices[i + 1] === complexSelectSelectedId) ? " selected='selected' " : " ";
simpleSelect += "<option" + simpleSelectSelected + "value='" + choices[i + 1] + "'>" + choices[i] + "</option>";
simpleSelect += "</select>";
// Append the new simple select to the form
var simpleSelectObj = $("#" + simpleSelectId);
// Remove the complex dropdown functionality since we don't need it anymore...
// ...and hide the input element
// When the simple select changes...
simpleSelectObj.change(function () {
var thisVal = $(this).val();
// ...set the optHid input element's value to the valus of the selected option...
// ...and save the selected value as the hidden input's value only if the value is not equal to "0" (None)
$(columnSelect.Obj).val($(this).find("option[value='" + (thisVal !== "0" ? thisVal : "") + "']").html());
// Trigger a change to ensure that the selected value registers in the complex dropdown
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPConvertToSimpleDropdown
// Function to display related information when an option is selected on a form.
$.fn.SPServices.SPDisplayRelatedInfo = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
columnName: "", // The display name of the column in the form
relatedWebURL: "", // [Optional] The name of the Web (site) which contains the related list
relatedList: "", // The name of the list which contains the additional information
relatedListColumn: "", // The internal name of the related column in the related list
relatedColumns: [], // An array of related columns to display
displayFormat: "table", // The format to use in displaying the related information. Possible values are: [table, list]
headerCSSClass: "ms-vh2", // CSS class for the table headers
rowCSSClass: "ms-vb", // CSS class for the table rows
CAMLQuery: "", // [Optional] For power users, this CAML fragment will be <And>ed with the default query on the relatedList
numChars: 0, // If used on an input column (not a dropdown), no matching will occur until at least this number of characters has been entered
matchType: "Eq", // If used on an input column (not a dropdown), type of match. Can be any valid CAML comparison operator, most often "Eq" or "BeginsWith"
matchOnId: false, // By default, we match on the lookup's text value. If matchOnId is true, we'll match on the lookup id instead.
completefunc: null, // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, options);
var divId;
var relatedColumnsXML = [];
var relatedListXML;
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPDisplayRelatedInfo";
// Find the column's select (dropdown)
var columnSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.columnName
if (columnSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "columnName: " + opt.columnName, TXTColumnNotFound);
// Generate a unique id for the container
divId = genContainerId("SPDisplayRelatedInfo", opt.columnName, opt.listName);
// Get information about the related list and its columns
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
webURL: opt.relatedWebURL,
listName: opt.relatedList,
completefunc: function (xData) {
// If debug is on, notify about an error
$(xData.responseXML).find("faultcode").each(function () {
if (opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "relatedList: " + opt.relatedList, "List not found");
// Get info about the related list
relatedListXML = $(xData.responseXML).find("List");
// Save the information about each column requested
for (i = 0; i < opt.relatedColumns.length; i++) {
relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]] = $(xData.responseXML).find("Fields > Field[Name='" + opt.relatedColumns[i] + "']");
relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedListColumn] = $(xData.responseXML).find("Fields > Field[Name='" + opt.relatedListColumn + "']");
switch (columnSelect.Type) {
// Plain old select
case dropdownType.simple:
columnSelect.Obj.bind("change", function () {
showRelated(opt, divId, relatedListXML, relatedColumnsXML);
// Input / Select hybrid
case dropdownType.complex:
// Bind to any change on the hidden input element
columnSelect.optHid.bind("propertychange", function () {
showRelated(opt, divId, relatedListXML, relatedColumnsXML);
// Multi-select hybrid
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
if (opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "columnName: " + opt.columnName, "Multi-select columns not supported by this function");
// Fire the change to set the initially allowable values
showRelated(opt, divId, relatedListXML, relatedColumnsXML);
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPDisplayRelatedInfo
function showRelated(opt, divId, relatedListXML, relatedColumnsXML) {
var columnSelectSelected;
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPDisplayRelatedInfo";
// Find the column's select (dropdown)
var columnSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.columnName
// Get the current column selection(s)
columnSelectSelected = getDropdownSelected(columnSelect, opt.matchOnId);
if (columnSelect.Type === dropdownType.complex && opt.numChars > 0 && columnSelectSelected[0].length < opt.numChars) {
// If the selection hasn't changed, then there's nothing to do right now. This is useful to reduce
// the number of Web Service calls when the parentSelect.Type = dropdownType.complex, as there are multiple propertychanges
// which don't require any action.
if (columnSelect.Obj.attr("showRelatedSelected") === columnSelectSelected[0]) {
columnSelect.Obj.attr("showRelatedSelected", columnSelectSelected[0]);
// Remove the old container...
$("#" + divId).remove();
// ...and append a new, empty one
columnSelect.Obj.parent().append("<div id=" + divId + "></div>");
// Get the list items which match the current selection
var camlQuery = "<Query><Where>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += "<And>";
// Need to handle Lookup columns differently than static columns
var relatedListColumnType = relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedListColumn].attr("Type");
if (relatedListColumnType === "Lookup") {
camlQuery += "<Eq><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relatedListColumn +
(opt.matchOnId ? "' LookupId='True'/><Value Type='Integer'>" : "'/><Value Type='Text'>") +
escapeColumnValue(columnSelectSelected[0]) + "</Value></Eq>";
} else {
camlQuery += "<Eq><FieldRef Name='" +
(opt.matchOnId ? "ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>" : opt.relatedListColumn + "'/><Value Type='Text'>") +
escapeColumnValue(columnSelectSelected[0]) + "</Value></Eq>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += opt.CAMLQuery + "</And>";
camlQuery += "</Where></Query>";
var viewFields = " ";
for (i = 0; i < opt.relatedColumns.length; i++) {
viewFields += "<FieldRef Name='" + opt.relatedColumns[i] + "' />";
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.relatedWebURL,
listName: opt.relatedList,
// Filter based on the column's currently selected value
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields>" + viewFields + "</ViewFields>",
// Override the default view rowlimit and get all appropriate rows
CAMLRowLimit: 0,
completefunc: function (xData) {
// Handle errors
$(xData.responseXML).find("errorstring").each(function () {
var errorText = $(this).text();
if (opt.debug && errorText === "One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields.") {
"relatedListColumn: " + opt.relatedListColumn,
"Column not found in relatedList " + opt.relatedList);
} else if (opt.debug && errorText === "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).") {
"relatedList: " + opt.relatedList,
"List not found");
var outString;
// Output each row
switch (opt.displayFormat) {
// Only implementing the table format in the first iteration (v0.2.9)
case "table":
outString = "<table>";
outString += "<tr>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.relatedColumns.length; i++) {
if (typeof relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]] === "undefined" && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "columnName: " + opt.relatedColumns[i], "Column not found in relatedList");
outString += "<th class='" + opt.headerCSSClass + "'>" + relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]].attr("DisplayName") + "</th>";
outString += "</tr>";
// Add an option for each child item
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
outString += "<tr>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.relatedColumns.length; i++) {
outString += "<td class='" + opt.rowCSSClass + "'>" + showColumn(relatedListXML, relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]], $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.relatedColumns[i]), opt) + "</td>";
outString += "</tr>";
outString += "</table>";
// list format implemented in v0.5.0. Still table-based, but vertical orientation.
case "list":
outString = "<table>";
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
for (i = 0; i < opt.relatedColumns.length; i++) {
if (typeof relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]] === "undefined" && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "columnName: " + opt.relatedColumns[i], "Column not found in relatedList");
outString += "<tr>";
outString += "<th class='" + opt.headerCSSClass + "'>" + relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]].attr("DisplayName") + "</th>";
outString += "<td class='" + opt.rowCSSClass + "'>" + showColumn(relatedListXML, relatedColumnsXML[opt.relatedColumns[i]], $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.relatedColumns[i]), opt) + "</td>";
outString += "</tr>";
outString += "</table>";
// Write out the results
$("#" + divId).html(outString);
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
} // End showRelated
// Function to filter a lookup based dropdown
$.fn.SPServices.SPFilterDropdown = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
relationshipWebURL: "", // [Optional] The name of the Web (site) which contains the relationshipList
relationshipList: "", // The name of the list which contains the lookup values
relationshipListColumn: "", // The internal name of the column in the relationship list
relationshipListSortColumn: "", // [Optional] If specified, sort the options in the dropdown by this column,
// otherwise the options are sorted by relationshipListColumn
relationshipListSortAscending: true, // [Optional] By default, the sort is ascending. If false, descending
columnName: "", // The display name of the column in the form
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
promptText: "", // [DEPRECATED] Text to use as prompt. If included, {0} will be replaced with the value of columnName. IOrignal value "Choose {0}..."
noneText: "(None)", // [Optional] Text to use for the (None) selection. Provided for non-English language support.
CAMLQuery: "", // This CAML fragment will be applied to the relationshipList
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns><ViewAttributes Scope='RecursiveAll'/></QueryOptions>", // Need this to mirror SharePoint's behavior, but it can be overridden
completefunc: null, // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
debug: false // If true, show error messages; if false, run silent
}, options);
var choices = "";
var columnSelectSelected = null;
var newMultiLookupPickerdata;
var columnColumnRequired;
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPFilterDropdown";
// Find the column's select (dropdown)
var columnSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.columnName
if (columnSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "columnName: " + opt.columnName, TXTColumnNotFound);
// Get the current column selection(s)
columnSelectSelected = getDropdownSelected(columnSelect, true);
// Get the relationshipList items which match the current selection
var sortColumn = (opt.relationshipListSortColumn.length > 0) ? opt.relationshipListSortColumn : opt.relationshipListColumn;
var sortOrder = (opt.relationshipListSortAscending === true) ? "" : "Ascending='FALSE'";
var camlQuery = "<Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='" + sortColumn + "' " + sortOrder + "/></OrderBy><Where>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += opt.CAMLQuery;
camlQuery += "</Where></Query>";
// Get information about columnName from the current list
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
listName: opt.listName,
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("Fields").each(function () {
$(this).find("Field[DisplayName='" + opt.columnName + "']").each(function () {
// Determine whether columnName is Required
columnColumnRequired = ($(this).attr("Required") === "TRUE");
// Stop looking; we're done
return false;
operation: "GetListItems",
// Force sync so that we have the right values for the column onchange trigger
async: false,
webURL: opt.relationshipWebURL,
listName: opt.relationshipList,
// Filter based on the specified CAML
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
// Only get the columnName's data (plus columns we can't prevent)
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='" + opt.relationshipListColumn + "' /></ViewFields>",
// Override the default view rowlimit and get all appropriate rows
CAMLRowLimit: 0,
// Even though setting IncludeMandatoryColumns to FALSE doesn't work as the docs describe, it fixes a bug in GetListItems with mandatory multi-selects
CAMLQueryOptions: opt.CAMLQueryOptions,
completefunc: function (xData) {
// Handle errors
$(xData.responseXML).find("errorstring").each(function () {
var errorText = $(this).text();
if (opt.debug && errorText === "One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields.") {
"relationshipListColumn: " + opt.relationshipListColumn,
"Not found in relationshipList " + opt.relationshipList);
} else if (opt.debug && errorText === "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).") {
"relationshipList: " + opt.relationshipList,
"List not found");
// Add an explanatory prompt
switch (columnSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
// Remove all of the existing options
// If the column is required or the promptText option is empty, don't add the prompt text
if (!columnColumnRequired && (opt.promptText.length > 0)) {
columnSelect.Obj.append("<option value='0'>" + opt.promptText.replace(/\{0\}/g, opt.columnName) + "</option>");
} else if (!columnColumnRequired) {
columnSelect.Obj.append("<option value='0'>" + opt.noneText + "</option>");
case dropdownType.complex:
// If the column is required, don't add the "(None)" option
choices = columnColumnRequired ? "" : opt.noneText + "|0";
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
// Remove all of the existing options
newMultiLookupPickerdata = "";
// Add an option for each item
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
var thisOption = {};
// If relationshipListColumn is a Lookup column, then the ID should be for the Lookup value,
// else the ID of the relationshipList item
var thisValue = $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.relationshipListColumn);
if (typeof thisValue !== "undefined" && thisValue.indexOf(spDelim) > 0) {
thisOption = new SplitIndex(thisValue);
} else { = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
thisOption.value = thisValue;
// If the relationshipListColumn is a calculated column, then the value isn't preceded by the ID,
// but by the datatype. In this case, should be the ID of the relationshipList item.
