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Created September 26, 2018 21:01
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Helper methods for storing data in UserDefaults using PKDataManager class
class PKDataManager {
static let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
// check if 'key' is present in user defaults
static func isKeyPresentInUserDefaults(key: String) -> Bool {
return defaults.object(forKey: key) != nil
// store the SETs as string for given 'key' in user defaults
static func set(_ values: Set<String>, forKey key: String) {
let encodedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: values)
defaults.set(encodedData, forKey: key)
// retrieve the SETs values from user defaults
static func get(forKey key: String) -> Set<String>{
if isKeyPresentInUserDefaults(key: key) {
let decoded = defaults.value(forKey: key)
let decodedTeams = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: decoded as! Data )
return (decodedTeams as? Set<String>)!
else {
print("Key \(key) is not found")
return []
// clear 'ALL' the values for the given key
static func clearAll(forKey key: String) {
if isKeyPresentInUserDefaults(key: key) {
defaults.removeObject(forKey: key)
static func synchronize() {
// remove the SETs as string value for given 'key' in user defaults
static func remove(_ value: String, forKey key: String) {
var items = self.get(forKey: key)
clearAll(forKey: key)
set(items, forKey: key)
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