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Created January 4, 2022 15:27
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This is a modification of the Blender MSTS/ORTS S file Exporter to allow you to choose between an ACE file or DDS file reference for all textures
bl_info = { "name": "Export OpenRails/MSTS Shape File(.s)",
"author": "Wayne Campbell",
"version": (4, 3),
"blender": (2, 80, 0),
"location": "File > Export > OpenRails/MSTS (.s)",
"description": "Export file to OpenRails/MSTS .S format",
"category": "Import-Export"}
COPYRIGHT 2019 by Wayne Campbell
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is included in this distribution package
or may be found here <>.
For complete documentation, and CONTACT info see the Instructions included in the distribution package.
2019-07-23 Released V4.3
Improved instructions around linking a part to multiple LOD collections
Fixed program error - no material slots, or empty material slot
2019-07-21 Released V4.2 for testing
Added HierarchyOptimization
Added FastExport - improves speed 25 x
Restructured AddMesh, AddTriangle with MSTSMaterialsDetail structure to improve performance
Indexed vertices for faster export ( eg speedup by 3 times )
2019-07-18 Released V4.1 to beta testers
Modified install package to work with 'Install from file..'
Fixed ShapeViewer crashes on animations(0)
2019-07-17 Released V4.0 to beta testers
Updated for Blender 2.8
2017-09-12 Released as V 3.5
added SubObjID to SubObjectHeader per report from 'Spike'
added support for Auto Smoothing per
2016-01-11 Released as V 3.4
strip periods (.) from object names
fixes to LOD inheritance
remember RetainNames setting
file export dialog, default to .s extension
2016-01-10 Testing as V 3.3
Added RetainNames option
Fixed bounding sphere bug
Trimmed most numbers to 6 decimal places to reduce output file size
2016-01-10 Testing as V 3.2
Documented hidden option to use Railworks style LOD naming
Documented setting MAX values in Custom Properties
Fixed AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'game_settings'
2016-01-09 Testing as V 3.1
Added MipMapLODBias setting
Fixed bug, untextured faces - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
Implemented MSTS sub_object flags for sorting alpha blended faces ( not needed for OR )
Implement MSTS sub_object flags for specularity ( not needed for OR )
Added Alpha Sorted Transparency option to MSTS Material
Improved descriptions and naming of MSTS Material settings
Fixed MSTS Lighting value not being saved
Sped up iVertexAdd, iNormalAdd, etc, with spatial tree indexing, etc
2016-01-08 Testing as V 3.0
Fix for WHEELS13, WHEELS23
Changed use_shadeless, from selecting Cruciform, now done with MSTS Lighting
Added MSTS Material panel for lighting options, etc
Added support for Railworks style LOD naming
2015-11-11 Released as V 2
Changed prim_state labels to be compatible with Polymaster
2013-11-01 Initial Release as V 2.6.3
- add a progress bar ( when available in the Blender API )
- document or remove hidden Normals override options ( superceded by Blender's new Normals Modifier )
- add support for curves, particle systems, dupliverts
- support undocumented MSTS capability, eg
- Wrap, Clamp, Extend etc
- double sided faces
- bump mapping and environmental reflections
- AddATex, SubractATex, etc and other undocumented shaders
- zBias
- use of lod_control objects to improve LOD efficiency
- option to export texture files
- option to compress shape file
- options to generate .SD, .ENG, .WAG or .REF
import bpy
import os
from math import radians
from bpy.props import StringProperty, EnumProperty, BoolProperty
import mathutils
from mathutils import *
class MyException( Exception ):
MaxVerticesPerPrimitive = 8000 # 8000 OK 20000 Fails
MaxVerticesPerSubObject = 15000 # 15000 OK 20000 Fails, Note: Spike reports 14000 failed, he uses 12000
FastExport = True # do less compaction to reduce export time at cost of slightly larger file size
# no impact on frame rates for most files, very large files may see a couple of additional Draw calls
# eg L1-huge.blend exports in 28 sec vs 11 min 42 sec, file size = 63,628,192 vs 55,423,130 bytes
HierarchyOptimization = True # gives better triangle fill, reduces subobject splitting in middle of primitive,
# creates new subobjects for each hierarchy level
# should improve frame rates by reducing Draw Calls, and creating smaller vertex sets, where possible
# yet places multiple primitives in a subobject when vertex sharing across large vertex sets make sense
RetainNames = False # user option, when true, the exporter disables mesh
# consolidation and hierarchy collapse optimizations
# reduces frame rates due to more Draw Calls
UseDDS = False
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper, ImportHelper # gives access to the FileSelectParams
ProgressIndicator = 0.0 # spins from 0 to 1
ProgressContext = None
def UpdateProgress(): # this is the little cursor counter progress indicator ( all thats available in Blender's API )
global ProgressIndicator
global ProgressContext
ProgressIndicator += 0.0001
if ProgressIndicator > 1.0:
ProgressIndicator = 0
class ExportHelper:
filepath : StringProperty(
name="File Path",
description="Filepath used for exporting the file",
# set up the FileSelectParams
filename_ext = ".s"
filter_glob : StringProperty(default="*.s", options={'HIDDEN'})
class MSTSExporter(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
bl_idname = "export.msts_s"
bl_description = 'Export to OpenRails/MSTS .s file'
bl_label = "Export OpenRails/MSTS S"
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
filepath : StringProperty(subtype='FILE_PATH')
def invoke(self, context, event):
settings = context.scene.msts
# set up default path
blend_filepath = context.blend_data.filepath
if not blend_filepath:
blend_filepath = "untitled"
blend_filepath = os.path.splitext(blend_filepath)[0]
self.filepath = blend_filepath + self.filename_ext
# override with last used path if it looks good
if settings.SFilepath != "":
lastSavedPath = os.path.abspath( bpy.path.abspath( settings.SFilepath ) )
lastSavedFolder = os.path.split(lastSavedPath)[0]
if os.path.exists( lastSavedFolder ):
self.filepath = lastSavedPath
WindowManager = context.window_manager
return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
def draw( self, context ):
settings = context.scene.msts
layout = self.layout
layout.prop( self, "filepath" )
layout.prop( settings, "RetainNames" )
layout.prop( settings, "UseDDS" )
def execute(self, context):