// e.g., float;#12345.67
if (isNaN( { = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
switch (columnSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
var selected = ($(this).attr("ows_ID") === columnSelectSelected[0]) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
columnSelect.Obj.append("<option" + selected + " value='" + + "'>" + thisOption.value + "</option>");
case dropdownType.complex:
if ( === columnSelectSelected[0]) {
choices = choices + ((choices.length > 0) ? "|" : "") + thisOption.value + "|" +;
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
$(columnSelect.master.candidateControl).append("<option value='" + + "'>" + thisOption.value + "</option>");
newMultiLookupPickerdata += + "|t" + thisOption.value + "|t |t |t";
switch (columnSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
case dropdownType.complex:
columnSelect.Obj.attr("choices", choices);
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
// Clear the master = "";
// Clear any prior selections that are no longer valid
$(columnSelect.master.resultControl).find("option").each(function () {
var thisSelected = $(this);
$(this).attr("selected", "selected");
$(columnSelect.master.candidateControl).find("option").each(function () {
if ($(this).html() === thisSelected.html()) {
// Hide any options in the candidate list which are already selected
$(columnSelect.master.candidateControl).find("option").each(function () {
var thisSelected = $(this);
$(columnSelect.master.resultControl).find("option").each(function () {
if ($(this).html() === thisSelected.html()) {
// Set to the newly allowable values = GipGetGroupData(newMultiLookupPickerdata);
// Trigger a dblclick so that the child will be cascaded if it is a multiselect.
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPFilterDropdown
// Utility function to show the results of a Web Service call formatted well in the browser.
$.fn.SPServices.SPDebugXMLHttpResult = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
node: null, // An XMLHttpResult object from an ajax call
indent: 0 // Number of indents
}, options);
var i;
var NODE_TEXT = 3;
var outString = "";
// For each new subnode, begin rendering a new TABLE
outString += "<table class='ms-vb' style='margin-left:" + opt.indent * 3 + "px;' width='100%'>";
// DisplayPatterns are a bit unique, so let's handle them differently
if (opt.node.nodeName === "DisplayPattern") {
outString += "<tr><td width='100px' style='font-weight:bold;'>" + opt.node.nodeName +
"</td><td><textarea readonly='readonly' rows='5' cols='50'>" + opt.node.xml + "</textarea></td></tr>";
// A node which has no children
} else if (!opt.node.hasChildNodes()) {
outString += "<tr><td width='100px' style='font-weight:bold;'>" + opt.node.nodeName +
"</td><td>" + ((opt.node.nodeValue !== null) ? checkLink(opt.node.nodeValue) : "&nbsp;") + "</td></tr>";
if (opt.node.attributes) {
outString += "<tr><td colspan='99'>" + showAttrs(opt.node) + "</td></tr>";
} else if (opt.node.hasChildNodes() && opt.node.firstChild.nodeType === NODE_CDATA_SECTION) {
outString += "<tr><td width='100px' style='font-weight:bold;'>" + opt.node.nodeName +
"</td><td><textarea readonly='readonly' rows='5' cols='50'>" + opt.node.parentNode.text + "</textarea></td></tr>";
// A TEXT node
} else if (opt.node.hasChildNodes() && opt.node.firstChild.nodeType === NODE_TEXT) {
outString += "<tr><td width='100px' style='font-weight:bold;'>" + opt.node.nodeName +
"</td><td>" + checkLink(opt.node.firstChild.nodeValue) + "</td></tr>";
// Handle child nodes
} else {
outString += "<tr><td width='100px' style='font-weight:bold;' colspan='99'>" + opt.node.nodeName + "</td></tr>";
if (opt.node.attributes) {
outString += "<tr><td colspan='99'>" + showAttrs(opt.node) + "</td></tr>";
// Since the node has child nodes, recurse
outString += "<tr><td>";
for (i = 0; i < opt.node.childNodes.length; i++) {
outString += $().SPServices.SPDebugXMLHttpResult({
node: opt.node.childNodes.item(i),
indent: opt.indent + 1
outString += "</td></tr>";
outString += "</table>";
// Return the HTML which we have built up
return outString;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPDebugXMLHttpResult
// Function which returns the account name for the current user in DOMAIN\username format
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // URL of the target Site Collection. If not specified, the current Web is used.
fieldName: "Name", // Specifies which field to return from the userdisp.aspx page
fieldNames: {}, // Specifies which fields to return from the userdisp.aspx page - added in v0.7.2 to allow multiple columns
debug: false // If true, show error messages; if false, run silent
}, options);
// The current user's ID is reliably available in an existing JavaScript variable
if (opt.fieldName === "ID" && typeof currentContext.thisUserId !== "undefined") {
return currentContext.thisUserId;
var thisField = "";
var theseFields = {};
var fieldCount = opt.fieldNames.length > 0 ? opt.fieldNames.length : 1;
var thisUserDisp;
var thisWeb = opt.webURL.length > 0 ? opt.webURL : $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite();
// Get the UserDisp.aspx page using AJAX
// Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
async: false,
// Force parameter forces redirection to a page that displays the information as stored in the UserInfo table rather than My Site.
// Adding the extra Query String parameter with the current date/time forces the server to view this as a new request.
url: ((thisWeb === "/") ? "" : thisWeb) + "/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?Force=True&" + new Date().getTime(),
complete: function (xData) {
thisUserDisp = xData;
for (i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) {
// The current user's ID is reliably available in an existing JavaScript variable
if (opt.fieldNames[i] === "ID") {
thisField = currentContext.thisUserId;
} else {
var thisTextValue;
if (fieldCount > 1) {
thisTextValue = RegExp("FieldInternalName=\"" + opt.fieldNames[i] + "\"", "gi");
} else {
thisTextValue = RegExp("FieldInternalName=\"" + opt.fieldName + "\"", "gi");
$(thisUserDisp.responseText).find(" td[id^='SPField']").each(function () {
if (thisTextValue.test($(this).html())) {
// Each fieldtype contains a different data type, as indicated by the id
switch ($(this).attr("id")) {
case "SPFieldText":
thisField = $(this).text();
case "SPFieldNote":
thisField = $(this).find("div").html();
case "SPFieldURL":
thisField = $(this).find("img").attr("src");
// Just in case
thisField = $(this).text();
// Stop looking; we're done
return false;
if (opt.fieldNames[i] !== "ID") {
thisField = (typeof thisField !== "undefined") ? thisField.replace(/(^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$)/g, '') : null;
if (fieldCount > 1) {
theseFields[opt.fieldNames[i]] = thisField;
return (fieldCount > 1) ? theseFields : thisField;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser
// Function which provides a link on a Lookup column for the user to follow
// which allows them to add a new value to the Lookup list.
// Based on
// by Waldek Mastykarz
$.fn.SPServices.SPLookupAddNew = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
lookupColumn: "", // The display name of the Lookup column
promptText: "Add new {0}", // Text to use as prompt + column name
newWindow: false, // If true, the link will open in a new window *without* passing the Source.
ContentTypeID: "", // [Optional] Pass the ContentTypeID if you'd like to specify it
completefunc: null, // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, options);
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPLookupAddNew";
// Find the lookup column's select (dropdown)
var lookupSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.lookupColumn
if (lookupSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "lookupColumn: " + opt.lookupColumn, TXTColumnNotFound);
var newUrl = "";
var lookupListUrl = "";
var lookupColumnStaticName = "";
// Use GetList for the current list to determine the details for the Lookup column
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(),
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("Field[DisplayName='" + opt.lookupColumn + "']").each(function () {
lookupColumnStaticName = $(this).attr("StaticName");
// Use GetList for the Lookup column's list to determine the list's URL
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
listName: $(this).attr("List"),
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function () {
lookupListUrl = $(this).attr("WebFullUrl");
// Need to handle when list is in the root site
lookupListUrl = lookupListUrl !== SLASH ? lookupListUrl + SLASH : lookupListUrl;
// Get the NewItem form for the Lookup column's list
newUrl = getListFormUrl($(this).attr("List"), "NewForm");
// Stop looking;we're done
return false;
if (lookupListUrl.length === 0 && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "lookupColumn: " + opt.lookupColumn, "This column does not appear to be a lookup column");
if (newUrl.length > 0) {
// Build the link to the Lookup column's list enclosed in a div with the id="SPLookupAddNew_" + lookupColumnStaticName
var newHref = lookupListUrl + newUrl;
// If requested, open the link in a new window and if requested, pass the ContentTypeID
newHref += opt.newWindow ?
((opt.ContentTypeID.length > 0) ? "?ContentTypeID=" + opt.ContentTypeID : "") + "' target='_blank'" :
"?" + ((opt.ContentTypeID.length > 0) ? "ContentTypeID=" + opt.ContentTypeID + "&" : "") + "Source=" + escapeUrl(location.href) + "'";
var newLink = "<div id='SPLookupAddNew_" + lookupColumnStaticName + "'>" + "<a href='" + newHref + ">" + opt.promptText.replace(/\{0\}/g, opt.lookupColumn) + "</a></div>";
// Append the link to the Lookup columns's formbody table cell
} else if (opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "lookupColumn: " + opt.lookupColumn, "NewForm cannot be found");
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPLookupAddNew
// Function to return the ID of the last item created on a list by a specific user. Useful for maintaining parent/child relationships
// between list forms
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetLastItemId = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // URL of the target Web. If not specified, the current Web is used.
listName: "", // The name or GUID of the list
userAccount: "", // The account for the user in DOMAIN\username format. If not specified, the current user is used.
