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Last active March 5, 2017 21:39
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jqSlim - jQuery-like API super-tinyJavaScript library based on ki.js. Ajax-ic is a minimal IntercoolerJS inspired jqSlim plugin.
* Load Module if DOM is ready
$(function () {
* GET click events
$('[ic-get]').on('click', function () {
icAjax(this, 'GET')
* POST click events
$('[ic-post]').on('click', function () {
icAjax(this, 'POST')
* DELETE click events
$('[ic-delete]').on('click', function () {
icAjax(this, 'DELETE')
* PUT click events
$('[ic-put]').on('click', function () {
icAjax(this, 'PUT')
* PATCH click events
$('[ic-patch]').on('click', function () {
icAjax(this, 'PATCH')
* History api change event
window.onpopstate = function (event) {
if (event.state !== null) { // changed
$(event.state).ajax({url: window.location.href}); // Load current history url
* Minimal IntercoolerJS magic
* @param element Clicked element
* @param icMethod HTTP method to use
function icAjax(clickedElement, icMethod) {
var element = $(clickedElement),
icTarget = element.attr('ic-target') || clickedElement, // defined destination OR current element ?! object type ?!
icUrl = element.attr('ic-' + icMethod); // URL to load
element.stop(); // prevent default click event
* Quick & dirty local source solution...
if (icUrl.charAt(0) === '#') {
// Ajax call
url: icUrl,
method: icMethod,
// success method
function (xhr) {
// history / url push support
if (element.attr('ic-push-url')) {
icTarget, // content (destination element/s) assigned to the history item
null, // history item title
icUrl // history item address
// fill response html to target
// trigger dependencies if source should be changed by POST / PATCH / DELETE / UPDATE
if (icMethod !== 'GET') {
* ToDo:
* - reduce calls!? load identical source once and add to all targets
* - group elements by identical ic-get url / path
* - check also ic-deps to trigger manual dependencies too!
$('[ic-get]').each(function (elem) {
elem = $(elem);
var path = elem.attr('ic-get');
//if (isDependent(getPath(icUrl), getPath(path))) {
if (isDependent(icUrl, path)) {
* Get path from url
* @param url Address to get path from
* @return Path of URL
function getPath(url) {
var a = $.create('a');
a.href = url;
return a.pathname;
* Check url depencency
* @param url1 First address to compare
* @param url2 Second address to compare
* @return boolean Is dependent?
function isDependent (url1, url2) {
return url1.indexOf(getPath(url2)) === 0 || url2.indexOf(getPath(url1)) === 0;
* jqSlim - jQuery-like API super-tinyJavaScript library
* A ki.js fork (Copyright (c) 2015 Denis Ciccale (@tdecs))
* Copyright (c) 2017
* Released under MIT license
* Self execute library with defaults
* @param document mapped document
* @param array empty array
* @param prototype mapped string
* @param element ???
!function (document, array, prototype, element) {
* $ main function
* selector = css selector, dom object, or function
* returns instance or executes function on ready
$ = function (selector) {
return /^f/.test(typeof selector) ? // IF1 selector is a function (type starts with "f")
/c/.test(document.readyState) ? // IF2 dom ready (readyState contains "c")
selector() : // THEN2 call selector as function
$(document).on('DOMContentLoaded', selector) : // ELSE2 delay function call until dom ready
new jqSlim(selector); // ELSE1 initialize library
* init function (internal use)
* selector = selector, dom element or function
function jqSlim(selector) {
array.push.apply( // add second array to first
this, // first array
selector && selector.nodeType ? // IF1 selector is type node
[selector] : // THEN1 concat collection
'' + selector === selector ? // ELSE1 IF2 selector is string
query(selector) : // THEN2 query and concat collection
element // ELSE2 concat element (NULL?!)
* improved query function
* @param selector css selector to get an array of elements
* @param context dom context element
* @return collection of elements
function query(selector, context) {
context = context || document;
var type = selector.charAt(0), // first char to check selector type
selectorValue = selector.substr(1), // selector without first char (needed if type prefixed)
singleValue = /^[\w\*\-_\.\#\@]+$/; // # . @ * - _ aA-zZ 0-9
if (singleValue.exec(selector)) { // simple single word selector?
if (type === '#') { // single ID
return [context.getElementById(selectorValue)];
} else if (type === '.') { // single CLASS
return context.getElementsByClassName(selectorValue);
} else if (type === '@') { // elements name attribute
return context.getElementsByName(selectorValue);
} else { // single TAG NAME
return context.getElementsByTagName(selector);
} else { // complex selector...