settings = context.scene.msts
global RetainNames
RetainNames = settings.RetainNames
global UseDDS
UseDDS = settings.UseDDS
#Append .s
exportPath = bpy.path.ensure_ext(self.filepath, ".s")
settings.SFilepath = TryGetRelPath( exportPath )
# Validate root object
rootName = 'MAIN'
rootCollection = bpy.context.scene.collection.children.get( rootName )
if rootCollection == None:
print( "ERROR: MAIN not found in Scene Collection.") {'ERROR'}, "MAIN not found in Scene Collection" )
return {'CANCELLED' }
#force out of edit mode
if bpy.context.mode != 'OBJECT':
bpy.ops.object.mode_set( mode = 'OBJECT' )
print( "EXPORTING "+rootName + " TO " + exportPath )
global ProgressContext
ProgressContext = context
context.window_manager.progress_begin( 0,1 ) # progress bar indication ( forthcoming feature )
ExportShapeFile( rootName, exportPath )
print( "FINISHED OK" ) {'INFO'}, "Finished OK" )
return {"FINISHED"}
except MyException as error: # when we raise an error it comes here
print( "ERROR: " + ' '.join(error.args) ) {'WARNING'}, ' '.join(error.args) )
return { "CANCELLED" }
# all other exceptions are passed up for traceback
def cancel( self, message ):
print( "ERROR: ", message ) {'ERROR'}, message )
return {'CANCELLED' }
def menu_func(self, context):
self.layout.operator(MSTSExporter.bl_idname, text="OpenRails/MSTS (.s)")
def register():
bpy.utils.register_class( msts_material_props) # define the new msts material properties
bpy.utils.register_class( msts_scene_props)
bpy.types.Material.msts = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=msts_material_props) # add the properties to the material type
bpy.types.Scene.msts = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=msts_scene_props)
bpy.utils.register_class( msts_material_panel ) # add a UI panel to the Materials window
bpy.utils.register_class( MSTSExporter ) # define the exporter dialog panel
bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.append(menu_func) # add the exporter to the menu
def unregister():
bpy.utils.unregister_class( MSTSExporter )
bpy.utils.unregister_class( msts_material_panel )
del bpy.types.Scene.msts
del bpy.types.Material.msts
bpy.utils.unregister_class( msts_scene_props)
bpy.utils.unregister_class( msts_material_props )
************************ THE GUI *******************************
# find an image with the specified path, or create it
def GetImage( filepath ):
return filepath, check_existing = True )
# recreate the shader nodes to represent the msts settings
def RecreateShaderNodes( m ):
# remove any existing nodes
m.use_nodes = True
# create the nodes
MNode ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial')
BNode ='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled')
TNode ='ShaderNodeTexImage')
UNode ='ShaderNodeUVMap')
# layout the shader screen
MNode.location.x = 300
BNode.location.x = 0
TNode.location.x = -300
UNode.location.x = -550
# Set active node = False = False = False = False = None
# setup specularity
if m.msts.Lighting == 'SPECULAR25':
BNode.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0.1
BNode.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.3
elif m.msts.Lighting == 'SPECULAR750':
BNode.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0.1
BNode.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.1
BNode.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0.0
BNode.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 1.0
# setup image
if os.path.exists( bpy.path.abspath(m.msts.BaseColorFilepath) ):
TNode.image = GetImage( m.msts.BaseColorFilepath )
# setup uvs
UNode.uv_map = 'UVMap'
# link the nodes['Surface'],BNode.outputs['BSDF'])['Base Color'],TNode.outputs['Color'])
if m.msts.Transparency != "OPAQUE":['Alpha'],TNode.outputs['Alpha'])['Vector'],UNode.outputs['UV'])
# TODO Add support for additional msts lighting modes, eg cruciform, etc
# called when the MSTS material panel settings are changed
def SetDefaultViewportShading( screenName ):
for screen in
if == screenName:
area = next(area for area in screen.areas if area.type == 'VIEW_3D')
space = next(space for space in area.spaces if space.type == 'VIEW_3D')
space.shading.show_backface_culling = True
space.shading.color_type = 'TEXTURE'
space.shading.light = 'STUDIO'
print( "Warning: Screen " + screenName + " not found while setting viewport shading." )
# Show specified image in active UV window
def SetUVWindowImage( context, image ):
if image != None:
for eachArea in context.screen.areas:
if eachArea.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
for eachSpace in eachArea.spaces:
if eachSpace.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
eachSpace.image = image
# Show specified image path in active UV window
def SetUVWindowImagePath( context, imagePath ):
if os.path.exists( bpy.path.abspath(imagePath) ):
image = GetImage( imagePath )
SetUVWindowImage( context, image )
# called when the image is changed in the MSTS material panel
# changes material name to match and updates material settings
def UpdateMSTSImage( self, context ):
if hasattr(context, 'material'):
if context.material != None:
mstsmaterial= context.material.msts
if mstsmaterial.UpdateNodes:
materialName = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath( mstsmaterial.BaseColorFilepath )
if not materialName in = materialName
# if the suggested material name already exists,
# then leave it up to the user to sort it out
SetUVWindowImagePath( context, mstsmaterial.BaseColorFilepath )
UpdateMSTSMaterial( self, context )
# called when the MSTS material panel settings are changed
def UpdateMSTSMaterial( self, context ):
if hasattr(context, 'material'):
if context.material != None:
mstsmaterial= context.material.msts
if mstsmaterial.UpdateNodes:
blM = context.material
blM.use_backface_culling = True
if blM.msts.Transparency == "OPAQUE":
blM.blend_method = "OPAQUE"
elif blM.msts.Transparency == "CLIP":
blM.blend_method = "CLIP"
elif blM.msts.Transparency == "ALPHA":
blM.blend_method = "BLEND"
elif blM.msts.Transparency == "ALPHA_SORT":
blM.blend_method = "BLEND"
RecreateShaderNodes( blM )
SetDefaultViewportShading( 'Layout' )
SetDefaultViewportShading( 'UV Editing' )
class msts_material_panel(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Creates a Panel in the material context of the properties editor"""
bl_label = "MSTS Materials"
bl_idname = "MATERIAL_PT_msts"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "material"
def draw(self, context): # see bpy.context for info on available context's
if context.material != None:
