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Last active May 29, 2017 18:39
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import json, hmac, hashlib, time, requests, base64, locale
from requests.auth import AuthBase
# Create custom authentication for Exchange
class CoinbaseExchangeAuth(AuthBase):
def __init__(self, api_key, secret_key, passphrase):
self.api_key = api_key
self.secret_key = secret_key
self.passphrase = passphrase
def __call__(self, request):
timestamp = str(time.time())
message = timestamp + request.method + request.path_url + (request.body or '')
hmac_key = base64.b64decode(self.secret_key)
signature =, message, hashlib.sha256)
signature_b64 = signature.digest().encode('base64').rstrip('\n')
'CB-ACCESS-SIGN': signature_b64,
'CB-ACCESS-KEY': self.api_key,
'CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE': self.passphrase,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
return request
api_url = ''
API_KEY = ''
auth = CoinbaseExchangeAuth(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_PASS)
def pprint(str):
print json.dumps(str, indent=2)
def getNetGain(product_type):
'''adds up all trade fills for a particular product type'''
r = requests.get(api_url + 'fills', auth=auth)
fills = r.json()
tmp_fills = []
for f in fills:
if f['product_id'] == product_type:
total = 0
for f in tmp_fills:
price = float(f['price'])
size = float(f['size'])
if f['side'] == 'sell':
total = total + (size * price)
elif f['side'] == 'buy':
total = total - (size * price)
total = total - float(f['fee'])
return total
def get_position(product_type):
'''calculate standing since the last time we had 0 balance'''
fills = requests.get(api_url + 'fills?product_id={}'.format(product_type), auth=auth).json()
i = 0
total = get_transfer_balance(product_type)
tmp = 0
for f in reversed(fills):
if f['side'] == 'buy':
total = total + float(f['size'])
elif f['side'] == 'sell':
total = total - float(f['size'])
#print '{}. {} - {}'.format(i, f['side'], total)
if round(total,8) == 0:
tmp = i
i +=1
# find the position that we last hit 0 (in non reversed list)
pos = i - 1 - tmp
tmp_fills = fills[:pos]
cost = 0
fees = 0
price = 0
#print 'total {} '.format(total)
for t in tmp_fills:
fraction_of_total = float(t['size'])/total
price = price + (fraction_of_total * float(t['price']))
cost = cost + (float(t['size']) * float(t['price']))
#print '{} | {} | {}'.format(f['side'], float(t['size']), cost)
fees = fees + (float(t['fee']))
return {'cost':cost, 'fees':fees, 'price':price}
def getPrice(product_type):
'''get the current market price'''
uri = 'products/{}/ticker'.format(product_type)
r = requests.get(api_url + uri)
return round(float(r.json()['price']),2)
def get_account_balance(product_type):
'''get an account balance for a particular product type'''
product_type = product_type.split('-')[0]
accts = requests.get(api_url + 'accounts', auth=auth).json()
for a in accts:
if a['currency'] == product_type:
return float(a['balance'])
def get_transfer_balance(product_type):
'''sum up the deposits and withdrawals for an account'''
product_type = product_type.split('-')[0]
accts = requests.get(api_url + 'accounts', auth=auth).json()
# find the right account
for i, a in enumerate(accts):
if a['currency'] == product_type:
index = i
# find the transfers in this account and add them up
total = 0.0
history = requests.get(api_url + 'accounts/{}/ledger'.format(accts[index]['id']), auth=auth).json()
transfers = []
for t in history:
if t['type'] == 'transfer':
total = total + float(t['amount'])
return total
def account_statement(product_type):
balance = get_account_balance(product_type)
if product_type == 'BTC-USD':
currency_name = "Bitcoin"
elif product_type == 'ETH-USD':
currency_name = "Ether"
print 'unhandled currency: {}'.format(product_type)
if balance == 0:
tmp={'fees':0, 'cost':0, 'price':0}
tmp = get_position(product_type)
fees = tmp['fees']
cost = tmp['cost'] + fees
purchase_price = tmp['price']
gain = getNetGain(product_type)
market_price = getPrice(product_type)
balance_value = market_price * balance
sell_fees = balance_value*.0025
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
dollars = locale.currency
s = '-------------------------'
s += '\n# {}'.format(currency_name)
s += '\n-------------------------'
s += '\nmarket price: {}'.format(dollars(market_price))
s += '\npurchase price: {}'.format(dollars(purchase_price))
s += '\nbalance: {}'.format(balance)
s += '\nmarket value: {}'.format(dollars(balance_value))
s += '\npurchase value: {}'.format(dollars(cost))
s += '\n-------------------------'
s += '\nunrealized pnl: {}'.format(dollars(balance_value - cost))
if balance_value > cost: s += '\nsell fees: {}'.format(dollars(sell_fees))
#if balance_value > cost:
# print 'unrealized pnl w/ fees: {}'.format(dollars(balance_value - cost - sell_fees))
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
print account_statement('BTC-USD')
print ''
print account_statement('ETH-USD')
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