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Created September 16, 2022 06:14
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Shopify image component
{%- comment -%}
Expected behaviour:
Renders picture element
Render a responsive image
- img: {Object} image
- width: {Integer} (Default: 1920) The maximum size this image should render in, this can optimise the site speed.
- eager: {Boolean} (Default: false) In case you would like to disable the lazy loading
- preload: {Boolean} (Default: true) In case you would like to disable the preloading
- class: {String} Class to add to the picture element
{%- render 'component.image',
img: s.image,
width: 2560,
placeholder: true,
class: 'w-full'
{%- endcomment -%}
{%- liquid
assign width = width | default: 1940 | plus: 1
assign fallback_widths = '390, 512, 768, 1280, 1440, 1920, 2140, 2560'
assign img = img | default: fallback_img
if aspect_ratio
assign height = width | times: aspect_ratio
assign width_string = width | append: 'px'
assign sizes = '(max-width: [width]) 100vw, [width]' | replace: '[width]', width_string
capture loading
if eager == true
echo 'eager'
echo 'lazy'
echo img | image_url: width: width, height: height | image_tag: loading: loading, preload: preload, class: class, sizes: sizes, alt: img.alt, widths: fallback_widths
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