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Programming, innit?

Petteri Valkonen pvalkone

Programming, innit?
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pvalkone /
Last active September 29, 2024 18:40
Adventures in LTO tape on FreeBSD

Adventures in LTO tape on FreeBSD

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

What's all this nonsense, then?

The object of the present quest is to create a long-term archive of the tens of terabytes of media I've hoarded^Wcollected over the past 20 years. The said files are stored on a NAS that's currently running FreeBSD 13, and practically never change once they've been created.

In the unfortunate event of all my media going up in a puff of smoke, in lieu of restoring from an archive, I could always re-rip everything, but that's an endeavour I'd rather avoid altogether.

=> Building x11-wm/i3-gaps-next
Started : Thursday, 4 MAY 2017 at 20:06:56 UTC
Platform: 11.0-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Apr 11 08:48:40 UTC 2017 amd64
-- Environment

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am pvalkone on github.
  • I am pvalkone ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3CAA BD0A FF87 1B56 B5CD 8418 BE5C 6D42 61B2 EEC2

To claim this, I am signing this object:

=> Building textproc/ripgrep
Started : Friday, 11 NOV 2016 at 11:36:55 UTC
Platform: 11.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p2 #0: Mon Oct 24 06:55:27 UTC 2016 amd64
-- Environment
pvalkone / gist:9568061
Last active March 30, 2023 13:33
How to set up LACP link aggregation with a HP 1810-8G v2 switch and FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE
Set up LACP on the switch
1) Log into the switch management interface (by default at
2) Navigate to Trunks > Trunk Configuration
3) Set up a new trunk by giving it a name, choosing "LACP Active" mode and the ports you'd like to aggregate. Click "Apply".
FreeBSD setup
pvalkone / gist:9292589
Last active October 19, 2021 06:59
How to set up IPMI Serial-Over-LAN (SOL) on a ASRock C2550D4I motherboard and FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE
BIOS Setup
1) Boot into the BIOS setup utility (press F2 or DEL) and open Advanced > Serial Port Console Redirection.
2) Disable COM1 and EMS console redirection and enable SOL redirection.
3) Set the SOL console redirection settings as follows:
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.
pvalkone / gist:9170523
Last active February 26, 2018 09:23
How to set up a Huawei E1820 3G modem on FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE
1) Load the u3g(4) driver:
# kldload u3g
# kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
7 1 0xffffffff81b6e000 5ffb u3g.ko
2) Set the driver to load at boot:
pvalkone / gist:8942370
Last active May 6, 2020 14:08
Create a ZFS pool on FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE with Advanced Format (4K sector) drives
# Create 4K sector gnop(8) devices for the first disk of each of the three vdevs
$ sudo gnop create -S 4096 /dev/label/disk1 /dev/label/disk5 /dev/label/disk8
# Create the backup pool using three RAID-Z1 vdevs
$ sudo zpool create backup raidz /dev/label/disk1.nop /dev/label/disk2 /dev/label/disk3 /dev/label/disk4
$ sudo zpool add backup raidz /dev/label/disk5.nop /dev/label/disk6 /dev/label/disk7 /dev/label/disk12
$ sudo zpool add backup raidz /dev/label/disk8.nop /dev/label/disk9 /dev/label/disk10 /dev/label/disk11
$ zpool list
pvalkone / gist:6147878
Created August 3, 2013 20:34
How to Install Tarsnap on Raspbian "Wheezy"
$ sudo aptitude install libssl-dev zlib1g-dev e2fslibs-dev debhelper libbz2-dev libattr1-dev libacl1-dev
$ wget
$ wget
$ gpg --decrypt tarsnap-sigs-1.0.35.asc
$ sha256sum tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.35.tgz
$ tar xzf tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.35.tgz
$ cd tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.35
$ ln -s pkg/debian .
$ dpkg-buildpackage
$ cd ..