CAMLQuery: "" // [Optional] For power users, this CAML fragment will be Anded with the default query on the relatedList
}, options);
var userId;
var lastId = 0;
operation: "GetUserInfo",
webURL: opt.webURL,
async: false,
userLoginName: (opt.userAccount !== "") ? opt.userAccount : $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser(),
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("User").each(function () {
userId = $(this).attr("ID");
// Get the list items for the user, sorted by Created, descending. If the CAMLQuery option has been specified, And it with
// the existing Where clause
var camlQuery = "<Query><Where>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += "<And>";
camlQuery += "<Eq><FieldRef Name='Author' LookupId='TRUE'/><Value Type='Integer'>" + userId + "</Value></Eq>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += opt.CAMLQuery + "</And>";
camlQuery += "</Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Created_x0020_Date' Ascending='FALSE'/></OrderBy></Query>";
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID'/></ViewFields>",
CAMLRowLimit: 1,
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ViewAttributes Scope='Recursive' /></QueryOptions>",
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
lastId = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
return lastId;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetLastItemId
// Function which checks to see if the value for a column on the form is unique in the list.
$.fn.SPServices.SPRequireUnique = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
columnStaticName: "Title", // Name of the column
duplicateAction: 0, // 0 = warn, 1 = prevent
ignoreCase: false, // If set to true, the function ignores case, if false it looks for an exact match
initMsg: "This value must be unique.", // Initial message to display after setup
initMsgCSSClass: "ms-vb", // CSS class for initial message
errMsg: "This value is not unique.", // Error message to display if not unique
errMsgCSSClass: "ms-formvalidation", // CSS class for error message
showDupes: false, // If true, show links to the duplicate item(s) after the error message
completefunc: null // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
}, options);
// Get the current item's ID from the Query String
var queryStringVals = $().SPServices.SPGetQueryString();
var thisID = queryStringVals.ID;
currentContext.thisList = $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl();
// Set the messages based on the options provided
var msg = "<span id='SPRequireUnique" + opt.columnStaticName + "' class='{0}'>{1}</span><br/>";
var firstMsg = msg.replace(/\{0\}/g, opt.initMsgCSSClass).replace(/\{1\}/g, opt.initMsg);
// We need the DisplayName
var columnDisplayName = $().SPServices.SPGetDisplayFromStatic({
listName: currentContext.thisList,
columnStaticName: opt.columnStaticName
var columnObj = $("input[Title='" + columnDisplayName + "']");
$(columnObj).blur(function () {
var columnValueIDs = [];
// Get the columnDisplayName's value
var columnValue = $(this).val();
if (columnValue.length === 0) {
return false;
// Call the Lists Web Service (GetListItems) to see if the value already exists
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
listName: currentContext.thisList,
// Make sure we get all the items, ignoring any filters on the default view.
CAMLQuery: "<Query><Where><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='" + opt.columnStaticName + "'/></IsNotNull></Where></Query>",
// Filter based on columnStaticName's value
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID' /><FieldRef Name='" + opt.columnStaticName + "' /></ViewFields>",
// Override the default view rowlimit and get all appropriate rows
CAMLRowLimit: 0,
completefunc: function (xData) {
var testValue = opt.ignoreCase ? columnValue.toUpperCase() : columnValue;
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
var thisValue = opt.ignoreCase ? $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.columnStaticName).toUpperCase() : $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.columnStaticName);
// If this value already exists in columnStaticName and it's not the current item, then save the ID in the array
if ((testValue === thisValue) && ($(this).attr("ows_ID") !== thisID)) {
columnValueIDs.push([$(this).attr("ows_ID"), $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.columnStaticName)]);
var newMsg = opt.initMsg;
var msgContainer = $("#SPRequireUnique" + opt.columnStaticName);
msgContainer.html(newMsg).attr("class", opt.initMsgCSSClass);
$("input[value='OK']:disabled, input[value='Save']:disabled").removeAttr("disabled");
if (columnValueIDs.length > 0) {
newMsg = opt.errMsg;
msgContainer.html(newMsg).attr("class", opt.errMsgCSSClass);
if (opt.duplicateAction === 1) {
$("input[Title='" + opt.columnDisplayName + "']").focus();
$("input[value='OK'], input[value='Save']").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (opt.showDupes) {
var out = " " + columnValueIDs.length + " duplicate item" + (columnValueIDs.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + ": ";
for (i = 0; i < columnValueIDs.length; i++) {
out += "<a href='DispForm.aspx?ID=" + columnValueIDs[i][0] + "&Source=" + location.href + "'>" + columnValueIDs[i][1] + "</a> ";
$("span#SPRequireUnique" + opt.columnStaticName).append(out);
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPRequireUnique
// This function returns the DisplayName for a column based on the StaticName.
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetDisplayFromStatic = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // URL of the target Web. If not specified, the current Web is used.
listName: "", // The name or GUID of the list
columnStaticName: "", // StaticName of the column
columnStaticNames: {} // StaticName of the columns - added in v0.7.2 to allow multiple columns
}, options);
var displayName = "";
var displayNames = {};
var nameCount = opt.columnStaticNames.length > 0 ? opt.columnStaticNames.length : 1;
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
completefunc: function (xData) {
if (nameCount > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) {
displayNames[opt.columnStaticNames[i]] = $(xData.responseXML).find("Field[StaticName='" + opt.columnStaticNames[i] + "']").attr("DisplayName");
} else {
displayName = $(xData.responseXML).find("Field[StaticName='" + opt.columnStaticName + "']").attr("DisplayName");
return (nameCount > 1) ? displayNames : displayName;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetDisplayFromStatic
// This function returns the StaticName for a column based on the DisplayName.
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetStaticFromDisplay = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // URL of the target Web. If not specified, the current Web is used.
listName: "", // The name or GUID of the list
columnDisplayName: "", // DisplayName of the column
columnDisplayNames: {} // DisplayNames of the columns - added in v0.7.2 to allow multiple columns
}, options);
var staticName = "";
var staticNames = {};
var nameCount = opt.columnDisplayNames.length > 0 ? opt.columnDisplayNames.length : 1;
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
completefunc: function (xData) {
if (nameCount > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) {
staticNames[opt.columnDisplayNames[i]] = $(xData.responseXML).find("Field[DisplayName='" + opt.columnDisplayNames[i] + "']").attr("StaticName");
} else {
staticName = $(xData.responseXML).find("Field[DisplayName='" + opt.columnDisplayName + "']").attr("StaticName");
return (nameCount > 1) ? staticNames : staticName;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetStaticFromDisplay
// This function allows you to redirect to a another page from a new item form with the new
// item's ID. This allows chaining of forms from item creation onward.
$.fn.SPServices.SPRedirectWithID = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
redirectUrl: "", // Page for the redirect
qsParamName: "ID" // In some cases, you may want to pass the newly created item's ID with a different
// parameter name than ID. Specify that name here, if needed.
}, options);
currentContext.thisList = $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl();
var queryStringVals = $().SPServices.SPGetQueryString();
var lastID = queryStringVals.ID;
var QSList = queryStringVals.List;
var QSRootFolder = queryStringVals.RootFolder;
var QSContentTypeId = queryStringVals.ContentTypeId;
// On first load, change the form actions to redirect back to this page with the current lastID for this user and the
// original Source.
if (typeof queryStringVals.ID === "undefined") {
lastID = $().SPServices.SPGetLastItemId({
listName: currentContext.thisList
$("form[name='aspnetForm']").each(function () {
// This page...
var thisUrl = (location.href.indexOf("?") > 0) ? location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf("?")) : location.href;
// ... plus the Source if it exists
var thisSource = (typeof queryStringVals.Source === "string") ?
"Source=" + queryStringVals.Source.replace(/\//g, "%2f").replace(/:/g, "%3a") : "";
var newQS = [];
if (typeof QSList !== "undefined") {
newQS.push("List=" + QSList);
if (typeof QSRootFolder !== "undefined") {
newQS.push("RootFolder=" + QSRootFolder);
if (typeof QSContentTypeId !== "undefined") {
newQS.push("ContentTypeId=" + QSContentTypeId);
var newAction = thisUrl +
((newQS.length > 0) ? ("?" + newQS.join("&") + "&") : "?") +
// Set the Source to point back to this page with the lastID this user has added
"Source=" + thisUrl +
"?ID=" + lastID +
// Pass the original source as RealSource, if present
((thisSource.length > 0) ? ("%26RealSource=" + queryStringVals.Source) : "") +
// Pass the override RedirectURL, if present
((typeof queryStringVals.RedirectURL === "string") ? ("%26RedirectURL=" + queryStringVals.RedirectURL) : "");
$(this).attr("action", newAction);
// If this is the load after the item is saved, wait until the new item has been saved (commits are asynchronous),
// then do the redirect to redirectUrl with the new lastID, passing along the original Source.
} else {
while (queryStringVals.ID === lastID) {
lastID = $().SPServices.SPGetLastItemId({
listName: currentContext.thisList
// If there is a RedirectURL parameter on the Query String, then redirect there instead of the value
// specified in the options (opt.redirectUrl)
var thisRedirectUrl = (typeof queryStringVals.RedirectURL === "string") ? queryStringVals.RedirectURL : opt.redirectUrl;
location.href = thisRedirectUrl + "?" + opt.qsParamName + "=" + lastID +
((typeof queryStringVals.RealSource === "string") ? ("&Source=" + queryStringVals.RealSource) : "");
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPRedirectWithID
// The SPSetMultiSelectSizes function sets the sizes of the multi-select boxes for a column on a form automagically
// based on the values they contain. The function takes into account the fontSize, fontFamily, fontWeight, etc., in its algorithm.
$.fn.SPServices.SPSetMultiSelectSizes = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
multiSelectColumn: "",
minWidth: 0,
maxWidth: 0,
debug: false
}, options);
var thisFunction = "SPServices.SPSetMultiSelectSizes";
// Find the multi-select column
var thisMultiSelect = $().SPServices.SPDropdownCtl({
displayName: opt.multiSelectColumn
if (thisMultiSelect.Obj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "multiSelectColumn: " + opt.multiSelectColumn, TXTColumnNotFound);
if (thisMultiSelect.Type !== dropdownType.multiSelect && opt.debug) {
errBox(thisFunction, "multiSelectColumn: " + opt.multiSelectColumn, "Column is not multi-select.");
// Create a temporary clone of the select to use to determine the appropriate width settings.
