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Last active March 5, 2020 23:02
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Notes on how to install FreeSurfer 6.0 so that every command used during the course tutorials can be run.

FreeSurfer 6.0 Installation Notes

Notes on how to install FreeSurfer 6.0 so that every command used during the course tutorials can be run. This fills in some missing details documented here

Download and install

  • Follow instructions here to download and install FreeSurfer
  • Download tutorial data from here and extract
  • Patch FreeView (scroll to bottom of page)

In addition to the pre-reqs listed on the installation page, Python 2.7 is required.

Run python --version to see what your default python version is. If it is not 2.7, there are many ways to configure an env for python 2.7. Using conda, you can go

conda create --name py2 python=2.7
conda activate py2


Add the following lines to the end of your .bashrc (adjust accordingly)

export FREESURFER_HOME=~/fs/freesurfer
export SUBJECTS_DIR=~/fs/subjects
export TUTORIAL_DATA=~/fs/tutorial_data_20190918_1558

If your default python version is not 2.7, and you're using conda as described above to get a 2.7 env, you can add the following line to the end of $FREESURFER_HOME/

conda activate py2


Open an new terminal, make sure you get something like:

-------- freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c --------
Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME   /home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME       /home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/freesurfer/fsfast
SUBJECTS_DIR      /home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/subjects
TUTORIAL_DATA     /home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/tutorial_data_20190918_1558
MNI_DIR           /home/paul/lcn/data/fs-course-20200310/freesurfer/mni

Then run:



dyld: Symbol not found

If you get the following errors (MacOS only?)

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___emutls_get_address
  Referenced from: /Applications/freesurfer/bin/../lib/gcc/lib/libgomp.1.dylib
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: ___emutls_get_address
  Referenced from: /Applications/freesurfer/bin/../lib/gcc/lib/libgomp.1.dylib
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Then patch FreeView

If you're still getting this error, then you might have to uninstall then re-install xquartz (somegthing about dir structure changing from /usr to /opt(?))

Incorect python version

FS 6.0 needs python 2.7. Running with $TUTORIAL_DATA/ python 3.x throws the following error:

File "/Applications/freesurfer/bin/asegstats2table", line 195
    print 'ERROR: subjects are not specified (use --subjects SUBJECTS)'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

There are many ways to configure an env for python 2.7. Using conda, you can go

conda create --name py2 python=2.7
conda activate py2

You can then edit $FREESURFER_HOME/ and add conda activate py2. (there are reports that this might cause other issues?)

FreeView generates "accept incoming network connections" popup (MacOS only)

Launching FreeView generates an "accept incoming network connections" popup. It's been reported following the instructions at the link does not resovle the issue.

Completely turning off the firewall does (do so at your own risk)

Apparantly the popup window can be ignored and FreeView will still run locally.

Errors with dmri_group

If you get the error

/Applications/freesurfer/bin/dmri_group --list /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr.inputs.txt --ref /Applications/freesurfer/fsl_507/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz --out /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr
ERROR: fio_pushd: /Applications/freesurfer/fsl_507/data/standard


cmdline /Applications/freesurfer/bin/dmri_group --list /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr.inputs.txt --ref /Applications/freesurfer/fsl_507/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz --out /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr 
sysname  Darwin
hostname Dorit.local
machine  x86_64
user     doritkliemann
Base name of output files: /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr
Text file with list of individual inputs: /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr.inputs.txt
Loading list of inputs from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr.inputs.txt
Loading measures along the path from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2005/dpath/lh.cst_AS_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.byvoxel.txt
Loading input reference volume from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2005/dlabel/diff/aparc+aseg_mask.bbr.nii.gz
Loading affine registration from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2005/dmri/xfms/diff2mni.bbr.mat
Loading measures along the path from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dpath/lh.cst_AS_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.byvoxel.txt
Loading input reference volume from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dlabel/diff/aparc+aseg_mask.bbr.nii.gz
Loading affine registration from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2008/dmri/xfms/diff2mni.bbr.mat
Loading measures along the path from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2012/dpath/lh.cst_AS_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.byvoxel.txt
Loading input reference volume from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2012/dlabel/diff/aparc+aseg_mask.bbr.nii.gz
Loading affine registration from /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/elmo.2012/dmri/xfms/diff2mni.bbr.mat
INFO: Sampling interval along path is 2.36337 voxels
Writing mean path voxel coords to /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr.coords.mean.txt
Writing mean path RAS coords to /Applications/freesurfer/tutorial_data_20190918_1558/diffusion_tutorial/stats/lh.cst_AS.avg33_mni_bbr.path.mean.txt
Segmentation fault 

Then run:


Note: this issue does not need to be resolved for the Caltech course, as we will not be covering diffusion.

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