return context.querySelectorAll(selector);
// set jqSlim prototype
$[prototype] = jqSlim[prototype] = $.fn = jqSlim.fn = {
// default length
length: 0,
* on method
* @param eventType String event type i.e 'click'
* @param eventFunction Event callback function to bind
on: function (eventType, eventFunction) {
return this.each(function (array) {
array.addEventListener(eventType, eventFunction);
* off method
* @param eventType String event type i.e 'click'
* @param eventFunction Event callback function to remove
off: function (eventType, eventFunction) {
return this.each(function (array) {
array.removeEventListener(eventType, eventFunction);
* Trigger event on current colletion of elements
* modern browsers, IE9+
* @param type Event type to trigger
trigger: function(type) {
var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent(type, false, true);
// Trigger event on each element in collection
this.each(function(element) {
* Prevent default event
* @return "this" because of chaining
stop: function() {
return this;
* each loop method
* use native forEach to iterate collection
* @param callbackFunction The function to call on each iteration
* @param callbackParams Callback params
* @return "this" because of chaining
each: function (callbackFunction, callbackParams) {
return this;
* query dom element(s) in current element context
* @param selector A selector string
* @return Collection of matching elements
query: function (selector) {
return query(selector, this);
* Remove current colletion of elements
remove: function() {
return this.each(function(element) {
* Insert element
* Maybe replacement for append / prepend
* @param insertElement new element
* @param position optional, prepend (0), append (null) or insert before position reference element
* ToDo:
* - Use append / prepend instead?!
* - Improve position check?!
insert: function(insertElement, position) {
return this.each(function(element) {
position = (
position === 0 ? // IF
element.firstChild : // 0 = first child
!position ? // ELSE IF
null : // null = last child
position[0] // ELSE given position
element.insertBefore(insertElement, position);
* Append an element to the current one
* jQuery compatibility...
* @param appendElement element to append
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin if insert() will still be used
append: function(appendElement) {
return this.insert (appendElement, null);
* Prepend element to current one
* jQuery compatibility...
* @param insertElement element to prepend or insert before position
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin if insert() will still be used
prepend: function(insertElement) {
return this.insert (appendElement, 0);
* Insert before element
* jQuery compatibility...
* @param html Content to insert
before: function(html) {
return this.each(function(element) {
element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html);
* Insert before element
* jQuery compatibility...
* @param html Content to insert
after: function(html) {
return this.each(function(element) {
element.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
* Set collection / get single element html content
* @param html Optional value to set to the collection
* @return Optional return single / first element html content
html: function (html) {
return html === []._ ? // IF param is undefined
this[0].innerHTML : // get element content
this.each(function(element) { // ELSE
element.innerHTML = html; // set new value
* Set collection / get single element text content
* @param text Optional value to set to the collection
* @return Optional return single / first element text content
text: function (text) {
return text === []._ ? // IF param is undefined
this[0].textContent : // get element content
this.each(function(element) { // ELSE
element.textContent = text; // set new value
* Get parent for each DOM element in the collection
* @return Array of parent elements of each element in collection
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
parent: function() {
var result = [];
this.each(function(element) {
element.parentNode ? // IF parent element
element.parentNode : // ... return it
[] // ELSE empty array
return result;
* Check single element matches against selector
* modern browsers, IE9+
* @param selector to check against the current element
* @return boolean
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
is: function(selector) {
var flag = false;
this.each(function(element) {
// cross (modern) browser match test
if ((element.matches ||
element.matchesSelector ||
element.msMatchesSelector ||
).call(element, selector)) { // element matching selector?
flag = true; // true if single hit in collection
return flag;
* Closest single ancestors element matches selector
* @param selector Searched for matches
* @return Single dom element
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
closest: function(selector) {
var result = [];
this.each(function(element) {
$(element).is(selector) ? // IF match
element : // ... return element
$(element.parentNode).closest(selector) // ELSE recursive call...
return result;
* Filter collection of dom elements
* @param selector for find / filter matches
* @return Collection of elements
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
find: function (selector) {
var result = [];
this.each(function(element) {
return result;
* Get first element in collection
* @return Single DOM element object
first: function() {
return $(this[0]);
* Get last element in collection
* @return Single DOM element object
last: function() {
return $(this[this.length - 1]);
* Get element in collection
* @param index
* @return Single DOM element object
get: function(index) {
return $(this[index]);
* Get element / set elements attribute
* @param attribtue to handle
* @param value Optional value to set to the collection
* @return Optional attribute value
attr: function(attribute, value) {
return value !== []._ ? // set mode because value is given
this.each(function(element) { // each element in collection
element.setAttribute(attribute, value); // set attribute value
}) :
this[0] == null ? // no dom element given...