// We'll append it to the end of the enclosing span.
var cloneId = genContainerId("SPSetMultiSelectSizes", opt.multiSelectColumn, opt.listName);
var cloneObj = $("<select id='" + cloneId + "' ></select>").appendTo(thisMultiSelect.container);
"width": "auto", // We want the clone to resize its width based on the contents
"height": 0, // Just to keep the page clean while we are using the clone
"visibility": "hidden" // And let's keep it hidden
// Add all the values to the cloned select. First the left (possible values) select...
$(thisMultiSelect.master.candidateControl).find("option").each(function () {
cloneObj.append("<option value='" + $(this).html() + "'>" + $(this).html() + "</option>");
// ...then the right (selected values) select (in case some values have already been selected)
$(thisMultiSelect.master.resultControl).find("option").each(function () {
cloneObj.append("<option value='" + $(this).val() + "'>" + $(this).html() + "</option>");
// We'll add 5px for a little padding on the right.
var divWidth = cloneObj.width() + 5;
var newDivWidth = divWidth;
if (opt.minWidth > 0 || opt.maxWidth > 0) {
if (divWidth < opt.minWidth) {
divWidth = opt.minWidth;
if (newDivWidth < opt.minWidth) {
newDivWidth = opt.minWidth;
if (newDivWidth > opt.maxWidth) {
newDivWidth = opt.maxWidth;
var selectWidth = divWidth;
// Set the new widths
$(thisMultiSelect.master.candidateControl).css("width", selectWidth + "px").parent().css("width", newDivWidth + "px");
$(thisMultiSelect.master.resultControl).css("width", selectWidth + "px").parent().css("width", newDivWidth + "px");
// Remove the select's clone, since we're done with it
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPSetMultiSelectSizes
// Does an audit of a site's list forms to show where script is in use.
$.fn.SPServices.SPScriptAudit = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // [Optional] The name of the Web (site) to audit
listName: "", // [Optional] The name of a specific list to audit. If not present, all lists in the site are audited.
outputId: "", // The id of the DOM object for output
auditForms: true, // Audit the form pages
auditViews: true, // Audit the view pages
auditPages: true, // Audit the Pages Document Library
auditPagesListName: "Pages", // The Pages Document Library(ies), if desired. Either a single string or an array of strings.
showHiddenLists: false, // Show output for hidden lists
showNoScript: false, // Show output for lists with no scripts (effectively "verbose")
showSrc: true // Show the source location for included scripts
}, options);
var formTypes = [
["New", "NewForm.aspx", false],
["Display", "DispForm.aspx", false],
["Edit", "EditForm.aspx", false]
var listXml;
// Build the table to contain the results
$("#" + opt.outputId)
.append("<table id='SPScriptAudit' width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse;' border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1>" +
"<tr>" +
"<th></th>" +
"<th>List</th>" +
"<th>Page Class</th>" +
"<th>Page Type</th>" +
"<th>Page</th>" +
(opt.showSrc ? "<th>Script References</th>" : "") +
"</tr>" +
// Apply the CSS class to the headers
var scriptAuditContainer = $("#SPScriptAudit");
scriptAuditContainer.find("th").attr("class", "ms-vh2-nofilter");
// Don't bother with the lists if the options don't require them
if (opt.auditForms || opt.auditViews) {
// First, get all of the lists within the site
operation: "GetListCollection",
webURL: opt.webURL,
async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function () {
listXml = $(this);
// If listName has been specified, then only return results for that list
if ((opt.listName.length === 0) || (listXml.attr("Title") === opt.listName)) {
// Don't work with hidden lists unless we're asked to
if ((opt.showHiddenLists && listXml.attr("Hidden") === "False") || !opt.showHiddenLists) {
// Audit the list's forms
if (opt.auditForms) {
// Get the list's Content Types, therefore the form pages
operation: "GetListContentTypes",
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: listXml.attr("ID"),
async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("ContentType").each(function () {
// Don't deal with folders
if ($(this).attr("ID").substring(0, 6) !== "0x0120") {
var formUrls = $(this).find("FormUrls");
for (i = 0; i < formTypes.length; i++) {
// Look for a customized form...
$(formUrls).find(formTypes[i][0]).each(function () {
SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "Form", this.nodeName, ((opt.webURL.length > 0) ? opt.webURL : $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite()) + SLASH + $(this).text());
formTypes[i][2] = true;
// ...else the uncustomized form
if (!formTypes[i][2]) {
var defaultViewUrl = listXml.attr("DefaultViewUrl");
SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "Form", formTypes[i][0],
defaultViewUrl.substring(0, defaultViewUrl.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1) + formTypes[i][1]);
// Reset the form types
for (i = 0; i < formTypes.length; i++) {
formTypes[i][2] = false;
// Audit the list's views
if (opt.auditViews) {
// Get the list's Views
operation: "GetViewCollection",
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: listXml.attr("ID"),
async: false, // Need this to be synchronous so we're assured of a valid value
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("View").each(function () {
SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "View", $(this).attr("DisplayName"), $(this).attr("Url"));
// Don't bother with auditing pages if the options don't require it
var numLists = 0;
var listsArray = [];
if (typeof opt.auditPagesListName === "string") {
numLists = 1;
} else {
numLists = opt.auditPagesListName.length;
listsArray = opt.auditPagesListName;
if (opt.auditPages) {
for (i = 0; i < numLists; i++) {
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: listsArray[i],
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function () {
listXml = $(this);
// Get all of the items from the Document Library
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: listsArray[i],
CAMLQuery: "<Query><Where><Neq><FieldRef Name='ContentType'/><Value Type='Text'>Folder</Value></Neq></Where></Query>",
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title'/><FieldRef Name='FileRef'/></ViewFields>",
CAMLRowLimit: 0,
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
var thisPageUrl = $(this).attr("ows_FileRef").split(spDelim)[1];
var thisTitle = $(this).attr("ows_Title");
var thisPageType = (typeof thisTitle !== "undefined") ? thisTitle : "";
if (thisPageUrl.indexOf(".aspx") > 0) {
SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, "Page", thisPageType, SLASH + thisPageUrl);
// Remove progress indicator and make the output pretty by cleaning up the ms-alternating CSS class
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPScriptAudit
// Displays the usage of scripts in a site
function SPScriptAuditPage(opt, listXml, pageClass, pageType, pageUrl) {
var i = 0;
var jQueryPage = 0;
var pageScriptSrc = {};
pageScriptSrc.type = [];
pageScriptSrc.src = [];
pageScriptSrc.script = [];
var scriptRegex = RegExp("<script[\\s\\S]*?/script>", "gi");
// Fetch the page
type: "GET",
url: pageUrl,
dataType: "text",
async: false,
success: function (xData) {
var scriptMatch;
while (scriptMatch = scriptRegex.exec(xData)) {
var scriptLanguage = getScriptAttribute(scriptMatch, "language");
var scriptType = getScriptAttribute(scriptMatch, "type");
var scriptSrc = getScriptAttribute(scriptMatch, "src");
if (scriptSrc !== null && scriptSrc.length > 0 && !coreScript(scriptSrc)) {
pageScriptSrc.type.push((scriptLanguage !== null && scriptLanguage.length > 0) ? scriptLanguage : scriptType);
// Only show pages without script if we've been asked to do so.
if ((!opt.showNoScript && (pageScriptSrc.type.length > 0)) || opt.showNoScript) {
var pagePath = pageUrl.substring(0, pageUrl.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1);
var out = "<tr class=ms-alternating>" +
"<td class=ms-vb-icon><a href='" + listXml.attr("DefaultViewUrl") + "'><IMG border=0 src='" + listXml.attr("ImageUrl") + "'width=16 height=16></A></TD>" +
"<td class=ms-vb2><a href='" + listXml.attr("DefaultViewUrl") + "'>" + listXml.attr("Title") + ((listXml.attr("Hidden") === "True") ? '(Hidden)' : '') + "</td>" +
"<td class=ms-vb2>" + pageClass + "</td>" +
"<td class=ms-vb2>" + pageType + "</td>" +
"<td class=ms-vb2><a href='" + pageUrl + "'>" + fileName(pageUrl) + "</td>";
if (opt.showSrc) {
var thisSrcPath;
out += "<td valign='top'><table width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse;' border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1>";
for (i = 0; i < pageScriptSrc.type.length; i++) {
thisSrcPath = (pageScriptSrc.src[i].substr(0, 1) !== SLASH) ? pagePath + pageScriptSrc.src[i] : pageScriptSrc.src[i];
out += "<tr><td class=ms-vb2 width='30%'>" + pageScriptSrc.type[i] + "</td>";
out += "<td class=ms-vb2 width='70%'><a href='" + thisSrcPath + "'>" + fileName(pageScriptSrc.src[i]) + "</td></tr>";
out += "</table></td>";
} // End of function SPScriptAuditPage
function getScriptAttribute(source, attribute) {
var matches;
var regex = RegExp(attribute + "=(\"([^\"]*)\")|('([^']*)')", "gi");
if (matches = regex.exec(source)) {
return matches[2];
return null;
} // End of function getScriptAttribute
// Check to see if the script reference is part of SharePoint core so that we can ignore it
function coreScript(src) {
var i;
var coreScriptLocations = ["WebResource.axd", "_layouts"];
for (i = 0; i < coreScriptLocations.length; i++) {
if (src.indexOf(coreScriptLocations[i]) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
} // End of function coreScript
// Rearrange radio buttons or checkboxes in a form from vertical to horizontal display to save page real estate
$.fn.SPServices.SPArrangeChoices = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list name for the current form
columnName: "", // The display name of the column in the form
perRow: 99, // Maximum number of choices desired per row.
randomize: false // If true, randomize the order of the options
}, options);
var columnFillInChoice = false;
var columnOptions = [];
var out;
// Get information about columnName from the list to determine if we're allowing fill-in choices
var thisGetList = $().SPServices({
operation: "GetList",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
listName: opt.listName
// when the promise is available...
thisGetList.done(function () {
$(thisGetList.responseXML).find("Field[DisplayName='" + opt.columnName + "']").each(function () {
// Determine whether columnName allows a fill-in choice
columnFillInChoice = ($(this).attr("FillInChoice") === "TRUE");
// Stop looking;we're done
return false;
var thisFormField = findFormField(opt.columnName);
var totalChoices = $(thisFormField).find("tr").length;
var choiceNumber = 0;
var fillinPrompt;
var fillinInput;
// Collect all of the choices
$(thisFormField).find("tr").each(function () {
// If this is the fill-in prompt, save it...
if (columnFillInChoice && choiceNumber === (totalChoices - 1)) {
fillinPrompt = $(this).find("td").html();
// ...or if it is the fill-in input box, save it...