mstsmaterial= context.material.msts
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False
# Create a simple row.
col = layout.column(align = True )
col.prop(mstsmaterial, property="Transparency" )
col.prop(mstsmaterial, property="Lighting" )
col.prop(mstsmaterial, property="MipMapLODBias") # this should be a texture property
# not a material property
# but here is simpler for the user to find
col.prop(mstsmaterial, property="BaseColorFilepath" )
col.prop(mstsmaterial, property="UpdateNodes" )
class msts_material_props(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
# define custom material properties, ie material.msts.shadername note: these prop's will be saved in the blend file
Transparency : bpy.props.EnumProperty(
description="Controls handling of alpha channel.",
items = [ ( "OPAQUE", "Solid Opaque", "Alpha channel is ignored" ),
( "CLIP", "Transparency On/Off", "Transparent if alpha value below a threshold" ),
( "ALPHA", "Alpha Blended", "Alpha value blends from transparent up to opaque" ),
( "ALPHA_SORT","Alpha Sorted", "Alpha blending with depth sort" )
update= UpdateMSTSMaterial,
Lighting : bpy.props.EnumProperty(
description="Adjusts light and shadow",
items = [ ("NORMAL", "Normal", "Sun facing surfaces are lit and opposite are shaded" ),
("SPECULAR25", "Specular 25", "Strong specular highlight" ),
("SPECULAR750", "Specular 750", "Small specular highlight" ),
("FULLBRIGHT", "Full Bright", "Shaded surfaces appear lit" ),
("HALFBRIGHT", "Half Bright", "Shaded surfaces appear partly lit" ),
("DARK", "Dark", "Sun facing surfaces appear fully shaded" ),
("CRUCIFORM", "Cruciform", "Indirect ambient lighting only" ),
("EMISSIVE", "Emissive", "Surfaces emit light at night" )
update= UpdateMSTSMaterial,
MipMapLODBias : bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name="Mip Bias",
description="Controls sharpness of the image, default = -3",
default = 0,
soft_max = 8,
soft_min = -8,
precision = 1,
step = 100
BaseColorFilepath : StringProperty(
description = 'The texture image file path.',
update= UpdateMSTSImage,
UpdateNodes : BoolProperty(
name='Update Shader',
description = 'Change shader nodes to match these settings',
default = True ,
update= UpdateMSTSMaterial,
LightingOptions = { "NORMAL":-5,
class msts_scene_props(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
# these properties appear in the file export dialog
SFilepath : StringProperty( default = "" )
RetainNames : BoolProperty(name='Retain Names', description = 'Disables object merging optimizations', default = False )
UseDDS : BoolProperty(name='Use DDS', description = 'Export Texture type as DDS instead of ACE', default = False )
This code converts from Blender data structures to MSTS data structures
from here down to the Library section, the code uses blender coordinate system unless specified as MSTS
def GetFileNameNoExtension( filepath ): # eg filePath = '//textures\\redtile.tga'
s = filepath.replace( '\\','/' ) # s = '//textures/redtile.tga'
parts = s.split( '/' ) # parts = ['','','textures','redtile.tga']
lastPart = parts[ len(parts)-1 ] # lastPart = 'redtile.tga'
noextension = os.path.splitext( lastPart )[0] # noextension = 'redtile'
return noextension
# convert to path relative to this blend file if possible
# otherwise just return filepath
def TryGetRelPath( filepath ):
return bpy.path.relpath( filepath )
return filepath
# specifies how normals are to be calculated
class Normals: # passed to AddFaceToSubObject to request special handling of normals
Face = 0 # flat normals
Smooth = 1 # smoothed ( can be overriden per face )
Out = 3 # normals radiate out from center of model Mesh or Material Property: NORMALS = OUT
Up = 4 # all normals face up Mesh or Material Property: NORMALS = UP
Fillet = 5 # bevels are modified to appear rounded Mesh or Material Property: NORMALS = FILLET
OutX = 6 # normals radiate out to the left and right along objects x=0,z=-4 axis
# given a blender property override like NORMALS = UP, and an initialNormal,
# return the normal state after the override is applied
# propertyString represents eg "UP"
# initialNormal eg Normals.Face
def GetNormalsOverride( propertyString, initialNormal ):
if propertyString == 'UP':
return Normals.Up
elif propertyString == 'OUT':
return Normals.Out
elif propertyString == 'FILLET':
return Normals.Fillet
elif propertyString == "OUTX":
return Normals.OutX
return initialNormal
def iShaderAdd( shaderName ):
if shaderName in ExportShape.Shaders:
iShader = ExportShape.Shaders.index(shaderName)
iShader = len( ExportShape.Shaders )
ExportShape.Shaders.append( shaderName )
return iShader
def iFilterAdd( filterName ):
if filterName in ExportShape.Filters:
iFilter = ExportShape.Filters.index( filterName )
iFilter = len( ExportShape.Filters )
ExportShape.Filters.append( filterName )
return iFilter
# imageName is in msts format, eg unionstop.ace
def iImageAdd( imageName ):
if imageName==None or imageName == '':
imageName = 'blank'
if UseDDS==False:
imageName = imageName + '.ace'
imageName = imageName + '.dds'
for iImage in range(0, len( ExportShape.Images)):
if ExportShape.Images[iImage] == imageName:
return iImage
iImage = len( ExportShape.Images)
ExportShape.Images.append( imageName)
return iImage
def iTextureAdd( imageName, mipMapLODBias ): # creates both texture and image entries
iImage = iImageAdd( imageName )
for iTexture in range( 0, len( ExportShape.Textures)):
texture = ExportShape.Textures[iTexture]
if texture.iImage == iImage and texture.MipMapLODBias == mipMapLODBias:
return iTexture
iTexture = len( ExportShape.Textures )
newTexture = Texture()
newTexture.iImage = iImage
newTexture.iFilter = iFilterAdd( 'MipLinear' )
newTexture.MipMapLODBias = mipMapLODBias
ExportShape.Textures.append( newTexture )
return iTexture
def UVOpsMatch( opsList, specifierList ): # specifiers is a list ( operation, textureAddressMode ) pairs
if len( opsList ) != len( specifierList ):
return False
for i in range( 0, len( opsList ) ):
eachUVOp = opsList[i]
operation = specifierList[i][0]
if eachUVOp.__class__ != operation: return False
if operation == UVOpCopy and eachUVOp.TextureAddressMode != specifierList[i][1]: return False
elif operation == UVOpReflectMapFull: continue
return True
def iLightConfigAdd( uvops ): # it a list of ( operation, textureAddressMode ) pairs
# see if its already set up
for i in range( 0, len( ExportShape.LightConfigs ) ):
