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Last active August 6, 2016 13:09
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Freek issue
// Sample of code
// Trades Api
case object IsApiUp extends DSL[Xor[ErrorMessage, Ok]]
final case class Buy(venue: Sring, account: String, order: Order) extends DSL[Xor[ErrorMessage, NewOrderResponse]]
final case class VenueStocks(venue: String) extends DSL[Xor[ErrorMessage, List[Stock]]]
// Program
type API = LogApi.PRG :||: TradeApi.PRG
val API = Program[API]
type O = Xor[ErrorMessage, ?] :&: List :&: Bulb
def testing(venue: String, account: String, order: Order) = for {
_ <- isVenueUp(venue).freeko[API, O]
l <- venueStocks(venue).freeko[API, O]
b <- buy(venue, account, order).freeko[API, O]
} yield l
// Having problems with this code. Getting error message:
//[error] ../Introduction.scala:99: could not find implicit value for parameter lifter2: freek.Lifter2.Aux[[com.perevillega.trades.ErrorMessage,com.perevillega.trades.service.TradeApiTaskInterpreter.Ok],,A]
//[error] _ <- isVenueUp(venue).freeko[API, O]
// But if I replace the `Xor[ErrorMessage, List[Stock]]` from `VenueStocks` by `Xor[ErrorMessage, CustomCaseClass]` it's ok.
// Why? Shouldn't List just work?
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