} else if (columnFillInChoice && choiceNumber === totalChoices) {
fillinInput = $(this).find("td").html();
// ...else push into the columnOptions array.
} else {
out = "<TR>";
// If randomize is true, randomly sort the options
if (opt.randomize) {
// Add all of the options to the out string
for (i = 0; i < columnOptions.length; i++) {
out += columnOptions[i];
// If we've already got perRow columnOptions in the row, close off the row
if ((i + 1) % opt.perRow === 0) {
out += "</TR><TR>";
out += "</TR>";
// If we are allowing a fill-in choice, add that option in a separate row at the bottom
if (columnFillInChoice) {
out += "<TR><TD colspan='99'>" + fillinPrompt + fillinInput + "</TD></TR>";
// Remove the existing rows...
// ...and append the out string
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPArrangeChoices
// Provide suggested values from a list for in input column based on characters typed
$.fn.SPServices.SPAutocomplete = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // [Optional] The name of the Web (site) which contains the sourceList
sourceList: "", // The name of the list which contains the values
sourceColumn: "", // The static name of the column which contains the values
columnName: "", // The display name of the column in the form
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(), // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
CAMLQuery: "", // [Optional] For power users, this CAML fragment will be Anded with the default query on the relatedList
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions></QueryOptions>", // [Optional] For power users, allows specifying the CAMLQueryOptions for the GetListItems call
CAMLRowLimit: 0, // [Optional] Override the default view rowlimit and get all appropriate rows
filterType: "BeginsWith", // Type of filtering: [BeginsWith, Contains]
numChars: 0, // Wait until this number of characters has been typed before attempting any actions
ignoreCase: false, // If set to true, the function ignores case, if false it looks for an exact match
highlightClass: "", // If a class is supplied, highlight the matched characters in the values by applying that class to a wrapping span
uniqueVals: false, // If set to true, the function only adds unique values to the list (no duplicates)
maxHeight: 99999, // Sets the maximum number of values to display before scrolling occurs
slideDownSpeed: "fast", // Speed at which the div should slide down when values match (milliseconds or ["fast" | "slow"])
processingIndicator: "_layouts/images/REFRESH.GIF", // If present, show this while processing
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, options);
var matchNum;
// Find the input control for the column and save some of its attributes
var columnObj = $("input[Title='" + opt.columnName + "']");
columnObj.css("position", "");
var columnObjColor = columnObj.css("color");
var columnObjWidth = columnObj.css("width");
if (columnObj.html() === null && opt.debug) {
"columnName: " + opt.columnName,
"Column is not an input control or is not found on page");
// Remove the <br/> which isn't needed and messes up the formatting
// Create a div to contain the matching values and add it to the DOM
var containerId = genContainerId("SPAutocomplete", opt.columnName, opt.listName);
columnObj.after("<div><ul id='" + containerId + "' style='width:" + columnObjWidth + ";display:none;padding:2px;border:1px solid #2A1FAA;background-color:#FFF;position:absolute;z-index:40;margin:0'></div>");
// Set the width to match the width of the input control
var containerObj = $("#" + containerId);
containerObj.css("width", columnObjWidth);
// Handle keypresses
$(columnObj).keyup(function () {
// Get the column's value
var columnValue = $(this).val();
// Hide the container while we're working on it
// Have enough characters been typed yet?
if (columnValue.length < opt.numChars) {
return false;
// Show the the processingIndicator as a background image in the input element
"background-image": "url(" + opt.processingIndicator + ")",
"background-position": "right",
"background-repeat": "no-repeat"
// Array to hold the matched values
var matchArray = [];
// Build the appropriate CAMLQuery
var camlQuery = "<Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='" + opt.sourceColumn + "'/></OrderBy><Where>";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += "<And>";
camlQuery += "<" + opt.filterType + "><FieldRef Name='" + opt.sourceColumn + "'/><Value Type='Text'>" + columnValue + "</Value></" + opt.filterType + ">";
if (opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += opt.CAMLQuery + "</And>";
camlQuery += "</Where></Query>";
// Call GetListItems to find all of the potential values
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.WebURL,
listName: opt.sourceList,
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
CAMLQueryOptions: opt.CAMLQueryOptions,
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='" + opt.sourceColumn + "' /></ViewFields>",
CAMLRowLimit: opt.CAMLRowLimit,
completefunc: function (xData) {
// Handle upper/lower case if ignoreCase = true
var testValue = opt.ignoreCase ? columnValue.toUpperCase() : columnValue;
// See which values match and add the ones that do to matchArray
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
var thisValue = $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.sourceColumn);
var thisValueTest = opt.ignoreCase ? $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.sourceColumn).toUpperCase() : $(this).attr("ows_" + opt.sourceColumn);
// Make sure we have a match...
if (opt.filterType === "Contains") {
var firstMatch = thisValueTest.indexOf(testValue);
if ((firstMatch >= 0) &&
// ...and that the match is not already in the array if we want uniqueness
(!opt.uniqueVals || ($.inArray(thisValue, matchArray) === -1))) {
matchArray.push($(this).attr("ows_" + opt.sourceColumn));
} else {
// Handles normal case, which is BeginsWith and and other unknown values
if (testValue === thisValueTest.substr(0, testValue.length) &&
// ...and that the match is not already in the array if we want uniqueness
(!opt.uniqueVals || ($.inArray(thisValue, matchArray) === -1))) {
matchArray.push($(this).attr("ows_" + opt.sourceColumn));
// Build out the set of list elements to contain the available values
var out = "";
for (i = 0; i < matchArray.length; i++) {
// If a highlightClass has been supplied, wrap a span around each match
if (opt.highlightClass.length > 0) {
// Set up Regex based on whether we want to ignore case
var thisRegex = new RegExp(columnValue, opt.ignoreCase ? "gi" : "g");
// Look for all occurrences
var matches = matchArray[i].match(thisRegex);
var startLoc = 0;
// Loop for each occurrence, wrapping each in a span with the highlightClass CSS class
for (matchNum = 0; matchNum < matches.length; matchNum++) {
var thisPos = matchArray[i].indexOf(matches[matchNum], startLoc);
var endPos = thisPos + matches[matchNum].length;
var thisSpan = "<span class='" + opt.highlightClass + "'>" + matches[matchNum] + "</span>";
matchArray[i] = matchArray[i].substr(0, thisPos) + thisSpan + matchArray[i].substr(endPos);
startLoc = thisPos + thisSpan.length;
// Add the value to the markup for the container
out += "<li style='display: block;position: relative;cursor: pointer;'>" + matchArray[i] + "</li>";
// Add all the list elements to the containerId container
// Set up hehavior for the available values in the list element
$("#" + containerId + " li").click(function () {
$("#" + containerId).fadeOut(opt.slideUpSpeed);
}).mouseover(function () {
var mouseoverCss = {
"cursor": "hand",
"color": "#ffffff",
"background": "#3399ff"
}).mouseout(function () {
var mouseoutCss = {
"cursor": "inherit",
"color": columnObjColor,
"background": "transparent"
// If we've got some values to show, then show 'em!
if (matchArray.length > 0) {
$("#" + containerId).slideDown(opt.slideDownSpeed);
// Remove the processing indicator
columnObj.css("background-image", "");
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPAutocomplete
// Get the Query String parameters and their values and return in an array
// Includes code from
// Simplified in 2014.01 using this code
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetQueryString = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
lowercase: false // If true, parameter names will be converted to lowercase
}, options);
var queryStringVals = {};
var qs ='&');
for (var i = 0; i < qs.length; i++) {
var param = qs[i].split('=');
var paramName = opt.lowercase ? param[0].toLowerCase() : param[0];
queryStringVals[paramName] = decodeURIComponent(param[1] || "");
return queryStringVals;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetQueryString
// Get the current list's GUID (ID) from the current URL. Use of this function only makes sense if we're in a list's context,
// and we assume that we are calling it from an aspx page which is a form or view for the list.
$.fn.SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
listName: "" // [Optional] Pass in the name or GUID of a list if you are not in its context. e.g., on a Web Part pages in the Pages library
}, options);
// Has the list name or GUID been passed in?
if (opt.listName.length > 0) {
currentContext.thisList = opt.listName;
return currentContext.thisList;
// Do we already know the current list?
} else if (currentContext.thisList !== undefined && currentContext.thisList.length > 0) {
return currentContext.thisList;
// Parse out the list's root URL from the current location or the passed url
var thisPage = location.href;
var thisPageBaseName = thisPage.substring(0, thisPage.indexOf(".aspx"));
var listPath = decodeURIComponent(thisPageBaseName.substring(0, thisPageBaseName.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1)).toUpperCase();
// Call GetListCollection and loop through the results to find a match with the list's URL to get the list's GUID
operation: "GetListCollection",
async: false,
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function () {
var defaultViewUrl = $(this).attr("DefaultViewUrl");
var listCollList = defaultViewUrl.substring(0, defaultViewUrl.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1).toUpperCase();
if (listPath.indexOf(listCollList) > 0) {
currentContext.thisList = $(this).attr("ID");
return false;
// Return the list GUID (ID)
return currentContext.thisList;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl
// SPUpdateMultipleListItems allows you to update multiple items in a list based upon some common characteristic or metadata criteria.
$.fn.SPServices.SPUpdateMultipleListItems = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // [Optional] URL of the target Web. If not specified, the current Web is used.
listName: "", // The list to operate on.
CAMLQuery: "", // A CAML fragment specifying which items in the list will be selected and updated
batchCmd: "Update", // The operation to perform. By default, Update.
valuepairs: [], // Valuepairs for the update in the form [[fieldname1, fieldvalue1], [fieldname2, fieldvalue2]...]
completefunc: null, // Function to call on completion of rendering the change.