false : // ... return false
this[0].getAttribute(attribute) || false; // attribute value OR false
* Remove elements attribute
* @param attribute Attribute name
removeAttr: function(attribute) {
return this.each(function(element) {
* Add class to elements
* @param value Class to add
addClass: function(classValue) {
return this.each(function(element) {
* Remove class from elements
* @param value Class to remove
removeClass: function(classValue) {
return this.each(function(element) {
* Toggle class from elements
* @param value Class to toggle
toggleClass: function(classValue) {
return this.each(function(element) {
* Check if element class list contains class
* @param value Class to check
* @return boolean
hasClass: function(value) {
var flag = false;
this.each(function(element) {
if (element.classList.contains(value)) {
flag = true;
return flag;
* Get single element style / set elements style by string or key => value object
* @param styleAttr style key string or object with key => value to handle
* @param value Optional value to set to the collection
* @return Optional style value
css: function (styleAttr, value) {
return value === []._ && // IF value is undefined
styleAttr === '' + styleAttr ? // AND IF styleAttr is string
getComputedStyle(this[0])[styleAttr] : // get style value of first element
this.each(function(element) { // ELSE set to each element in collection
if (styleAttr === '' + styleAttr) { // IF styleAttr is string[styleAttr] = value; // set style value to first element
} else { // ESLE styleAttr should be an object
for (var key in styleAttr) { // loop object key => value
$(element).css (key, styleAttr[key]); // set each pair to element
* Get single element style / set elements style by string or key => value object
* Optional save original style value to restore / toggle styles
* @param styleAttr style key string or object with key => value to handle
* @param value Optional value to set to the collection
* @param restore Optional save / restore orig value to data attribute
* @return Optional style value
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
css: function (styleAttr, value, restore) {
if (styleAttr === '' + styleAttr) {
if (value === []._) { // undefined
return getComputedStyle(this[0])[styleAttr]; // get current value
} else {
this.each(function(element) { // loop dom elements
if (restore !== []._) { // isset restore param
if (element.dataset['__' + styleAttr] !== []._) { // isset backuped orig value
value = element.dataset['__' + styleAttr]; // get orig value
delete element.dataset['__' + styleAttr]; // delete orig value backup data attribute
} else if ([styleAttr] !== []._) { // no saved orig value? first change...
element.dataset['__' + styleAttr] =[styleAttr]; // set backup orig value to data attribute
}[styleAttr] = value; // set element style value...
} else {
// object! Loop properties and recursive call method self
for (var key in styleAttr) {
this.css (key, styleAttr[key], restore);
return this;
* Hide current element
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
hide: function() {
this.css('display', 'none', true);
/*var display = 'display';
return this.each(function(element) {
if (element.dataset['__' + display] === []._) { // is undefined
// set helper attribute with element style or just null value
element.dataset['__' + display] =[display];[display] = 'none';
* Show current element
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
show: function() {
this.css('display', null, true);
/*var display = 'display';
return this.each(function(element) {
if (element.dataset['__' + display] !== []._) { // is undefined
// restore initial value or computed default display style[display] = element.dataset['__' + display] || '';
delete element.dataset['__' + display];
* $.ajax() wrapper with destination current element
* @param options Ajax call options to pass
ajax: function(options) {
var element = this;
function (xhr) {
function () {
element.html('Ajax error!')
// for some reason is needed to get an array-like
// representation instead of an object
splice: array.splice,
* Ajax implementation
* @param options Ajac call options object
* @param success Callback executed on successful ajax call
* @param error Callback function executed on failure
* @return Execute the success | error callback
* ToDo:
* Move to a separated plugin?
$.ajax = function(options, success, error) {
var method = options.method || 'GET', // method OR default GET
url = options.cache == false ? // IF caching disabled
options.url + '?' + new Date().getTime() // add get param to avoid caching
: // ELSE = caching is allowed
options.url, // just set the url
httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create XHR object, url, true);
httpRequest.withCredentials = options.hasOwnProperty('withCredentials'); // true || false
setHeaders(options.headers, httpRequest); // set all the headers from options object
httpRequest.onload = function() {
if (httpRequest.status >= 200 && httpRequest.status < 400) {
// Call sucessfully done! Execute and success callback
return success(httpRequest);
} else {
// We reached our target server, but it returned an error
// execute and success callback
return error(httpRequest);
httpRequest.onerror = function() {
// There was a connection error of some sort
return error(httpRequest);
// Send ajax call with data
* Set header pairs
* @param params Key => value array
* @param xhr The httpRequest object to add the header information
function setHeaders(params, xhr) {
for (var property in params) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(property, params[property])
* Check if content-type option is set
* @param headers Array with header pairs
* @return boolean
function hasContentType (headers) {
return Object.keys(headers).some(function (name) {
return name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type'
* Set xhr request data
* @param data Object with key => value pairs
* @return Param (encoded) string
function setData (data) {
return data === []._ ? null : data === '' + data ? data : Object.keys(data).map(
function(key){ return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]) }
* Example ajax GET shorthand
$.get = function (url, data, success) {
return $.ajax({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
data: data || {}
* Create a new dom element
* @param elementTagName dom element to create
* @return created and empty dom element
$.create = function (elementTagName) {
return document.createElement(elementTagName);
* Simple map method
* @param array
* @param callback Function to execute as callback
* ToDo:
* Really needed?
$.map = function (array, callback) {
* Simple each loop method
* @param collection DOM elements
* @param callback Function to execute
* @param callbackParams Callback params
* ToDo:
* Really needed?
$.each = function (collection, callback, callbackParams) {, callback, callbackParams);
}( document, [], 'prototype' );
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pwFoo commented Mar 5, 2017

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jqSlim + ajax-ic
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