if UVOpsMatch( ExportShape.LightConfigs[i].UVOps, uvops ):
return i
# no, so create it
i = len( ExportShape.LightConfigs )
newLightConfig = LightConfig()
for eachop in uvops:
if eachop[0] == UVOpCopy:
newUVOp = UVOpCopy()
newUVOp.TextureAddressMode = eachop[1]
elif op[0] == UVOpReflectMapFull:
newUVOp = UVOpReflectMapFull()
newLightConfig.UVOps.append( newUVOp )
ExportShape.LightConfigs.append( newLightConfig )
return i
def iColorAdd( color ): # a r g b
global UniqueColors
return UniqueColors.IndexOf( color )
def iLightMaterialAdd( lm ): # diff, amb, spec, emmisive, power
global UniqueLightMaterials
return UniqueLightMaterials.IndexOf( lm )
def iVertexStateAdd( flags, iMatrix, iLightMaterial, iLightConfig ):
i = len( ExportShape.VertexStates ) # use the last correct entry - earlier ones will have a full vtx_set
while i > 0:
i -= 1
eachVertexState = ExportShape.VertexStates[i]
if eachVertexState.Flags == flags \
and eachVertexState.iMatrix == iMatrix \
and eachVertexState.iLightMaterial == iLightMaterial \
and eachVertexState.iLightConfig == iLightConfig:
# we found one
return i
# we didn't find it, so add it and add a corresponding vertex set to every sub_object
i = len( ExportShape.VertexStates )
newVertexState = VertexState()
newVertexState.Flags = flags
newVertexState.iMatrix = iMatrix
newVertexState.iLightMaterial = iLightMaterial
newVertexState.iLightConfig = iLightConfig
ExportShape.VertexStates.append( newVertexState )
# every vertex_state needs a matching vertex_set
for lodControl in ExportShape.LodControls:
for distanceLevel in lodControl.DistanceLevels:
for subobject in distanceLevel.SubObjects:
subobject.VertexSets.append( VertexSet() ) #Note: unused vertexSets are purged during write
return i
def MatchList( lista, listb ):
if len(lista) != len(listb):
return False
for i in range( 0, len(lista) ):
if lista[i] != listb[i]:
return False
return True
def ColorWord( floats ):
value = 0;
for f in floats:
value = value * 256
value = value + round( f * 255 )
return value
def IsLinkedToBaseColor( imageNode ):
for eachLink in imageNode.outputs['Color'].links:
if == 'Base Color' or \ == 'Color':
return True
return False
# return an msts format image name, eg unionstop.ace
def BaseColorImageFrom( material ):
if material == None:
return None
# if we specified a filepath in MSTS Material panel, use it
if material.msts.BaseColorFilepath != '':
return GetFileNameNoExtension( material.msts.BaseColorFilepath )
# Otherwise, look for an image in the shader node tree linked to a Color or Base Color input
if material.node_tree != None:
for eachNode in material.node_tree.nodes:
if eachNode.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeTexImage':
if eachNode.image.source == 'FILE':
if IsLinkedToBaseColor( eachNode ):
return GetFileNameNoExtension( eachNode.image.filepath )
return None
def iPrimStateAdd( iVertexState, zBias, iShader, alphaTestMode, iLightConfig, iTextures ):
global ExportShape
# see if this one's already set up
for i in range( 0, len( ExportShape.PrimStates ) ):
eachPrimState = ExportShape.PrimStates[i]
if eachPrimState.iVertexState == iVertexState \
and eachPrimState.zBias == zBias \
and eachPrimState.iShader == iShader \
and eachPrimState.AlphaTestMode == alphaTestMode \
and eachPrimState.iLightConfig == iLightConfig \
and MatchList( eachPrimState.iTextures, iTextures ):
return i
# we didn't find it so add it
i = len( ExportShape.PrimStates )
newPrimState = PrimState()
iHierarchy = ExportShape.VertexStates[iVertexState].iMatrix
newPrimState.Label = ExportShape.Matrices[iHierarchy].Label
if len( iTextures) > 0:
texture = ExportShape.Textures[iTextures[0]]
imagename = ExportShape.Images[texture.iImage]
newPrimState.Label = newPrimState.Label + '_' + os.path.splitext( imagename)[0]
for iTexture in iTextures:
newPrimState.zBias = zBias
newPrimState.iVertexState = iVertexState
newPrimState.iShader = iShader
newPrimState.AlphaTestMode = alphaTestMode
newPrimState.iLightConfig = iLightConfig
ExportShape.PrimStates.append( newPrimState )
return i
def iPrimitiveAppend( subObject, iPrimState ):
i = len( subObject.Primitives )
newPrimitive = Primitive()
newPrimitive.iPrimState = iPrimState
subObject.Primitives.append( newPrimitive )
return i
def iPrimitiveAdd( subObject, iPrimState ):
i = len( subObject.Primitives )
while i > 0: # use the last correct entry - earlier ones could be full
i -= 1
primitive = subObject.Primitives[i]
if primitive.iPrimState == iPrimState:
return i
#we didn't find it, so add a new one
i = iPrimitiveAppend( subObject, iPrimState )
return i
class UniqueArray:
def __init__(self, data, hash, tolerance ): = data
self.keys = {}
self.hash = hash
self.tolerance = tolerance
def __getitem__(self, i):
def Match( self, v1, v2 ):
for i in range( 0, len( v1 ) ):
if abs( v1[i] - v2[i] ) > self.tolerance:
return False
return True
def Key( self, value ):
key = 0.0
for v in value:
key += v
return round(key,self.hash)
def IndexOf( self, value ):
key = self.Key( value )
index = self.keys.get(key,-1)
while index != -1:
storedValue =[index]
if self.Match( value, storedValue):
return index
key += .9 # in case of a hash collision, we advance the key this amount
index = self.keys.get(key,-1)
# Performance improvement, live with some duplicate values to speed up export
global FastExport
if FastExport:
if len( self.keys ) > 4000:
# we didn't find it so add it
index = len( ) value )
self.keys[ key ] = index
return index
def iVertexAdd( iPoint, iNormal, iUVs, vertexSet, color1, color2 ):
# search index to see if a matching vertex exists
if iPoint in vertexSet.index:
for iVertex in vertexSet.index[iPoint]:
vertex = vertexSet.Vertices[iVertex]
if vertex.iPoint == iPoint and vertex.iNormal == iNormal and MatchList(vertex.iUVs,iUVs) and vertex.Color1 == color1 and vertex.Color2 == color2 :
return iVertex
#we didnt' find it so add a new one
vertex = Vertex()
vertex.iPoint = iPoint
vertex.iNormal = iNormal
vertex.Color1 = color1
vertex.Color2 = color2
for iUV in iUVs:
vertex.iUVs.append( iUV )
iVertex = len( vertexSet.Vertices )
vertexSet.Vertices.append( vertex )
#index on iPoint for speedup
if not iPoint in vertexSet.index:
vertexSet.index[iPoint] = []
vertexSet.index[iPoint].append( iVertex )
return iVertex
def iUVPointAdd( uvPoint ):
global UniqueUVPoints
MSTSuvPoint = (uvPoint[0],1-uvPoint[1])
return UniqueUVPoints.IndexOf( MSTSuvPoint )
def iNormalAdd( vector ):
global UniqueNormals
