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Created July 9, 2016 13:42
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MiNiFi testing configuration
Flow Controller:
name: MiNiFi-test
comment: ''
Core Properties:
flow controller graceful shutdown period: 10 sec
flow service write delay interval: 500 ms
administrative yield duration: 30 sec
bored yield duration: 10 millis
max concurrent threads: 1
FlowFile Repository:
partitions: 256
checkpoint interval: 2 mins
always sync: false
threshold: 20000
in period: 5 sec
in threads: 1
out period: 5 sec
out threads: 4
Content Repository:
content claim max appendable size: 10 MB
content claim max flow files: 100
always sync: false
Provenance Repository:
provenance rollover time: 1 min
Component Status Repository:
buffer size: 1440
snapshot frequency: 1 min
Security Properties:
keystore: ''
keystore type: ''
keystore password: ''
key password: ''
truststore: ''
truststore type: ''
truststore password: ''
ssl protocol: ''
Sensitive Props:
provider: BC
- name: AttributesToJSON
class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.AttributesToJSON
max concurrent tasks: 1
scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
scheduling period: 0 sec
penalization period: 30 sec
yield period: 1 sec
run duration nanos: 0
auto-terminated relationships list: []
Attributes List:
Destination: flowfile-content
Include Core Attributes: 'true'
Null Value: 'false'
- name: GenerateFlowFile
class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GenerateFlowFile
max concurrent tasks: 1
scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
scheduling period: 5 sec
penalization period: 30 sec
yield period: 1 sec
run duration nanos: 0
auto-terminated relationships list: []
Batch Size: '1'
Data Format: Binary
File Size: 0B
Unique FlowFiles: 'false'
- name: AttributesToJSON/failure/faadddfb-d294-40df-b037-dad195cc7715
source name: AttributesToJSON
source relationship name: failure
destination name: faadddfb-d294-40df-b037-dad195cc7715
max work queue size: 0
max work queue data size: 0 MB
flowfile expiration: 0 sec
queue prioritizer class: ''
- name: AttributesToJSON/success/faadddfb-d294-40df-b037-dad195cc7715
source name: AttributesToJSON
source relationship name: success
destination name: faadddfb-d294-40df-b037-dad195cc7715
max work queue size: 0
max work queue data size: 0 MB
flowfile expiration: 0 sec
queue prioritizer class: ''
- name: GenerateFlowFile/success/AttributesToJSON
source name: GenerateFlowFile
source relationship name: success
destination name: AttributesToJSON
max work queue size: 0
max work queue data size: 0 MB
flowfile expiration: 0 sec
queue prioritizer class: ''
Remote Processing Groups:
- name: NiFi Flow
url: http://localhost:8080/nifi
comment: ''
timeout: 30 sec
yield period: 10 sec
Input Ports:
- id: faadddfb-d294-40df-b037-dad195cc7715
name: NiFi
comment: ''
max concurrent tasks: 1
use compression: false
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