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Last active October 14, 2016 14:29
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Job Profiling Assignment


Pivotal Labs





Turing/G-School/Hungry Academy Alum that work there: None Anyone I know there? No

Open source contributions in the last 6 months: A Ruby gem that serves as a wrapper for the Salesforce Bulk API:

Tech Stack - Rails on the backend, React.js on the Front end.

Tech Stack familiarity - Tech I've worked with Used Rails once or twice Familiar with React.js and built medium-sized apps using React framework Familiar with jQuery

Tech Stack familiarity - Tech I'm familiar with MySQL Sidekiq & Redis Sass

Tech stack familiarity - Tech I know almost nothing about Backbone.js Handlebars.js

Upcoming Meetups: Fall Startup Showcase, Thursday October 13th:

Interview process: Short phone interview followed by two separate, in-person one-hour coding challenges. Typical linked list question: Interview questions seem to be geared towards knowledge of Ruby.

Pros and Cons:

  • Seems like a very friendly and inclusive place to work, with an emphasis on the employee first
  • Appears that they are going through 'start-up growing pains' after launching second office, sometimes offices have trouble communicating.

Next steps: Attend next meetup and network

Pivotal Labs

Turing/G-School/Hungry Academy alum work there? No.

Open source contribution within the last 6 months: Locate your project dependencies in your package managers:

Tech Stack: Tech I've worked with before: Ruby/Rails, React.js, Vue.js

Tech I'm familiar with: CodeClimate, NewRelic

Tech I've never worked with: Golang, ObjectiveC, Cocoa, Android SDK.

Upcoming Meetups: Denver.rb

Interview Process: Quick phone interview and then an in-person interview. Unlike other technical interviews. Interviewee works with a dev on the team in a pair-programming, TDD environment where the objective is to make the tests pass. The interviewer does all of the driving while the interviewee directs them. Apparantly there's a lot of weight on the refactoring process.


  • Work with cutting-edge software in a community that can really foster dev growth and education.
  • Agile development culture


  • Pair programming 100% of the time could get exhausting for an introvert.
  • Some interviewees seemed to have poor, or an unprofessional experience interviewing at pivotal, where they hadn't been given opportunity to pair in language they feel most comfortable.
  • There might be an heir of arrogance deeply nested within the company culture.

Next steps: Attend Denver.rb meetup


Turing/G-School/Hungry Academy Alum? No. List Anyone you know that works there: Nobody. But I do have a lot of shared LinkedIn connections. Link To Github Page:

Open source projects: Rickshaw, a JS toolkit for building real-time graphs

Tech Stack: JavaScript - mostly Node it looks like. Python Java Go

Tech I'm familiar with: JavaScript

Tech I'm not familiar with: Python, Java, and Go.

Recent or upcoming meetups: None.

Technical Interview Questions: Short phone interview.

30-60 minute coding review. Ins and outs of inheritance in javascript. How css and the dom interacts. Write a unit test for a basic function Write a join for several JSON objects

Pros and Cons of working for this company:

  • Large company with ability to harvest a junior.
  • Company office seems pretty superfluous in terms of trying to attract young talent.

Next Step: Pursue mutual LinkedIn connections


Turing/G-School/HungryAcademy: No. List anybody you know that works there: Former co-worker has a former co-worker that works there.


Open Source: Raven: A small Clojurescript notification library

TechStack: Clojure In house tech

Upcoming Meetups: None

Pros and Cons of working for company:

  • Get to be surrounded by a lot of very smart people
  • Appears to be the company where a junior can make an impact and really thrive.
  • Get to use a lot of in-house technologies that the company made.


Turing alum: Allison Larson & Scott Crawford

List Anyone you know that works there: None.


Open source contributions: Fixture Builder: Tool to provide you a fixture setup provided a given scenario

Tech Stack: Rails, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, Handlebars.js

Tech I'm familiar with: Rails

Tech I'm unfamiliar with: Backbone.js

Tech I've worked with: Underscore.js

Pros and Cons of working for this company:

  • They pay their devs very well.
  • Slightly closer to home.
  • Not sure if I'm looking for a product company yet.


  • Complete this research assignment
  • Store the data you collect in a gist or a google drive spreadsheet (so that it can be shared)
  • Respond to this Survey
    • Addendum: If you have already signed on for a job, only profile that company.
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