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Created November 10, 2014 08:26
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Copies a set of files to a remote directory on a given Azure VM.
Copies a set of files to a remote directory on a given Azure VM.
The Add-AzureFilesToVM function copies a set of files to a remote directory on a given Azure VM.
.PARAMETER session
The PSSession that provides the connection between the local machine and the remote machine.
.PARAMETER remoteDirectory
The full path to the remote directory into which the files should be copied. Defaults to 'c:\installers'
.PARAMETER filesToCopy
The collection of local files that should be copied.
Add-AzureFilesToVM -session $session -remoteDirectory 'c:\temp' -filesToCopy (Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse)
function Add-AzureFilesToVM
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $session,
[string] $remoteDirectory = "c:\installers",
[string[]] $filesToCopy
# Stop everything if there are errors
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$commonParameterSwitches =
Verbose = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose');
Debug = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug');
ErrorAction = "Stop"
# Create the installer directory on the virtual machine
Invoke-Command `
-Session $session `
-ArgumentList @( $remoteDirectory ) `
-ScriptBlock {
[string] $dir
if (-not (Test-Path $dir))
New-Item -Path $dir -ItemType Directory
} `
# Push binaries to the new VM
Write-Verbose "Copying files to virtual machine: $filesToCopy"
foreach($fileToCopy in $filesToCopy)
$remotePath = Join-Path $remoteDirectory (Split-Path -Leaf $fileToCopy)
Write-Verbose "Copying $fileToCopy to $remotePath"
Copy-ItemToRemoteMachine -localPath $fileToCopy -remotePath $remotePath -Session $session @commonParameterSwitches
Copies a file to the given remote path on the machine that the session is connected to.
The Copy-ItemToRemoteMachine function copies a local file to the given remote path on the machine that the session is connected to.
.PARAMETER localPath
The full path of the file that should be copied.
.PARAMETER remotePath
The full file path to which the local file should be copied
.PARAMETER session
The PSSession that provides the connection between the local machine and the remote machine.
Copy-ItemToRemoteMachine -localPath 'c:\temp\myfile.txt' -remotePath 'c:\remote\myfile.txt' -session $session
Original found here:
function Copy-ItemToRemoteMachine
[string] $localPath,
[string] $remotePath,
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $session
# Use .NET file handling for speed
$content = [Io.File]::ReadAllBytes( $localPath )
$contentsizeMB = $content.Count / 1MB + 1MB
Write-Output "Copying $fileName from $localPath to $remotePath on $session.Name ..."
# Open local file
[IO.FileStream]$filestream = [IO.File]::OpenRead( $localPath )
Write-Output "Opened local file for reading"
Write-Error "Could not open local file $localPath because:" $_.Exception.ToString()
Return $false
# Open remote file
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
[IO.FileStream]$filestream = [IO.File]::OpenWrite( $remFile )
} -ArgumentList $remotePath
Write-Output "Opened remote file for writing"
Write-Error "Could not open remote file $remotePath because:" $_.Exception.ToString()
Return $false
# Copy file in chunks
$chunksize = 1MB
[byte[]]$contentchunk = New-Object byte[] $chunksize
$bytesread = 0
while (($bytesread = $filestream.Read( $contentchunk, 0, $chunksize )) -ne 0)
$percent = $filestream.Position / $filestream.Length
Write-Output ("Copying {0}, {1:P2} complete, sending {2} bytes" -f $fileName, $percent, $bytesread)
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
Param($data, $bytes)
$filestream.Write( $data, 0, $bytes )
} -ArgumentList $contentchunk,$bytesread
Write-Error "Could not copy $fileName to $($Connection.Name) because:" $_.Exception.ToString()
return $false
# Close remote file
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
Write-Output "Closed remote file, copy complete"
Write-Error "Could not close remote file $remotePath because:" $_.Exception.ToString()
Return $false
# Close local file
Write-Output "Closed local file, copy complete"
Write-Error "Could not close local file $localPath because:" $_.Exception.ToString()
Return $false
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