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Last active December 14, 2015 15:09
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Tunnelball changes in 07.Mar

  • TUN-74: Edit "upcoming_events" views: edit "Create Activity Link" field.
  • TUN-76: Edit "upcoming_events" views page: Add expose filter for "field_category" field.
  • TUN-66: Edit webform "Advertise with Tunnelball" (node/80/edit): Add Price for People ... field, edit webform submittion comfirm.
  • TUN-61: Add new Rules "Redirect user after logging".
  • TUN-73: Edit template.php: edit tunnelball_preprocess_user_profile(): edit heartbeat field: replace "useractivity" feed messages with "relationsactivity" feed messages.

Tunnelball changes in 08.Mar

  • TUN-63:
    • Re-config "Account Settings": change Activation email to "Require a verification e-mail, but wait for the approval e-mail to let users set their password".
    • Re-config "Site Infomation": change Site email to "".
  • TUN-73: Edit template.php: update tunnelball_preprocess_user_profile().
  • TUN-64: Edit global.css
  • TUN-76: Edit global.css
  • TUN-91: Edit "my_post" views: Add location field.
  • TUN-98: Edit "my_post" views: Add "view all posts" field (link to journal/journal/%user_id) at the views footer.

Tunnelball changes in 11.Mar

  • TUN-72: Re-config Private Messages permission: Add "Read all private messages" for "AUTHENTICATED USER".
  • TUN-70: Re-config Heartbeat Activity permission: Add "View activity", "View activity in Views activity", "View activity in User activity" and "View activity in User relations activity" permission for AUTHENTICATED USER.
  • TUN-71
  • TUN-110: Edit libraries/timeline/js/script.js: Change background-color to grey.
  • TUN-104: Edit "my_bucket_list" views: add new page "My bucket list".
  • TUN-108: Update "my_bucket_list" views: update "multiple item display" option in Image field to make sure it only display the first image if this record have more than one image.
  • TUN-66: Edit webform "Advertise with Tunnelball": edit Price field.
  • TUN-67:
    • Edit "tunnelball_tv" views: add new block "register_video_block": this block display youtube video of one Tunnelball TV node. Admin can edit that node throw Nid field in FILTER CRITERIA in this views.
    • Edit "user-register.tpl.php: add code to display above video.
  • TUN-68:
    • Edit template.php and page_colorbox.tpl.php.
    • Add new link for Privacy, Terms & Conditions pages.
  • TUN-69

Tunnelball changes in 12.Mar

  • TUN-99
  • TUN-100, 93: Edit template.php: Add new redirect user function: tunnelball_eck__entity_form_sumit().
  • TUN-97:
    • Edit "My Activities" views: edit header field to check permission.
    • Edit "My Posts" views: edit header field to check permission.
    • Edit tunnelball_journal.module: update function tunnelball_journal_journal_access() to update user access permission into Journal node detail page.
    • Edit Journal Entity Display settings.
    • Edit "Journal Activities Add" views: edit "Tb Activity: Author" field in CONTEXTUAL FILTERS to check permission.
    • TUN-95

Tunnelball changes in 13.Mar

  • TUN-92:
    • Create entity--tb-activity--tb-activity--teaser.tpl.php: change display mode teaser of tb-activity.
    • Re-config: tb-activity display manage: change Task field in Teaser mode.
    • Re-config: post display manage: change Activity field in default mode.
    • Edit global.css: style for tb-activity link in post page.
  • TUN-85:
    • Edit "My post" views: Add field_location into SORT CRITERIA and rearrange it.
    • Edit "Journals" views: Add Entity Reference field into RELATIONSHIPS. Add field_location base on RELATIONSHIPS into SORT CRITERIA and rearrange it.
  • Fix timeline js error: edit tunnelball_activity.module: update tunnelball_activity_load_timeline_events() to remove event items have empty field_date value.
  • TUN-89: Fix "My post" views: update CONTEXTUAL FILTERS conditions.
  • TUN-125: Edit "Tasks" views: add "task_type" to filter field.

Tunnelball changes in 14.Mar

  • Update global.css:
    • 755
    • 1233
  • TUN-121: Edit tunnelball_task/taskmap/js/script.js.
  • TUN-144: Edit template.php