MSTSvector = (vector[0],vector[2],vector[1] )
return UniqueNormals.IndexOf( MSTSvector )
# When a subObject is full, create a new empty
def SplitSubObject( subObject):
newSubObject = SubObject( subObject.DistanceLevel )
# DEBUG print( 'split subObject ',subObject.sequence,' into ',newSubObject.sequence )
newSubObject.Flags = subObject.Flags
newSubObject.Priority = subObject.Priority
newSubObject.iHierarchy = subObject.iHierarchy
for eachVertexSet in subObject.VertexSets:
newVertexSet = VertexSet()
newSubObject.VertexSets.append( newVertexSet ) #unused vertex sets are purged during write
subObject.DistanceLevel.SubObjects.append( newSubObject )
return newSubObject
# find the last subobject that uses the specified flags
# or return None of none found
def FindSubObject( distanceLevel, flags, priority, iHierarchy):
# starting at the end, look for one with the needed flags
iLast = len( distanceLevel.SubObjects ) - 1
while iLast >= 0:
subObject = distanceLevel.SubObjects[iLast]
if HierarchyOptimization:
if subObject.Flags == flags and subObject.Priority == priority and subObject.iHierarchy == iHierarchy:
return subObject
if subObject.Flags == flags and subObject.Priority == priority:
return subObject
iLast -= 1
return None
def ChildOf( ancestor, object ):
if object.parent == None:
return False
if object.parent == ancestor:
return True
if ChildOf( ancestor, object.parent ):
return True
return False
def ConstructMatrix( ancestor, object ):
# construct a cumulative transfer matrix from object to ancestor
if object == ancestor:
return mathutils.Matrix.Translation((0,0,0))
if object.parent == None:
return object.matrix_local
if object.parent == ancestor:
return object.matrix_local
return ConstructMatrix( ancestor, object.parent ) @ object.matrix_local
def IsMSTSDefinedName( name ):
#if its one of the automatically animated parts
# TODO Include any allcaps part
mstsName = MSTSName( name)
animatedParts = ('BOGIE1','BOGIE2','WHEELS11','WHEELS12','WHEELS13','WHEELS21','WHEELS22','WHEELS23' )
return animatedParts.count( mstsName.upper() ) > 0
def IsAnimated( nodeObject ):
#it has some animation defined
if nodeObject.animation_data != None:
if nodeObject.animation_data.action != None:
fcurves = nodeObject.animation_data.action.fcurves
if len(fcurves) > 0:
return True
return False
def InLodCollections( nodeObject ):
global LodCollections
for eachLodCollection in LodCollections:
if nodeObject in eachLodCollection.all_objects.values():
return True
return False
def IsRetained( nodeObject ):
# return true if we should retain this level of hierarchy else collapse it down
if InLodCollections( nodeObject ):
return RetainNames or IsAnimated( nodeObject) or IsMSTSDefinedName( )
return False
def MergeChildren( nodeObject, iParent ):
for eachNode in nodeObject.children:
if IsRetained( eachNode ):
BuildHierarchyFrom( eachNode, iParent )
MergeChildren( eachNode, iParent )
hierarchyObjects[iParent].append( eachNode )
def BuildHierarchyFrom( nodeObject, iParent ):
global hierarchy
global hierarchyObjects
index = len(hierarchy)
hierarchy.append( iParent )
hierarchyObjects.append( [ nodeObject ] )
MergeChildren( nodeObject, index )
# make a blender name into a legal MSTS name
def MSTSName( name ):
name = name.replace( '.','_')
return name
def CreateMSTSMatrices():
global ExportShape
global hierarchy
global hierarchyObjects
ExportShape.Matrices = []
for i in range( 0, len( hierarchy ) ):
thisNodeObject = hierarchyObjects[i][0]
mstsMatrix = MSTSMatrix()
mstsMatrix.Label = MSTSName(
if hierarchy[i] != -1:
parentNodeObject = hierarchyObjects[hierarchy[i]][0]
blenderMatrix = ConstructMatrix( parentNodeObject, thisNodeObject )
mstsMatrix.M11 = blenderMatrix[0][0] # note coordinate conversion and use of new 2.62 indexing
mstsMatrix.M13 = blenderMatrix[1][0]
mstsMatrix.M12 = blenderMatrix[2][0]
mstsMatrix.M31 = blenderMatrix[0][1]
mstsMatrix.M33 = blenderMatrix[1][1]
mstsMatrix.M32 = blenderMatrix[2][1]
mstsMatrix.M21 = blenderMatrix[0][2]
mstsMatrix.M23 = blenderMatrix[1][2]
mstsMatrix.M22 = blenderMatrix[2][2]
mstsMatrix.M41 = blenderMatrix[0][3]
mstsMatrix.M43 = blenderMatrix[1][3]
mstsMatrix.M42 = blenderMatrix[2][3]
ExportShape.Matrices.append( mstsMatrix )
# create an msts point for each vertex in the blender mesh
# return an offset into the shape's point table
def AddMeshVertexPoints( mesh, offsetMatrix ):
iPointOffset = len( ExportShape.Points )
for v in mesh.vertices:
blenderPoint = offsetMatrix @
mstspoint = (blenderPoint[0],blenderPoint[2],blenderPoint[1] )
ExportShape.Points.append( mstspoint )
return iPointOffset
# update the global lowerBound and upperBound vectors
# transform its points into world coordinates via the offsetMatrix
def ExtendBoundsForMesh( mesh, offsetMatrix ):
global UpperBound
global LowerBound
for eachVertex in mesh.vertices:
v = offsetMatrix @
if v.x > UpperBound.x: UpperBound.x = v.x
if v.y > UpperBound.y: UpperBound.y = v.y
if v.z > UpperBound.z: UpperBound.z = v.z
if v.x < LowerBound.x: LowerBound.x = v.x
if v.y < LowerBound.y: LowerBound.y = v.y
if v.z < LowerBound.z: LowerBound.z = v.z
def HasGeometry( object ):
# make sure its not a camera, light etc that do not have geometry
return object.type in ['MESH'] # TODO add support for 'CURVE','SURFACE','META','FONT'
# adds to a sub_object in this distance_level
# iPointOffset informs the difference between the blender vertex index and the msts vertex index
# normal specifies an override to the blender supplied normal, eg Normals.Face .Out .Up .Smooth etc
# tranform the mesh points by relativeMatrix
# apply the normalOverrides
# generate triangle lists
def AddTriangleToSubObject( mesh, mstsMaterial, blTriangle , windingOrder, offsetMatrix, iPointOffset ):
color1 = 0xFFFFFFFF # vertex colors ( when vertex color layer not present )
color2 = 0xFF000000
normalOverride = mstsMaterial.normalOverride
if normalOverride == Normals.Face: # if we didn't specify a special normal mesh property
if blTriangle.use_smooth: # Per face override for smooth normals
normalOverride = Normals.Smooth
subObject = mstsMaterial.subObject
vertexSet = subObject.VertexSets[mstsMaterial.iVertexState]
iPrimitive = mstsMaterial.iPrimitive
primitive = subObject.Primitives[iPrimitive]
for indexList in windingOrder:
mstsTriangle = []
for i in indexList:
iblVert = blTriangle.vertices[i]
iLoop = blTriangle.loops[i]
iUVs = []
for eachLayer in mstsMaterial.uv_layers:
bluv =[iLoop].uv
