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Created May 18, 2011 07:16
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Parsing Twitter's user time with Python
import Tweet
import simplejson
import urllib2
def read_tweets(user, num_tweets):
tweets = []
url = "\
screen_name=%s&count=%s&include_rts=true" % (user, num_tweets)
file = urllib2.urlopen(url)
content =
json = simplejson.loads(content)
for js_tweet in json:
tweet = Tweet() = js_tweet['id']
tweet.username = js_tweet['user']['screen_name']
tweet.retweet_user = js_tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name']
tweet.retweeted = True
tweet.retweeted = False
tweet.set_date(js_tweet['created_at']), tweet.username must exist
#convert plain text to html text
tweet.set_text(js_tweet['text']), tweet.username must exist
if tweet.retweeted:
tweet.user_avatar_url = js_tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['profile_image_url']
tweet.user_avatar_url = js_tweet['user']['profile_image_url']
return tweets
import time
from datetime import datetime
import re
class Tweet():
"""Store the tweet info
id = None
username = None
url = None
user_avatar_url = None
tweet_url = None
profile_url = None
html_text = None
retweeted = None
retweet_user = None
date = None
def set_date(self, date_str):
"""Convert string to datetime
time_struct = time.strptime(date_str, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y")#Tue Apr 26 08:57:55 +0000 2011 = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_struct))
def set_text(self, plain_text):
"""convert plain text into html text with http, user and hashtag links
re_http = re.compile(r"(http://[^ ]+)")
self.html_text = re_http.sub(r'\1', plain_text)
re_https = re.compile(r"(https://[^ ]+)")
self.html_text = re_https.sub(r'\1', self.html_text)
re_user = re.compile(r'@[0-9a-zA-Z+_]*',re.IGNORECASE)
for iterator in re_user.finditer(self.html_text):
a_username =
username = a_username.replace('@','')
link = '' + a_username + ''
self.html_text = self.html_text.replace(a_username, link)
re_hash = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-zA-Z+_]*',re.IGNORECASE)
for iterator in re_hash.finditer(self.html_text):
h_tag =
link_tag = h_tag.replace('#','%23')
link = '' + h_tag + ''
self.html_text = self.html_text.replace(h_tag + " ", link + " ")
#check last tag
offset = len(self.html_text) - len(h_tag)
index = self.html_text.find(h_tag, offset)
if index >= 0:
self.html_text = self.html_text[:index] + " " + link
def set_profile_url(self):
"""Create the url profile
if self.retweeted:
self.profile_url = "" % self.retweet_user
self.profile_url = "" % self.username
def set_tweet_url(self):
"""Create the url of the tweet
self.tweet_url = "" % (self.username,
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Will the +0000 in the date format for created_at field in the tweetJSON always remain the same? And is this format consistent throughout all the APIs of twitter? I have heard a lot of chatter about +0000 occurring in the end instead of like this for the Search API, instead of the format you've handled which is the same as the Streaming API.

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