Save pwenzel/3939350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# 1. Install mplayer command line (via Brew, Macports, or APT) | |
# 2. Add the following aliases to ~/.profile | |
# 3. Type `source ~/.profile` | |
# 3. Type `news` or `current` to listen in your terminal | |
alias news="mplayer -playlist http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/news.pls" # MPR News | |
alias current="mplayer -playlist http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/the_current.pls" # The Current | |
alias classical="mplayer -playlist http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/classical.pls" # Classical MPR | |
alias localcurrent="mplayer -playlist http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/local.pls" # Local Current | |
alias heartland="mplayer -playlist http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/radio_heartland.pls" # MPR Radio Heartland | |
alias wonderground="mplayer http://wondergroundstream2.publicradio.org/wonderground" # MPR Wonderground Windows Media | |
alias choral="mplayer -playlist http://choralstream1.publicradio.org/choral.m3u" # Clasical MPR Choral | |
alias wefunk="mplayer -playlist http://www.wefunkradio.com/play/shoutcast.pls" # WEFUNK Radio MP3 64K | |
alias sleepbot="mplayer -playlist http://sleepbot.com/ambience/cgi/listen.cgi/listen.pls" # Sleepbot Environmental Broadcast 56K MP3 | |
alias groovesalad="mplayer -playlist http://somafm.com/groovesalad130.pls" # Soma FM Groove Salad iTunes AAC 128K | |
alias dronezone="mplayer -playlist http://somafm.com/dronezone130.pls" # Soma FM Drone Zone iTunes AAC 128K | |
alias lush="mplayer -playlist http://somafm.com/lush130.pls" # Soma FM Lush iTunes AAC 128K | |
alias sonicuniverse="mplayer -playlist http://somafm.com/sonicuniverse.pls" # Soma FM Sonic Universe iTunes AAC 128K |
This is awesome. Also what I was looking for. Now I need to figure out how to send these streams over SSH to the client cpu and I'll be set.
Thanks for compiling these! But it looks at least the current has moved its stream:
$ curl --head http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/the_current.pls
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: Apache
Location: http://common.publicradio.org/streams/current.mp3.m3u
M3U version: https://gist.github.com/elFua/b85830b1ce58b75e7b39050b4c5dd4f3
works with VLC or VOX (osx)
should work with any player with M3U support
thank you! Exactly what I was looking for. Using Potplayer on Windows to listen to these streams
I got url-s from the HTML source one of this Countries:
it is easy to plyay all and step with a "Q" forward between the streamed-stations:
for i in $(cat sorucefilewithurls.txt); do mplayer $i; done
After I cleanded all nont neccesary data from the source html-file i found out, that not all of these urls are still active.
They went to 404 Error.
From a reason I changed the end of files with mp3. # it was a better result with omxplayer and mplayer on raspberry pi 3b
Here is a part from the cleaned file
# you just run a for loop for each lines in the selected file
# mplayer -nosound will not execute, but gives information, whitch you can redirect in a file filtered with grep
# grep -A1 the row After the "whanted string"
for i in $(cat sorucefilewithurls.txt); do mplayer -nosound $i 2>&1 | grep 404 -A1 | tail -2 >> error404-radios.txt
Server returned 404: Not Found
No stream found to handle url http://www.listenlive.eu/streams/germany/de_wdr3_256.mp3
Server returned 404: Not Found
No stream found to handle url http://www.listenlive.eu/streams/germany/de_wdr4_128.mp3
Server returned 404: Not Found
No stream found to handle url http://www.listenlive.eu/streams/germany/de_wdr5_128.mp3
Server returned 404: Not Found
No stream found to handle url http://www.listenlive.eu/streams/germany/de_wdrevent_128.mp3
Server returned 404: Not Found
No stream found to handle url http://www.listenlive.eu/streams/germany/de_wdrkiraka_128.mp3
Server returned 404: Not Found
No stream found to handle url http://www.listenlive.eu/streams/germany/de_wdrcosmo_128.mp3
Great! Exactly, what I was looking for! Thanks!