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Last active August 20, 2018 19:26
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package multibeamlcm;
struct ping_t {
int64_t time;
string sonar_id; // sonar id, e.g.: "DIDSON", "MB2250", ...
// platform/vehicle pose in the world frame
double platform_origin[3]; // x y z (North, East, Down) [m]
double platform_orientation[4]; // w + xi + yj + zk (eigen conv)
// sensor pose in the platform frame
double sensor_origin[3]; // x y z (FWD, STB, DOWN) [m]
double sensor_orientation[4]; // w + xi + yj + zk (eigen conv)
double hfov; // the horizontal (in-plane) field of view [rad]
double vfov; // the vertical (out-of-plane) field of view [rad]
int32_t num_beams; // number of (virtual) beams
double beam_hfov; // in-plane beam width (3dB down) [rad]
double beam_vfov; // out-of-plane beam width (3dB down) [rad]
double azi[num_beams]; // nominal beam azimuth [rad]
int32_t num_bins; // number of range bins
double min_range; // [m]
double max_range; // [m]
double range[num_bins];
double focus; // [m]
double rx_gain; // [dB]
double tx_gain; // [dB]
double tvg[num_bins];
double water_temperature; // [deg C]
double center_frequency; // [Hz]
double sound_speed; // [m/s]
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
int32_t size;
int16_t image[size];
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