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Last active April 20, 2021 19:43
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Ember service:local-storage trivial wrapper for window.localStorage
import { moduleFor } from 'ember-qunit'
import test from 'dummy/tests/ember-sinon-qunit/test'
const mockStore = { setItem() { }, removeItem() { } }
test('when localStorage throws an exception', function testCatch(assert) {
const service = this.subject()
const stub = this.stub(mockStore, 'setItem').throws()
service.localStorage = mockStore
assert.ok(stub.called, 'the exception is caught')
test('when localStorage is used', function testStorage(assert) {
const service = this.subject()
service.removeItem('foo') // ensure setting 'foo' increases length
const startLength = service.length()
service.setItem('foo', 'bar')
assert.equal(service.getItem('foo'), 'bar', 'setItem stores a value by key and getItem gets it')
assert.equal(service.length(), startLength + 1, 'setting an item increases the length')
assert.ok(service.key(0), 'items can be fetched by key index')
assert.equal(service.length(), startLength, 'removing an item decreases the length')
import Ember from 'ember'
* Wraps window.localStorage and adds convenience property isSupported.
export default Ember.Service.extend({
init() {
try {
this.localStorage = window.localStorage // test hook
} catch (e) {
this.localStorage = null
isSupported: Ember.computed(function isSupported() {
const uid = new Date()
try {
this.localStorage.setItem(uid, uid)
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
getItem(...args) {
return this.get('isSupported') && this.localStorage.getItem(...args)
key(...args) {
return this.get('isSupported') && this.localStorage.key(...args)
length() {
return this.get('isSupported') && this.localStorage.length
removeItem(...args) {
return this.get('isSupported') && this.localStorage.removeItem(...args)
setItem(...args) {
return this.get('isSupported') && this.localStorage.setItem(...args)
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