Tunnelball changes in 15.Mar

  • TUN-78: Update RULE "Redirect user after logging".
  • TUN-132, 133: Update Tunnelball TV content type:
    • Update Task Reference field setting.
    • Update Task Reference display setting.
  • TUN-122: Edit "similar_users" views:
    • Update Header field.
    • Update Query settings.
  • TUN-111: Update Main Profile
  • TUN-138: Edit People views: add Add friend and Message user fields.
  • TUN-129: Apply date module with patch ( Change Date field settings of Event Task Content type.
  • TUN-67:
    • Create new content type "Tunnelball Register Video".
    • Create new views "Tunnelball Register Video".
    • Edit user-register.tpl.php
  • TUN-103: Edit My Bucket List views: update empty result message.
  • TUN-102: Edit template.php
  • TUN-83: Update Main Profile: remove Education and Work fields.
  • TUN-87:
  • Add new custom code field: display "Your Posts" link: link to user posts tab.
  • Change Post content type display setting: enable "Your Posts" link above Hero Post field.
  • TUN-77:
    • Create "Tunnelball Hero Posts" views: create page to display all tb here posts at "/tunnelball-hero-posts".
    • Create "View all Hero Post Link" custome code field: display link to Tunnelball Hero Posts page.
    • Update Post content type dispaly settings: dispaly View all Hero Post Link link in page post detail.
  • TUN-94: Update Post field setting in Journal Entity Field Setting: remove all "Create ..." link form Add Post reference field
  • TUN-136: Edit People views: add First Name filter.
  • TUN-134: Re-config: Tunnelball TV display manage: change Activity field display settings.
  • TUN-133:Add Category field into Tunnelball content type: term reference field base on Tags taxonomy.

Tunnelball changes in 18.Mar

  • TUN-127: Edit "Related Items" views: add new CONTEXTUAL FILTERS: Field Category.
  • TUN-126: Edit "Task" views: Add share link fields.
  • Working on TUN-143

Tunnelball changes in 19.Mar

  • Tun-114: edit global.css
  • TUN-145:
    • Enable Views php module.
    • Edit "My bucket List" views: add Php code field: create Edit Task link base on view user.
  • TUN-129: I apply this patch to date module and configured date field setting.
  • TUN-115: Update Heartbeat streams: change permission configurations in relationsactivity, siteactivity and useractivity streams: check on User update/change profile.
  • TUN-133: Update Tunnelball TV content type display settings: Update Category field settings.
  • TUN-143: Update custom module Tunnelball Share: edit change url parameter from internal path to external path.
  • TUN-105:
    • Edit "My Bucket List" views: add location, category and complete filters.
    • Edit Tunnelball Activity:
      • Create
      • Edit add file include for
      • Edit edit tunnelball_activity_views_data_alter()

Tunnelball changes in 20.Mar

  • TUN-141:
    • Edit Tunnelball Post module: update tunnelball_post_form_post_node_form_alter(): add default Activity value in Add Post form.
    • Edit Tunnelball Journal module: update tunnelball_journal_form_eck__entity__form_add_journal_journal_alter(): add default Activity value in Add Post form.
  • TUN-105: Edit Tunnelball Activity:
    • Edit edit tunnelball_activity_views_data_alter(): add field_category filter handler base on views_hst_filter.
    • Dependence on views_hst_filter module

Tunnelball change in 21.Mar

  • Update "Upcoming event" views: update field_category expose filter setting: add field_category filter handler base on views_hst_filter.
  • TUN-114:
    • Edit:
    • Edit:
    • Remove css line in global.css: line 2280.
  • TUN-150: Update Fb Connect module setting: "Facebook picture settings" -> "Do not allow the use of facebook user picture at your site."
  • TUN-116, 117, 120:
    • Create Tunnelball Heartbeat Plugin module
      • tunnelball_heartbeat_plugin_node_update(): Add heartbeat activity when make Tb hero a post.
      • tunnelball_heartbeat_plugin_entity_insert() : Add heartbeat activity when user add a task to their Bucketlist or create a new Journal.

Tunnelball changes in 22.Mar

  • TUN-142: Edit template.php: update tunnelball_preprocess_user_profile()
  • TUN-143: Edit Tunnelball Share feature module: update update render(): change $uri['path'] to url($uri['path'], array('absolute'=>true))
  • TUN-123: Edit "Make a suggestion" block ( update "Make a suggestion" link from "/contact" to "/node/100".
  • TUN-89: Edit Tunnelball Journal module: update tunnelball_journal.module: update tunnelball_journal_views_query_alter(): change journal author id base url.

Tunnelball changes in 28.Mar

  • TUN-107:
    • Edit global.css: line 4087
    • Edit /tunnelball_activity/css/activity.css
  • TUN-109: Edit /libraries/timeline/js/scrtipt.js
  • TUN-143: Edit Tunnelball Share feature module: update update render(): add attribute target => _blank to share links.
  • TUN-120: Edit Tunnelball Heartbeat Plugin module: update $user in tunnelball_heartbeat_plugin_node_update()
  • TUN-119: Edit Tunnelball Heartbeat Plugin module:
    • Create tunnelball_heartbeat_plugin_init()
    • Create tunnelball_heartbeat_plugin_menu()
    • tunnelball_user_action()
  • TUN-157: Edit New to do views
  • TUN-154: Edit Frends views

Tunnelball changes in 02.April


  • Edit "New to do" views: remove field_interest RELATIONSHIP and field_interest CONTEXTUAL FILTERS.
  • Edit tunnelball_task module.
  • Create "Interest" taxonomy.
  • Edit Main Profile: edit field_interest relative taxonomy form "Tags" to "Interest".

Tunnelball changes in 24.April

  • TUN-162: Edit tunnelball_user: edit tunnelball_user_form_alter()
  • TUN-164: Update "Redirect user after logging" rules
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