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, options);
var i;
var itemsToUpdate = [];
var documentsToUpdate = [];
// Call GetListItems to find all of the items matching the CAMLQuery
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
CAMLQuery: opt.CAMLQuery,
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ViewAttributes Scope='Recursive' /></QueryOptions>",
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () {
var fileRef = $(this).attr("ows_FileRef");
fileRef = "/" + fileRef.substring(fileRef.indexOf(spDelim) + 2);
var fieldNum;
var batch = "<Batch OnError='Continue'>";
for (i = 0; i < itemsToUpdate.length; i++) {
batch += "<Method ID='" + i + "' Cmd='" + opt.batchCmd + "'>";
for (fieldNum = 0; fieldNum < opt.valuepairs.length; fieldNum++) {
batch += "<Field Name='" + opt.valuepairs[fieldNum][0] + "'>" + escapeColumnValue(opt.valuepairs[fieldNum][1]) + "</Field>";
batch += "<Field Name='ID'>" + itemsToUpdate[i] + "</Field>";
if (documentsToUpdate[i].length > 0) {
batch += "<Field Name='FileRef'>" + documentsToUpdate[i] + "</Field>";
batch += "</Method>";
batch += "</Batch>";
// Call UpdateListItems to update all of the items matching the CAMLQuery
operation: "UpdateListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
updates: batch,
completefunc: function (xData) {
// If present, call completefunc when all else is done
if (opt.completefunc !== null) {
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPUpdateMultipleListItems
// SPGetListItemsJson retrieves items from a list in JSON format
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetListItemsJson = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // [Optional] URL of the target Web. If not specified, the current Web is used.
listName: "",
viewName: "",
CAMLQuery: "",
CAMLViewFields: "",
CAMLRowLimit: "",
CAMLQueryOptions: "",
changeToken: "", // [Optional] If provided, will be passed with the request
contains: "", // CAML snippet for an additional filter
mapping: null, // If provided, use this mapping rather than creating one automagically from the list schema
mappingOverrides: null, // Pass in specific column overrides here
debug: false // If true, show error messages;if false, run silent
}, $().SPServices.defaults, options);
var newChangeToken;
var thisListJsonMapping = {};
var deletedIds = [];
var result = $.Deferred();
// Call GetListItems to find all of the items matching the CAMLQuery
var thisData = $().SPServices({
operation: "GetListItemChangesSinceToken",
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
viewName: opt.viewName,
CAMLQuery: opt.CAMLQuery,
CAMLViewFields: opt.CAMLViewFields,
CAMLRowLimit: opt.CAMLRowLimit,
CAMLQueryOptions: opt.CAMLQueryOptions,
changeToken: opt.changeToken,
contains: opt.contains
thisData.done(function () {
var mappingKey = "SPGetListItemsJson" + opt.webURL + opt.listName;
// We're going to use this multiple times
var responseXml = $(thisData.responseXML);
// Get the changeToken
newChangeToken = responseXml.find("Changes").attr("LastChangeToken");
// Some of the existing items may have been deleted
responseXml.find("listitems Changes Id[ChangeType='Delete']").each(function () {
if (opt.mapping === null) {
// Automagically create the mapping
responseXml.find("List > Fields > Field").each(function () {
var thisField = $(this);
var thisType = thisField.attr("Type");
// Only work with known column types
if ($.inArray(thisType, spListFieldTypes) >= 0) {
thisListJsonMapping["ows_" + thisField.attr("Name")] = {
mappedName: thisField.attr("Name"),
objectType: thisField.attr("Type")
} else {
thisListJsonMapping = opt.mapping;
// Implement any mappingOverrides
// Example: { ows_JSONTextColumn: { mappedName: "JTC", objectType: "JSON" } }
if (opt.mappingOverrides !== null) {
// For each mappingOverride, override the list schema
for (var mapping in opt.mappingOverrides) {
thisListJsonMapping[mapping] = opt.mappingOverrides[mapping];
// If we haven't retrieved the list schema in this call, try to grab it from the saved data from a prior call
if ($.isEmptyObject(thisListJsonMapping)) {
thisListJsonMapping = $(document).data(mappingKey);
} else {
$(document).data(mappingKey, thisListJsonMapping);
var jsonData = responseXml.SPFilterNode("z:row").SPXmlToJson({
mapping: thisListJsonMapping,
sparse: true
var thisResult = {
changeToken: newChangeToken,
mapping: thisListJsonMapping,
data: jsonData,
deletedIds: deletedIds
return result.promise();
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPUpdateMultipleListItems
// Convert a JavaScript date to the ISO 8601 format required by SharePoint to update list items
$.fn.SPServices.SPConvertDateToISO = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
dateToConvert: new Date(), // The JavaScript date we'd like to convert. If no date is passed, the function returns the current date/time
dateOffset: "-05:00" // The time zone offset requested. Default is EST
}, options);
//Generate ISO 8601 date/time formatted string
var s = "";
var d = opt.dateToConvert;
s += d.getFullYear() + "-";
s += pad(d.getMonth() + 1) + "-";
s += pad(d.getDate());
s += "T" + pad(d.getHours()) + ":";
s += pad(d.getMinutes()) + ":";
s += pad(d.getSeconds()) + "Z" + opt.dateOffset;
//Return the ISO8601 date string
return s;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPConvertDateToISO
// This method for finding specific nodes in the returned XML was developed by Steve Workman. See his blog post
// for performance details.
$.fn.SPFilterNode = function (name) {
return this.find('*').filter(function () {
return this.nodeName === name;
}; // End $.fn.SPFilterNode
// This function converts an XML node set to JSON
// Initial implementation focuses only on GetListItems
$.fn.SPXmlToJson = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
mapping: {}, // columnName: mappedName: "mappedName", objectType: "objectType"
includeAllAttrs: false, // If true, return all attributes, regardless whether they are in the mapping
removeOws: true, // Specifically for GetListItems, if true, the leading ows_ will be stripped off the field name
sparse: false // If true, empty ("") values will not be returned
}, options);
var attrNum;
var jsonObject = [];
this.each(function () {
var row = {};
var rowAttrs = this.attributes;
if (!opt.sparse) {
// Bring back all mapped columns, even those with no value
$.each(opt.mapping, function () {
row[this.mappedName] = "";
// Parse through the element's attributes
for (attrNum = 0; attrNum < rowAttrs.length; attrNum++) {
var thisAttrName = rowAttrs[attrNum].name;
var thisMapping = opt.mapping[thisAttrName];
var thisObjectName = typeof thisMapping !== "undefined" ? thisMapping.mappedName : opt.removeOws ? thisAttrName.split("ows_")[1] : thisAttrName;
var thisObjectType = typeof thisMapping !== "undefined" ? thisMapping.objectType : undefined;
if (opt.includeAllAttrs || thisMapping !== undefined) {
row[thisObjectName] = attrToJson(rowAttrs[attrNum].value, thisObjectType);
// Push this item into the JSON Object
// Return the JSON object
return jsonObject;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPXmlToJson
function attrToJson(v, objectType) {
var colValue;
switch (objectType) {
case "Text":
// colValue = stringToJsonObject(v);
colValue = v;
case "DateTime":
case "datetime": // For calculated columns, stored as datetime;#value
// Dates have dashes instead of slashes: ows_Created="2009-08-25 14:24:48"
colValue = dateToJsonObject(v);
case "User":
colValue = userToJsonObject(v);
case "UserMulti":
colValue = userMultiToJsonObject(v);
case "Lookup":
colValue = lookupToJsonObject(v);
case "LookupMulti":
colValue = lookupMultiToJsonObject(v);
case "Boolean":
colValue = booleanToJsonObject(v);
case "Integer":
colValue = intToJsonObject(v);
case "Counter":
colValue = intToJsonObject(v);
case "MultiChoice":
colValue = choiceMultiToJsonObject(v);
case "Number":
case "Currency":
case "float": // For calculated columns, stored as float;#value
colValue = floatToJsonObject(v);
case "Calculated":
colValue = calcToJsonObject(v);
case "Attachments":
colValue = attachmentsToJsonObject(v);
case "JSON":
colValue = jsonToJsonObject(v); // Special case for text JSON stored in text columns
// All other objectTypes will be simple strings
// colValue = stringToJsonObject(v);
colValue = v;
return colValue;
// function stringToJsonObject(s) {
// return s;
// }
function intToJsonObject(s) {
return parseInt(s, 10);
function floatToJsonObject(s) {
return parseFloat(s);
function booleanToJsonObject(s) {
return s !== "0";
function dateToJsonObject(s) {
var dt = s.split("T")[0] !== s ? s.split("T") : s.split(" ");
var d = dt[0].split("-");
var t = dt[1].split(":");
var t3 = t[2].split("Z");
return new Date(d[0], (d[1] - 1), d[2], t[0], t[1], t3[0]);
function userToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var thisUser = new SplitIndex(s);
var thisUserExpanded = thisUser.value.split(",#");
if (thisUserExpanded.length === 1) {
return {
userName: thisUser.value
} else {
return {
userName: thisUserExpanded[0].replace(/(,,)/g, ","),
loginName: thisUserExpanded[1].replace(/(,,)/g, ","),
email: thisUserExpanded[2].replace(/(,,)/g, ","),
sipAddress: thisUserExpanded[3].replace(/(,,)/g, ","),
title: thisUserExpanded[4].replace(/(,,)/g, ",")
function userMultiToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var thisUserMultiObject = [];
var thisUserMulti = s.split(spDelim);
for (i = 0; i < thisUserMulti.length; i = i + 2) {
var thisUser = userToJsonObject(thisUserMulti[i] + spDelim + thisUserMulti[i + 1]);
return thisUserMultiObject;
function lookupToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var thisLookup = s.split(spDelim);
return {
lookupId: thisLookup[0],
lookupValue: thisLookup[1]
function lookupMultiToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var thisLookupMultiObject = [];
var thisLookupMulti = s.split(spDelim);
for (i = 0; i < thisLookupMulti.length; i = i + 2) {
var thisLookup = lookupToJsonObject(thisLookupMulti[i] + spDelim + thisLookupMulti[i + 1]);
return thisLookupMultiObject;
function choiceMultiToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var thisChoiceMultiObject = [];
var thisChoiceMulti = s.split(spDelim);
for (i = 0; i < thisChoiceMulti.length; i++) {
if (thisChoiceMulti[i].length !== 0) {
return thisChoiceMultiObject;
function attachmentsToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else if (s === "0" || s === "1") {
return s;
} else {
var thisObject = [];
var thisString = s.split(spDelim);
for (i = 0; i < thisString.length; i++) {
if (thisString[i].length !== 0) {
var fileName = thisString[i];
if (thisString[i].lastIndexOf("/") !== -1) {
var tokens = thisString[i].split("/");
fileName = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
attachment: thisString[i],
fileName: fileName
return thisObject;
function calcToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var thisCalc = s.split(spDelim);
// The first value will be the calculated column value type, the second will be the value
return attrToJson(thisCalc[1], thisCalc[0]);
function jsonToJsonObject(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return null;
} else {
return $.parseJSON(s);
// Find a People Picker in the page
// Returns references to:
// row - The TR which contains the People Picker (useful if you'd like to hide it at some point)
// contents - The element which contains the current value
// currentValue - The current value if it is set
// checkNames - The Check Names image (in case you'd like to click it at some point)
$.fn.SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
peoplePickerDisplayName: "", // The displayName of the People Picker on the form
valueToSet: "", // The value to set the People Picker to. Should be a string containing each username or groupname separated by semi-colons.