iUV = iUVPointAdd( bluv )
if normalOverride == Normals.Out:
# use tree type tangent shading ( normals radiate out from center )
normal = mesh.vertices[iblVert].co
normal = offsetMatrix.to_3x3() @ normal
elif normalOverride == Normals.Up:
normal = ( 0,0,1 )
elif normalOverride == Normals.Smooth:
# support Auto smooth
normal = offsetMatrix.to_3x3() @ normal
elif normalOverride == Normals.OutX:
# radiate out from below Y axis ( ie LPSTrack100m side vegetation )
normal = offsetMatrix.translation
normal = Vector( (normal.x-4, 0, normal.z + 12) )
# flat shading uses the face normal
normal = blTriangle.normal
normal = offsetMatrix.to_3x3() @ normal
iNormal = iNormalAdd( normal )
iPoint = iblVert + iPointOffset
if iPoint >= len( ExportShape.Points ):
raise Exception( 'PROGRAM ERROR: iPoint out of range' )
mstsTriangle.append( iVertexAdd( iPoint, iNormal, iUVs, vertexSet, color1, color2) )
# Console output, inform new draw call started
if len( primitive.Triangles ) == 0:
sequence = mstsMaterial.subObject.sequence
if len( mstsMaterial.iTextures) > 0:
texture = ExportShape.Textures[mstsMaterial.iTextures[0]]
filename = ExportShape.Images[texture.iImage]
filename = ''
# DEBUG print( " SubObject ",sequence," Draw ", filename, " ", mstsMaterial.blMaterial.msts.Transparency, " ",mstsMaterial.blMaterial.msts.Lighting, " MipBias=",mstsMaterial.blMaterial.msts.MipMapLODBias )
print( " Draw ", filename, " ", mstsMaterial.blMaterial.msts.Transparency, " ",mstsMaterial.blMaterial.msts.Lighting, " MipBias=",mstsMaterial.blMaterial.msts.MipMapLODBias )
primitive.Triangles.append( mstsTriangle )
# add a face normal ( used by MSTS for culling purposes )
normal = offsetMatrix.to_3x3() @ blTriangle.normal
primitive.iNormals.append( iNormalAdd( normal ) )
# build one for each material in the mesh
class MSTSMaterialDetail:
def __init__(self ):
self.flags = '00000400 -1 -1 000001d2 000001c4'
self.priority = 0
self.uv_layers = []
self.normalOverride = Normals.Face
self.subObject = None
self.iTextures = []
self.uvops = []
self.zBias = 0.0
self.vertexFlags = 0
self.vertexLight = LightingOptions[ 'NORMAL' ]
self.alphaTestMode = 0
self.iShader = 0
self.iLightConfig = 0
self.iVertexState = 0
self.iHierarchy = 0
self.iPrimState = 0
self.subObject = None
self.iPrimitive = 0
self.blMaterial = None # corresponding Blender material
def GetMSTSMaterialDetails( distanceLevel, mesh, blMaterial, normalOverride, iHierarchy, objectName):
mstsMaterial = MSTSMaterialDetail()
mstsMaterial.blMaterial = blMaterial
mstsMaterial.iHierarchy = iHierarchy
mstsMaterial.normalOverride = normalOverride
if blMaterial.msts.Transparency == 'ALPHA':
mstsMaterial.flags = '00000400 -1 -1 000001d2 000001c4'
mstsMaterial.priority = 1
elif blMaterial.msts.Transparency == 'ALPHA_SORT':
mstsMaterial.flags = '00000500 0 0 000001d2 000001c4'
mstsMaterial.priority = 2
if blMaterial.msts.Lighting.startswith( 'SPECULAR'):
# clear bit 10
# eg 00000500 become 00000100 and 0000400 becomes 00000000
d5 = int(mstsMaterial.flags[5],16)
d5 &= 0b1011
mstsMaterial.flags = mstsMaterial.flags[0:5]+hex(d5)[2]+mstsMaterial.flags[6:]
subObject = FindSubObject( distanceLevel, mstsMaterial.flags, mstsMaterial.priority, iHierarchy)
if subObject == None:
# create the required subobject
subObject = SubObject(distanceLevel)
# DEBUG print( "new subobject ", subObject.sequence )
subObject.Flags = mstsMaterial.flags
subObject.Priority = mstsMaterial.priority
subObject.iHierarchy = mstsMaterial.iHierarchy
# every vertex_state needs a matching vertex_set
for eachVertexState in ExportShape.VertexStates: # note, unused vertexsets are purged at during write
subObject.VertexSets.append( VertexSet() )
distanceLevel.SubObjects.append( subObject )
mstsMaterial.subObject = subObject
# this could be improved to look for the uv layer in the node tree
# and in the future handle multiple uvs here
if not 'UVMap' in mesh.uv_layers:
raise MyException( "Missing UVMap in: " + objectName)
mstsMaterial.uv_layers = [ mesh.uv_layers['UVMap']] #but what about beziers generate map 'Orco'
# find image used by material
imageName = BaseColorImageFrom( blMaterial ) # may return None
mipMapLODBias = blMaterial.msts.MipMapLODBias
mstsMaterial.iTextures.append( iTextureAdd( imageName, mipMapLODBias ) )
textureAddressMode = 1 # repeat
# textureAddressMode = 3 # extend edges
# textureAddressMode = 4 # clamp with border
# textureAddressMode = 2 # mirror
mstsMaterial.uvops.append( ( UVOpCopy, textureAddressMode ) )
# now configure options based on the material settings
mstsMaterial.zBias = 0.0
# Set Up Vertex Lighting
mstsMaterial.vertexFlags = 0
mstsMaterial.vertexLight = LightingOptions[ blMaterial.msts.Lighting ]
if blMaterial.msts.Transparency == 'CLIP':
mstsMaterial.alphaTestMode = 1
mstsMaterial.alphaTestMode = 0
if blMaterial.msts.Lighting == "EMISSIVE":
if blMaterial.msts.Transparency == 'OPAQUE':
mstsMaterial.iShader = iShaderAdd( 'Tex' )
mstsMaterial.iShader = iShaderAdd( 'BlendATex' )
if blMaterial.msts.Transparency == 'OPAQUE':
mstsMaterial.iShader = iShaderAdd( 'TexDiff' )
mstsMaterial.iShader = iShaderAdd( 'BlendATexDiff' )
mstsMaterial.iLightConfig = iLightConfigAdd( mstsMaterial.uvops )
mstsMaterial.iVertexState = iVertexStateAdd( mstsMaterial.vertexFlags, iHierarchy, mstsMaterial.vertexLight, mstsMaterial.iLightConfig )
mstsMaterial.iPrimState = iPrimStateAdd( mstsMaterial.iVertexState, mstsMaterial.zBias, mstsMaterial.iShader, mstsMaterial.alphaTestMode, mstsMaterial.iLightConfig, mstsMaterial.iTextures )
mstsMaterial.iPrimitive = iPrimitiveAdd( subObject, mstsMaterial.iPrimState )
return mstsMaterial
# add this mesh,
# create any needed subObjects
# create a prim_state referencing iHierarchy
# translate the mesh points by relativeMatrix
# apply the normalOverrides
# transfer all vertex points to msts points
# generate triangle lists
def AddMesh( distanceLevel, mesh, iHierarchy, offsetMatrix, normalsProperty, objectName ):
print( ' triangles = ', len( mesh.loop_triangles ) )
# determine normal override from the object Properties
normalOverride = Normals.Face
if normalsProperty == 'UP':
normalOverride = Normals.Up
elif normalsProperty == 'OUT':
normalOverride = Normals.Out
elif normalsProperty == 'FILLET':
normalOverride = Normals.Fillet
elif normalsProperty == "OUTX":
normalOverride = Normals.OutX
# evaluate any special handling for normals
# Note: these may be overriden 'per face' in AddFaceToSubObject
if normalOverride == Normals.Fillet:
