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Created June 10, 2019 11:16
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Cover generating code in the TU Delft LaTeX template
%% The coverimage command is used to specify the filename of the optional cover
%% image.
%% The covertext command can be used to specify the text printed on the back
%% cover. This text is inserted in a minipage environment and can therefore
%% include line breaks.
% \def\@subtitle{#1}%
%% The cover image is scaled to fill the width of the front cover.
%% The width of the spine if a back cover is present.
%% Width and height of the boxes on the front and back cover.
%% Position on the front cover where the corner of both boxes meet.
%% The margin around text boxes.
%% Define the options for the makecover command.
%% Create a \@pagecolor empty page without margins.
%% We need the this to perform coordinate calculations in TikZ.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
%% If a back cover is present, stretch the cover image to extend onto
%% the spine.
%% If a cover image was specified, attach it to the top right of the
%% front cover.
\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt] at (current {
\node at (current page.north east)[anchor=north east,inner sep=0pt]{
\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt] at (current page.west) {
\node at (current page.north east)[anchor=north east,inner sep=0pt]{
\node at (current page.south west)[anchor=south west,inner sep=20pt]{
\node at (current page.south east)[anchor=south east,inner sep=20pt]{
\node at (current page.south west)[anchor=south west,inner sep=20pt]{
\node at (current page.south west)[anchor=south west,inner sep=20pt]{
\node at (current page.south east)[anchor=south east,inner sep=20pt]{
\node at (current page.south west)[anchor=south west,inner sep=20pt]{
%% Calculate the coordinate of the top left corner of the front cover.
\coordinate (top left) at ($(current page.north)+(0.5\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (top left) at (current page.north west);
\coordinate (bottom left) at ($(current page.south)+(0.5\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (bottom left) at (current page.south west);
%% If a back cover is present, calculate the coordinates of the
%% spine box.
\coordinate (spine top left) at ($(top left)-(\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (spine bottom right) at ($(top left)+(0pt,-\@cover@y)$);
\coordinate (spine bottom right) at ($(spine bottom right)+(0pt,\@cover@backboxheight)$);
\coordinate (spine bottom center) at ($(spine bottom right)+(-0.5\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
%% Extend the spine box by 1pt to the left to ensure it completely
%% covers the cover image.
\coordinate (spine top left) at ($(spine top left)-(1pt,0pt)$);
%% Draw a black box on the spine.
\fill[fill=tudelft-black](spine top left) rectangle (spine bottom right);
%% Print the title on the center right of the spine box.
\node at (spine bottom center)[rotate=-90,anchor=east,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Calculate the coordinate of the corner where the front and back boxes
%% meet.
\coordinate (tcorner) at ($(top left)+(2\@cover@margin,-2\@cover@margin)$);
\coordinate (front top left) at (tcorner);
%% \coordinate (back top left) at ($(tcorner)+(-\@cover@backboxwidth,\@cover@backboxheight)$);
\node at (front top left)[anchor=north west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Print the title and optional subtitle at the top in white.
% \\[3mm]
%% Print the author.
\coordinate (tcorner) at ($(top left)+(\@cover@x,-\@cover@y)$);
\coordinate (acorner) at ($(top left)+(\@cover@ax,-\@cover@ay)$);
% \coordinate (lcorner) at ($(bottom left)+(2cm,2cm)$);
%% Calculate the top left and bottom right coordinates of the front and
%% back boxes.
\coordinate (front top left) at (tcorner);
\coordinate (back top left) at ($(tcorner)+(-\@cover@splitboxwidth,\@cover@splitboxheight)$);
\coordinate (front top left) at ($(tcorner)+(0pt,\@cover@frontboxheight)$);
\coordinate (back top left) at ($(tcorner)+(-\@cover@splitboxwidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (front bottom right) at ($(front top left)+(\@cover@frontboxwidth,-\@cover@frontboxheight)$);
\coordinate (back bottom right) at ($(back top left)+(\@cover@splitboxwidth,-\@cover@splitboxheight)$);
%% Draw the front box in black.
% \fill[fill=tudelft-black](front top left) rectangle (front bottom right);
%% Calculate the width and height of the front text box.
%% Create the front text box.
\node at (front top left)[anchor=north west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Print the title and optional subtitle at the top in white.
% {\tudsffamily\color{\@titlecolor}\fontsize{96}{96}\selectfont\@title}
%% Print the author at the bottom in cyan.
% {\tudtitlefamily\color{\@authorcolor}\fontsize{26}{26}\selectfont\@author}
%% Draw the back box in cyan.
% \fill[fill=tudelft-cyan](back top left) rectangle (back bottom right);
%% Print the affiliation.
% \node at (back bottom right)[rotate=90,anchor=south west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
\node at (acorner)[rotate=90,anchor=south west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
% \ifKV@cover@back\ifx\@cover@text\undefined\else
% %% Calculate the width and height of the back text box.
% \setlength\@cover@backtextwidth{\@cover@backboxwidth}
% \addtolength\@cover@backtextwidth{-2\@cover@margin}
% \setlength\@cover@backtextheight{\@cover@backboxheight}
% \addtolength\@cover@backtextheight{-2\@cover@margin}
% %% Create the back text box.
% \node at (back top left)[anchor=north west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
% \begin{minipage}[t][\@cover@backtextheight]{\@cover@backtextwidth}
% \tudsffamily\color{tudelft-white}\@cover@text
% \end{minipage}
% };
% \fi
%% Restore the margins and turn the page white again.
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