checkNames: true // If set to true, the Check Names image will be clicked to resolve the names
}, options);
var thisRow = $("nobr").filter(function () {
// Ensures we get a match whether or not the People Picker is required (if required, the nobr contains a span also)
return $(this).contents().eq(0).text() === opt.peoplePickerDisplayName;
var thisContents = thisRow.find("div[name='upLevelDiv']");
var thisCheckNames = thisRow.find("img[Title='Check Names']:first");
// If a value was provided, set the value
if (opt.valueToSet.length > 0) {
// If checkName is true, click the check names icon
if (opt.checkNames) {;
var thisCurrentValue = $.trim(thisContents.text());
// Parse the entity data
var dictionaryEntries = [];
// IE
thisContents.children("span").each(function () {
// Grab the entity data
var thisData = $(this).find("div[data]").attr("data");
var dictionaryEntry = {};
// Entity data is only available in IE
if (typeof thisData !== "undefined") {
var arrayOfDictionaryEntry = $.parseXML(thisData);
var $xml = $(arrayOfDictionaryEntry);
$xml.find("DictionaryEntry").each(function () {
var key = $(this).find("Key").text();
dictionaryEntry[key] = $(this).find("Value").text();
// For other browsers, we'll call GetUserInfo to get the data
} else {
operation: "GetUserInfo",
async: false,
cacheXML: true,
userLoginName: $(this).attr("title"),
completefunc: function (xData) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("User").each(function () {
$.each(this.attributes, function (i, attrib) {
dictionaryEntry[] = attrib.value;
return {
row: thisRow,
contents: thisContents,
currentValue: thisCurrentValue,
checkNames: thisCheckNames,
dictionaryEntries: dictionaryEntries
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker
// Mistakenly released previously outside the SPServices namespace. This takes care of offering both.
$.fn.SPFindPeoplePicker = function (options) {
return $().SPServices.SPFindPeoplePicker(options);
}; // End $.fn.SPFindPeoplePicker
// Find an MMS Picker in the page
// Returns references to:
// terms - The aaray of terms as value/guid pairs
$.fn.SPServices.SPFindMMSPicker = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
MMSDisplayName: "" // The displayName of the MMS Picker on the form
}, options);
var thisTerms = [];
// Find the div for the column which contains the entered data values
var thisDiv = $("div[title='" + opt.MMSDisplayName + "']");
var thisHiddenInput = thisDiv.closest("td").find("input[type='hidden']");
var thisTermArray = thisHiddenInput.val().split(";");
for (var i = 0; i < thisTermArray.length; i++) {
var thisOne = thisTermArray[i].split("|");
value: thisOne[0],
guid: thisOne[1]
return {
terms: thisTerms
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPFindMMSPicker
// Return the current version of SPServices as a string
$.fn.SPServices.Version = function () {
return VERSION;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.Version
// Find a dropdown (or multi-select) in the DOM. Returns the dropdown object and its type:
// S = Simple (select)
// C = Compound (input + select hybrid)
// M = Multi-select (select hybrid)
$.fn.SPServices.SPDropdownCtl = function (options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
displayName: "" // The displayName of the column on the form
}, options);
var columnObj = {};
var colStaticName = $().SPServices.SPGetStaticFromDisplay({
listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(),
columnDisplayName: opt.displayName
// Simple, where the select's title attribute is colName (DisplayName)
// Examples:
// SP2013 <select title="Country" id="Country_d578ed64-2fa7-4c1e-8b41-9cc1d524fc28_$LookupField">
// SP2010: <SELECT name=ctl00$m$g_d10479d7_6965_4da0_b162_510bbbc58a7f$ctl00$ctl05$ctl01$ctl00$ctl00$ctl04$ctl00$Lookup title=Country id=ctl00_m_g_d10479d7_6965_4da0_b162_510bbbc58a7f_ctl00_ctl05_ctl01_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_Lookup>
// SP2007: <select name="ctl00$m$g_e845e690_00da_428f_afbd_fbe804787763$ctl00$ctl04$ctl04$ctl00$ctl00$ctl04$ctl00$Lookup" Title="Country" id="ctl00_m_g_e845e690_00da_428f_afbd_fbe804787763_ctl00_ctl04_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_Lookup">
if ((columnObj.Obj = $("select[Title='" + opt.displayName + "']")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.simple;
// Compound
} else if ((columnObj.Obj = $("input[Title='" + opt.displayName + "']")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.complex;
// Simple, where the select's id begins with colStaticName (StaticName) - needed for required columns where title="DisplayName Required Field"
// Example: SP2013 <select title="Region Required Field" id="Region_59566f6f-1c3b-4efb-9b7b-6dbc35fe3b0a_$LookupField" showrelatedselected="3">
} else if ((columnObj.Obj = $("select:regex(id, (" + colStaticName + ")(_)[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-))")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.simple;
// Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control in English and most other language sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
} else if ((columnObj.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title^='" + opt.displayName + " ']")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.multiSelect;
// Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a Russian site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like '????????? ????????: Column Name'
} else if ((columnObj.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$=': " + opt.displayName + "']")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.multiSelect;
// Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a German site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like 'Mögliche Werte für &quot;Column name&quot;.'
} else if ((columnObj.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$='\"" + opt.displayName + "\".']")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.multiSelect;
// Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a Italian site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like "Valori possibili Column name"
} else if ((columnObj.Obj = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$=' " + opt.displayName + "']")).length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.multiSelect;
} else {
columnObj.Type = null;
// Last ditch effort
// Simple, finding based on the comment text at the top of the where the select's title begins with DisplayName - needed for required columns where title="DisplayName Required Field"
// Example: SP2010 <select name="ctl00$m$g_308135f8_3f59_4d67_b5f8_c26776c498b7$ff51$ctl00$Lookup" id="ctl00_m_g_308135f8_3f59_4d67_b5f8_c26776c498b7_ff51_ctl00_Lookup" title="Region Required Field">
if (columnObj.Type === null) {
var fieldContainer = findFormField(opt.displayName);
if (fieldContainer !== undefined) {
var fieldSelect = fieldContainer.find("select[title^='" + opt.displayName + " '][id$='_Lookup']");
if (fieldSelect && fieldSelect.length === 1) {
columnObj.Type = dropdownType.simple;
columnObj.Obj = fieldSelect;
if (columnObj.Type === dropdownType.complex) {
columnObj.optHid = $("input[id='" + columnObj.Obj.attr("optHid") + "']");
} else if (columnObj.Type === dropdownType.multiSelect) {
// Find the important bits of the multiselect control
columnObj.container = columnObj.Obj.closest("span");
columnObj.MultiLookupPickerdata = columnObj.container.find("input[id$='" + multiLookupPrefix + "_data'], input[id$='" + multiLookupPrefix2013 + "_data']");
var addButtonId = columnObj.container.find("[id$='AddButton']").attr("id");
columnObj.master =
window[addButtonId.replace(/AddButton/, multiLookupPrefix + "_m")] || // SharePoint 2007
window[addButtonId.replace(/AddButton/, multiLookupPrefix2013 + "_m")]; // SharePoint 2013
return columnObj;
}; // End of function $.fn.SPServices.SPDropdownCtl
////// PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ////////
// Get the current context (as much as we can) on startup
// See:
function SPServicesContext() {
// The SharePoint variables only give us a relative path. to match the result from WebUrlFromPageUrl, we need to add the protocol, host, and (if present) port.
var siteRoot = location.protocol + "//" + + (location.port !== "" ? location.port : "");
// SharePoint 2010 gives us a context variable
if (typeof _spPageContextInfo !== "undefined") {
this.thisSite = siteRoot + _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;
this.thisList = _spPageContextInfo.pageListId;
this.thisUserId = _spPageContextInfo.userId;
// In SharePoint 2007, we know the UserID only
} else {
this.thisSite = (typeof L_Menu_BaseUrl !== "undefined") ? siteRoot + L_Menu_BaseUrl : "";
this.thisList = "";
this.thisUserId = (typeof _spUserId !== "undefined") ? _spUserId : undefined;
} // End of function SPServicesContext
// Display a column (field) formatted correctly based on its definition in the list.
// NOTE: Currently not dealing with locale differences.
// columnXML The XML node for the column from a GetList operation
// columnValue The text representation of the column's value
// opt The current set of options
function showColumn(listXML, columnXML, columnValue, opt) {
if (typeof columnValue === "undefined") {
return "";
var i;
var outString = "";
var dispUrl;
var numDecimals;
var outArray = [];
var webUrl = opt.relatedWebURL.length > 0 ? opt.relatedWebURL : $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite();
switch (columnXML.attr("Type")) {
case "Text":
outString = columnValue;
case "URL":
switch (columnXML.attr("Format")) {
// URL as hyperlink
case "Hyperlink":
outString = "<a href='" + columnValue.substring(0,",")) + "'>" +
columnValue.substring(",") + 1) + "</a>";
// URL as image
case "Image":
outString = "<img alt='" + columnValue.substring(",") + 1) +
"' src='" + columnValue.substring(0,",")) + "'/>";
// Just in case
outString = columnValue;
case "User":
case "UserMulti":
var userMultiValues = columnValue.split(spDelim);
for (i = 0; i < userMultiValues.length; i = i + 2) {
outArray.push("<a href='/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=" + userMultiValues[i] +
"&Source=" + escapeUrl(location.href) + "'>" +
userMultiValues[i + 1] + "</a>");
outString = outArray.join(", ");
case "Calculated":
var calcColumn = columnValue.split(spDelim);
outString = calcColumn[1];
case "Number":
numDecimals = columnXML.attr("Decimals");
outString = typeof numDecimals === "undefined" ?
parseFloat(columnValue).toString() :
case "Currency":
numDecimals = columnXML.attr("Decimals");
outString = typeof numDecimals === "undefined" ?
