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Last active August 8, 2017 18:13
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! testdpotr_test_gh_2691.f90
! Direct Fortran translation of the Scipy test
! TestDpotr.test_gh_2691
subroutine garbage(okflag)
implicit none
integer, intent(out) :: okflag
double precision, dimension(3,3) :: a, a2
integer, parameter :: lwork = 100
double precision, dimension(lwork) :: work(lwork)
integer, dimension(3) :: ipiv
integer :: info, i, j
okflag = 1
! condition number =~ 19, well invertible
! eigenvalues [ 0.28320384 0.78854214 5.34613967] > 0
a(1,1) = 0.68534241
a(1,2) = 0.63723771
a(2,1) = 0.63723771
a(1,3) = 0.37423535
a(3,1) = 0.37423535
a(2,2) = 2.42926786
a(2,3) = 2.33541214
a(3,2) = 2.33541214
a(3,3) = 3.30327538
a2 = a
call dpotrf('L', 3, a, 3, info)
if ( then
okflag = 0
write(*,*) 'DPOTRF failed'
end if
do i = 1, 3
do j = 1, i
write(*,*) 'DPOTRF result', i, j, a(i,j)
end do
end do
do i = 1, 3
do j = i+1, 3
a(i,j) = 0
end do
end do
call dpotri('L', 3, a, 3, info)
if ( then
okflag = 0
write(*,*) 'DPOTRI failed'
end if
call dgetrf(3, 3, a2, 3, ipiv, info)
if ( then
okflag = 0
write(*,*) 'DGETRF failed'
end if
call dgetri(3, a2, 3, ipiv, work, lwork, info)
if ( then
okflag = 0
write(*,*) 'DGETRI failed'
end if
do i = 1, 3
do j = 1, i
write(*,*) i, j, a(i,j), a2(i,j)
if (abs(a(i,j) - a2(i,j)) > 1e-3 + 1e-3*abs(a(i,j))) then
okflag = 0
write(*,*) '# po/ge mismatch!'
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine
program main
integer :: okflag
call garbage(okflag)
if (okflag.eq.1) then
write(*,*) 'OK'
write(*,*) 'FAIL'
end if
end program
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