# preprocess normals for filleted appearance
# verts in a flat face will use the face normal
# verts in a smoothed face use the normal of the adjacent flat face
for tri in mesh.loop_triangles:
if not tri.use_smooth:
for iVert in tri.vertices:
mesh.vertices[iVert].normal = tri.normal
# now handle them like standard smoothed normals
normalOverride = Normals.Face
# for every vertex in the blender mesh, add a corresponding msts point
iPointOffset = AddMeshVertexPoints( mesh, offsetMatrix )
ExtendBoundsForMesh( mesh, offsetMatrix @ hierarchyObjects[iHierarchy][0].matrix_world )
# create msts materials for each mesh material
mstsMaterials = []
for blMaterial in mesh.materials:
if blMaterial != None:
mstsMaterials.append( GetMSTSMaterialDetails( distanceLevel, mesh, blMaterial, normalOverride, iHierarchy, objectName ) )
raise MyException( "Empty Material on object: " + objectName )
#if scale is negative, invert winding order of triangles
scale = offsetMatrix.to_scale()
sign = scale.x * scale.y * scale.z
if sign < 0:
windingOrder = ( (0,1,2), ) #inverted
windingOrder = ( (0,2,1), ) #forward
# for speedup, resolve unique points only per mesh
global UniqueUVPoints
global UniqueNormals
for iTriangle in range( 0, len( mesh.loop_triangles ) ):
if iTriangle % 10 == 0: # reduce the update rate
blTriangle = mesh.loop_triangles[iTriangle]
if blTriangle.material_index < len( mstsMaterials ):
mstsMaterial = mstsMaterials[ blTriangle.material_index ]
raise MyException( "Missing Materials on object: " + objectName )
# check if the subobject is full
subObject = mstsMaterial.subObject
vertexCount = 0
for eachVertexSet in subObject.VertexSets:
vertexCount += len( eachVertexSet.Vertices )
if vertexCount + 3 > MaxVerticesPerSubObject:
# subObject is full so start a new one
subObject = SplitSubObject( subObject)
mstsMaterial.iPrimitive = iPrimitiveAdd( subObject, mstsMaterial.iPrimState )
mstsMaterial.subObject = subObject
# check if the primitive is full
iPrimitive = mstsMaterial.iPrimitive
primitive = subObject.Primitives[iPrimitive]
if len(primitive.Triangles) * 3 + 3 > MaxVerticesPerPrimitive:
# primitive is full so start a new one
iPrimitive = iPrimitiveAppend( subObject, mstsMaterial.iPrimState )
primitive = subObject.Primitives[iPrimitive]
mstsMaterial.iPrimitive = iPrimitive
AddTriangleToSubObject( mesh, mstsMaterial, blTriangle, windingOrder, offsetMatrix, iPointOffset )
# add this collection and any child collections
def AddCollections( distanceLevel, collection, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix ):
for eachObject in collection.objects:
AddObject( distanceLevel, eachObject, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix @ eachObject.matrix_world )
for eachChild in collection.children:
AddCollections( distanceLevel, eachChild, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix )
# add this object,
# transform its vertices by relativeMatrix
# link it to iHierarchy
def AddObject( distanceLevel, object, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix ):
print( ' ', )
if object.is_instancer and object.instance_collection != None:
# its a group instance, process each of its subobjects
collection = object.instance_collection
AddCollections( distanceLevel, collection, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix )
# make sure its not a camera, light etc that do not have geometry
elif HasGeometry( object ):
# TODO handle particles
# TODO handle dupliverts
# determine normal override from the object Properties
normalsProperty = 'NORMALS', '' )
# Apply Modifiers as PREVIEW
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
ob_to_convert = object.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
mesh = ob_to_convert.to_mesh()
AddMesh( distanceLevel, mesh, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix, normalsProperty, )
# eg MAIN_1000
# return ( 'MAIN',1000 )
def LodDistanceFromName( collectionName ):
split = collectionName.rsplit( '_',1 )
if len( split ) == 2:
if split[0] != '':
suffix = split[1]
if suffix.isnumeric( ):
distance = int( suffix )
return distance
return None
# Add the specified distanceLevel to the first LodControl
# Scan the hierarchy for objects that are in this collection and add them
# if it turns out to be empty, trim it out
def AppendDistanceLevel( lodCollection ):
global ExportShape
global hierarchy
global hierarchyObjects
distanceLimit = LodDistanceFromName( )
print( "DLEVEL "+str(distanceLimit) )
# add the distance level
lodControl = ExportShape.LodControls[0]
distanceLevel = DistanceLevel( lodControl )
distanceLevel.Selection = distanceLimit
distanceLevel.Hierarchy = hierarchy
lodControl.DistanceLevels.append( distanceLevel )
for iHierarchy in range( 0, len( hierarchy ) ):
for object in hierarchyObjects[iHierarchy]:
if object in lodCollection.all_objects.values():
nodeObject = hierarchyObjects[iHierarchy][0]
relativeMatrix = ConstructMatrix( nodeObject, object )
AddObject( distanceLevel, object, iHierarchy, relativeMatrix )
distanceLevel.SubObjects.sort( key=lambda subObject: subObject.Priority )
if len( distanceLevel.SubObjects) == 0 or len( distanceLevel.SubObjects[0].Primitives ) == 0:
print( 'WARNING - empty distance level ',distanceLevel.Selection )
del lodControl.DistanceLevels[ len( lodControl.DistanceLevels )-1 ]
# return a vector representing the geometric center of all the geometry
def FindCenter( ):
center = ( UpperBound + LowerBound ) / 2.0
return center
# from the bounds about the specified center
def FindBoundingRadius( center ):
v = UpperBound - center
BoundingRadiusSquared = v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z
v = LowerBound - center
dSquared = v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z
if dSquared>BoundingRadiusSquared:
BoundingRadiusSquared = dSquared
return sqrt( BoundingRadiusSquared )
def CompactPoints():
global ExportShape
oldPoints = ExportShape.Points
ExportShape.Points = []
uniquePoints = UniqueArray( ExportShape.Points,3,0.0001 )
conversion = []
for eachPoint in oldPoints:
conversion.append( uniquePoints.IndexOf( eachPoint ) )
for eachLODControl in ExportShape.LodControls:
for eachDistanceLevel in eachLODControl.DistanceLevels:
for eachSubObject in eachDistanceLevel.SubObjects:
for eachVertexSet in eachSubObject.VertexSets:
for eachVertex in eachVertexSet.Vertices:
eachVertex.iPoint = conversion[eachVertex.iPoint]