parseFloat(columnValue).toFixed(2).toString() :
case "Lookup":
switch (columnXML.attr("Name")) {
case "FileRef":
// Get the display form URL for the lookup source list
dispUrl = listXML.attr("BaseType") === "1" ? listXML.attr("RootFolder") + SLASH + "Forms/DispForm.aspx" :
listXML.attr("RootFolder") + SLASH + "DispForm.aspx";
outString = "<a href='" + dispUrl +
"?ID=" + columnValue.substring(0, + "&RootFolder=*&Source=" + escapeUrl(location.href) + "'>" +
columnValue.substring( + 2) + "</a>";
case "FileDirRef":
// Get the display form URL for the lookup source list
dispUrl = SLASH + columnValue.substring( + 2);
outString = "<a href='" + dispUrl + "'>" +
columnValue.substring( + 2) + "</a>";
// Any other lookup column
// Get the display form URL for the lookup source list
dispUrl = getListFormUrl(columnXML.attr("List"), "DisplayForm");
outString = "<a href='" + opt.relatedWebURL + SLASH + dispUrl +
"?ID=" + columnValue.substring(0, + "&RootFolder=*&Source=" + escapeUrl(location.href) + "'>" +
columnValue.substring( + 2) + "</a>";
case "LookupMulti":
// Get the display form URL for the lookup source list
dispUrl = getListFormUrl(columnXML.attr("List"), "DisplayForm");
// Show all the values as links to the items, separated by commas
outString = "";
if (columnValue.length > 0) {
var lookupMultiValues = columnValue.split(spDelim);
for (i = 0; i < lookupMultiValues.length / 2; i++) {
outArray.push("<a href='" + webUrl + SLASH + dispUrl +
"?ID=" + lookupMultiValues[i * 2] + "&RootFolder=*&Source=" + escapeUrl(location.href) + "'>" +
lookupMultiValues[(i * 2) + 1] + "</a>");
outString = outArray.join(", ");
case "File":
fileName = columnValue.substring( + 2);
outString = "<a href='" + listXML.attr("RootFolder") + SLASH + fileName + "'>" + fileName + "</a>";
case "Counter":
outString = columnValue;
case "DateTime":
outString = columnValue;
outString = columnValue;
return outString;
} // End of function showColumn
// Show a single attribute of a node, enclosed in a table
// node The XML node
// opt The current set of options
function showAttrs(node) {
var i;
var out = "<table class='ms-vb' width='100%'>";
for (i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
out += "<tr><td width='10px' style='font-weight:bold;'>" + i + "</td><td width='100px'>" +
node.attributes.item(i).nodeName + "</td><td>" + checkLink(node.attributes.item(i).nodeValue) + "</td></tr>";
out += "</table>";
return out;
} // End of function showAttrs
// Returns the selected value(s) for a dropdown in an array. Expects a dropdown object as returned by the DropdownCtl function.
// If matchOnId is true, returns the ids rather than the text values for the selection options(s).
function getDropdownSelected(columnSelect, matchOnId) {
var columnSelectSelected = [];
switch (columnSelect.Type) {
case dropdownType.simple:
if (matchOnId) {
columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val() || []);
} else {
columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").text() || []);
case dropdownType.complex:
if (matchOnId) {
columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.optHid.val() || []);
} else {
columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.Obj.val() || []);
case dropdownType.multiSelect:
$(columnSelect.master.resultControl).find("option").each(function () {
if (matchOnId) {
} else {
return columnSelectSelected;
} // End of function getDropdownSelected
// Build an error message based on passed parameters
function errBox(func, param, msg) {
var errMsg = "<b>Error in function</b><br/>" + func + "<br/>" +
"<b>Parameter</b><br/>" + param + "<br/>" +
"<b>Message</b><br/>" + msg + "<br/><br/>" +
"<span onmouseover='\"hand\";' onmouseout='\"inherit\";' style='width=100%;text-align:right;'>Click to continue</span></div>";
} // End of function errBox
// Call this function to pop up a branded modal msgBox
function modalBox(msg) {
var boxCSS = "position:absolute;width:300px;height:150px;padding:10px;background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;z-index:30;font-family:'Arial';font-size:12px;display:none;";
$("#aspnetForm").parent().append("<div id='SPServices_msgBox' style=" + boxCSS + ">" + msg);
var msgBoxObj = $("#SPServices_msgBox");
var height = msgBoxObj.height();
var width = msgBoxObj.width();
var leftVal = ($(window).width() / 2) - (width / 2) + "px";
var topVal = ($(window).height() / 2) - (height / 2) - 100 + "px";
border: '5px #C02000 solid',
left: leftVal,
top: topVal
}).show().fadeTo("slow", 0.75).click(function () {
$(this).fadeOut("3000", function () {
} // End of function modalBox
// Generate a unique id for a containing div using the function name and the column display name
function genContainerId(funcname, columnName, listName) {
var l = listName !== undefined ? listName : $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl();
return funcname + "_" + $().SPServices.SPGetStaticFromDisplay({
listName: l,
columnDisplayName: columnName
} // End of function genContainerId
// Get the URL for a specified form for a list
function getListFormUrl(l, f) {
var u;
operation: "GetFormCollection",
async: false,
listName: l,
completefunc: function (xData) {
u = $(xData.responseXML).find("Form[Type='" + f + "']").attr("Url");
return u;
} // End of function getListFormUrl
// Add the option values to the SOAPEnvelope.payload for the operation
// opt = options for the call
// paramArray = an array of option names to add to the payload
// "paramName" if the parameter name and the option name match
// ["paramName", "optionName"] if the parameter name and the option name are different (this handles early "wrappings" with inconsistent naming)
// {name: "paramName", sendNull: false} indicates the element is marked as "add to payload only if non-null"
function addToPayload(opt, paramArray) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < paramArray.length; i++) {
// the parameter name and the option name match
if (typeof paramArray[i] === "string") {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode(paramArray[i], opt[paramArray[i]]);
// the parameter name and the option name are different
} else if ($.isArray(paramArray[i]) && paramArray[i].length === 2) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += wrapNode(paramArray[i][0], opt[paramArray[i][1]]);
// the element not a string or an array and is marked as "add to payload only if non-null"
} else if ((typeof paramArray[i] === "object") && (paramArray[i].sendNull !== undefined)) {
SOAPEnvelope.payload += ((opt[paramArray[i].name] === undefined) || (opt[paramArray[i].name].length === 0)) ? "" : wrapNode(paramArray[i].name, opt[paramArray[i].name]);
// something isn't right, so report it
} else {
errBox(opt.operation, "paramArray[" + i + "]: " + paramArray[i], "Invalid paramArray element passed to addToPayload()");
} // End of function addToPayload
// Finds the td which contains a form field in default forms using the comment which contains:
// <!-- FieldName="Title"
// FieldInternalName="Title"
// FieldType="SPFieldText"
// -->
// as the "anchor" to find it. Necessary because SharePoint doesn't give all field types ids or specific classes.
function findFormField(columnName) {
var thisFormBody;
// There's no easy way to find one of these columns; we'll look for the comment with the columnName
var searchText = RegExp("FieldName=\"" + columnName.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&") + "\"", "gi");
// Loop through all of the ms-formbody table cells
$(",").each(function () {
// Check for the right comment
if (searchText.test($(this).html())) {
thisFormBody = $(this);
// Found it, so we're done
return false;
return thisFormBody;
} // End of function findFormField
// The SiteData operations have the same names as other Web Service operations. To make them easy to call and unique, I'm using
// the SiteData prefix on their names. This function replaces that name with the right name in the SOAPEnvelope.
function siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, siteDataOperation) {
var siteDataOp = siteDataOperation.substring(8);
SOAPEnvelope.opheader = SOAPEnvelope.opheader.replace(siteDataOperation, siteDataOp);
SOAPEnvelope.opfooter = SOAPEnvelope.opfooter.replace(siteDataOperation, siteDataOp);
return SOAPEnvelope;
} // End of function siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope
// Wrap an XML node (n) around a value (v)
function wrapNode(n, v) {
var thisValue = typeof v !== "undefined" ? v : "";
return "<" + n + ">" + thisValue + "</" + n + ">";
// Generate a random number for sorting arrays randomly
function randOrd() {
return (Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5);
// If a string is a URL, format it as a link, else return the string as-is
function checkLink(s) {
return ((s.indexOf("http") === 0) || (s.indexOf(SLASH) === 0)) ? "<a href='" + s + "'>" + s + "</a>" : s;
// Get the filename from the full URL
function fileName(s) {
return s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1, s.length);
/* Taken from */
var xml_special_to_escaped_one_map = {
'&': '&amp;',
'"': '&quot;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;'
var escaped_one_to_xml_special_map = {
'&amp;': '&',
'&quot;': '"',
'&lt;': '<',
'&gt;': '>'
function encodeXml(string) {
return string.replace(/([\&"<>])/g, function (str, item) {
return xml_special_to_escaped_one_map[item];
function decodeXml(string) {
return string.replace(/(&quot;|&lt;|&gt;|&amp;)/g,
function (str, item) {
return escaped_one_to_xml_special_map[item];
/* Taken from */
// Escape column values
function escapeColumnValue(s) {
if (typeof s === "string") {
return s.replace(/&(?![a-zA-Z]{1,8};)/g, "&amp;");
} else {
return s;
// Escape Url
function escapeUrl(u) {
return u.replace(/&/g, '%26');
// Split values like 1;#value into id and value
function SplitIndex(s) {
var spl = s.split(spDelim); = spl[0];
this.value = spl[1];
function pad(n) {
return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n;
// James Padolsey's Regex Selector for jQuery
$.expr[':'].regex = function (elem, index, match) {
var matchParams = match[3].split(','),
validLabels = /^(data|css):/,
attr = {
method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ?
matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr',
property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels, '')
regexFlags = 'ig',
regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''), regexFlags);
return regex.test($(elem)[attr.method](;
<script type="text/javascript">
// TEST CODE for Issue #2 in forum post:
// use this to make the xml unique - triggers new
// cache entry into SPServices
var unique = 1000,
$numberOfCallsMade = $("#numberOfCallsMade"),
$numberOfCallsCached = $("#numberOfCallsCached"),
$listNameInput = $("#testListName"),
countCacheEntries = function(){
var k,
count = 0;
for (k in window.promisesCache) {
return count;
$numberOfCallsMade.currentCount = 0;
// Expose test function
window.getListItemTest = function(cacheXML){
var listName = $listNameInput.val();
if (!listName) {
alert("enter a list name");
operation: "GetListItems",
listName: listName,
cacheXML: Boolean(cacheXML),
CAMLRowLimit: 1,
CAMLQuery: "<Query>" +
"<Where>" +
"<Neq>" +
"<FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
"<Value Type='Counter'>" + unique + "</Value>" +
"</Neq>" +
"</Where>" +
completefunc: function(xData, status){
}; //end: window.getListItemTest()
Test case will retrieve a list item via GetListItems while at the same time ensuring that
each XML message generated is unique. Attempting to demostrate that SPServices caches
ALL requestes regardless of <code>cacheXML</code> flag.<br>
The SPServices included in this test file was only altered to expose the internal
variable named <code>promisesCache</code>, so that we can report on what's being cached.
<label>Enter a valid list name in this site, and click on 'Get Item' multiple times.</label><br>
<input id="testListName" type="text" name="testListName" value="Tasks"/>
<button type="button" onClick="window.getListItemTest()">Get Item</button>
<table border="0" width="70%">
<td width="50%" align="center">
<h2>Calls Made</h2>
<h1 id="numberOfCallsMade">0</h1>
<td width="50%" align="center">
<h2 style="color:red;">CACHED XML ENTRIES</h2>
<h1 style="color:red;" id="numberOfCallsCached">0</h1>
<div id="testOut"></div>
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