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pvraj /
Last active December 5, 2024 13:14
Securing a 2016 MacBook Pro in 2024

Background and Purpose

The 2016 MacBook Pro no longer receives the latest OS and Apple officially restricts it to Monterey. My primary concern is securty, and this end of support means the end of OS security updates (and the more rare firmware updates from Apple). I have a newer machine I use that is supported; but the 2016 MBP is still a capable machine that can be derisked and made more secure, both in macOS and additional OS partitions (such as Ubuntu). The purpose of this guide is to address that.

security issues irrespective of OS

  • Known hardware vulnerabilities in Intel processors are an issue regardless of what OS you use (another reason to consider the whole machine "insecure" for sensitive tasks)
  • firmware vulnerabilities assuming Apple no longer publishes these; however, I need to do some more reading here; it's possible another OS like Ubuntu, with its own OS and drivers, may work around or minimize some of these known firmware issues, even though the firmware is lower in the stack


# Partha Rajendra
# 8/4/2015
import math
"""Programming Challenge (Optional)
Calculate the detour distance between two different rides. Given four latitude / longitude pairs,
where driver one is traveling from point A to point B and driver two is traveling from point C
to point D, write a function (in your language of choice) to calculate the shorter of the detour
distances the drivers would need to take to pick-up and drop-off the other driver. """