# remove empty primitives
def CompactPrimitives( ):
emptyCount = 0
for eachLODControl in ExportShape.LodControls:
for eachDistanceLevel in eachLODControl.DistanceLevels:
for eachSubObject in eachDistanceLevel.SubObjects:
OKPrimitives = []
for eachPrimitive in eachSubObject.Primitives:
if len( eachPrimitive.Triangles ) > 0:
OKPrimitives.append( eachPrimitive )
emptyCount += 1
eachSubObject.Primitives = OKPrimitives
# DEBUG print ( "Compacting ",emptyCount," Empty Primitives" )
# remove empty subobjects
def CompactSubObjects( ):
emptyCount = 0
for eachLODControl in ExportShape.LodControls:
for eachDistanceLevel in eachLODControl.DistanceLevels:
OKSubObjects = []
for eachSubObject in eachDistanceLevel.SubObjects:
if len( eachSubObject.Primitives ) > 0:
OKSubObjects.append( eachSubObject )
emptyCount += 1
eachDistanceLevel.SubObjects = OKSubObjects
# DEBUG print ( "Compacting ",emptyCount," Empty SubObjects" )
def CreateEulerRotationController( iFC, fcurves ):
rotationController = RotationController()
#TODO this assumes all points are lined up at the same time
for iKey in range(0,len(fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points)):
key = RotationKey()
key.Frame = fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points[iKey].co[0]
x = fcurves[iFC+0].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
y = fcurves[iFC+1].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1] #Note coordinate conversion
z = fcurves[iFC+2].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
euler = mathutils.Euler( ( x,y,z ), 'XYZ' )
quat = euler.to_quaternion()
key.W = quat.w
key.X = quat.x
key.Y = quat.z
key.Z = quat.y
rotationController.Keys.append( key )
return rotationController
def CreateRotationController( iFC, fcurves ):
rotationController = RotationController()
#TODO this assumes all points are lined up at the same time
for iKey in range(0,len(fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points)):
key = RotationKey()
key.Frame = fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points[iKey].co[0]
key.W = fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
key.X = fcurves[iFC+1].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
key.Y = fcurves[iFC+3].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1] #Note coordinate conversion
key.Z = fcurves[iFC+2].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
rotationController.Keys.append( key )
return rotationController
def CreateLinearController( iFC, fcurves ):
linearController = PositionController()
#TODO this assumes all points are lined up on the same frame
for iKey in range( 0, len(fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points) ):
key = LinearKey()
key.Frame = fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points[iKey].co[0]
key.X = fcurves[iFC].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
key.Y = fcurves[iFC+2].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1] #Note coordinate conversion
key.Z = fcurves[iFC+1].keyframe_points[iKey].co[1]
linearController.Keys.append( key )
return linearController
def CreateAnimationNode( nodeObject ):
animationNode = AnimationNode()
animationNode.Label =
if nodeObject.animation_data != None:
if nodeObject.animation_data.action != None:
fcurves = nodeObject.animation_data.action.fcurves
iFC = 0
while iFC < len( fcurves ):
if fcurves[iFC].data_path == 'rotation_quaternion':
animationNode.Controllers.append( CreateRotationController( iFC, fcurves ) )
iFC += 4
elif fcurves[iFC].data_path == 'rotation_euler':
animationNode.Controllers.append( CreateEulerRotationController( iFC, fcurves ) )
iFC += 3
elif fcurves[iFC].data_path == 'location':
animationNode.Controllers.append( CreateLinearController( iFC, fcurves ) )
iFC += 3
print( 'Unknown controller type ',fcurves[iFC].data_path,' in ', )
iFC += 1
return animationNode
class SceneCenterObject: # a proxy to represent a node object at the center of the scene
is_instancer = False
type = 'PROXY' # made up for this application, not one of Blender's recognized types
animation_data = None
matrix_world = Matrix()
def __init__(self ):
self.children = [] = "MAIN"
def get( self, parameter, default):
return default
def ExportShapeFile( collectionName, MSTSFilePath ):
global ExportShape
ExportShape = Shape()
global UniqueUVPoints
global UniqueNormals
global UniqueColors
global UniqueLightMaterials
UniqueUVPoints = UniqueArray( ExportShape.UVPoints, 3, 0.0001 )
UniqueNormals = UniqueArray( ExportShape.Normals, 2, 0.001 )
UniqueColors = UniqueArray( ExportShape.Colors, 3, 0.0001 )
UniqueLightMaterials = UniqueArray( ExportShape.LightMaterials, 1,1 )
global UpperBound
global LowerBound
UpperBound = mathutils.Vector( ( -100000,-100000,-100000 ))
LowerBound = mathutils.Vector( ( 100000, 100000, 100000 ) )
global hierarchy # linked list ie [-1, 0,1,1,0 ]
global hierarchyObjects # a list of objects for each level of the hierarchy, first element in list is the retained node [ MAIN, BOGIE1, WHEELS11, WHEELS12 .. ]
hierarchy = []
hierarchyObjects = []
global LastSubObject
global LastMaterial
global LastiMatrix
global LastiPrimState
LastSubObject = None
LastMaterial = None
LastiMatrix = -1
LastiPrimState = 0
# For now, support a single LOD control
lodControl = LodControl( ExportShape )
ExportShape.LodControls.append( lodControl )
mainCollection = bpy.context.scene.collection.children[collectionName]
# get a sorted list of valid LOD Collections in MAIN
lodNames = []
for eachChild in mainCollection.children:
childName =
if childName.startswith( 'MAIN_' ):
if LodDistanceFromName( childName ) != None:
lodNames.append( childName )
lodNames.sort() #this sort fails if name does not have proper _xxxx suffix
global LodCollections
LodCollections = []
for eachName in lodNames:
LodCollections.append( mainCollection.children[eachName] )
if len( LodCollections ) == 0:
raise MyException( "No LOD collections in MAIN, eg MAIN_2000" )
# add root objects to scene center
rootObject = SceneCenterObject( ) # make everything relative to the scene center
for eachObject in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if eachObject.parent == None:
rootObject.children.append( eachObject)
BuildHierarchyFrom( rootObject, -1 ) # create global hierarchy array
CreateMSTSMatrices( )
# create a distance level for each one specified in MAIN
for eachLodCollection in LodCollections:
AppendDistanceLevel( eachLodCollection )
# export animations
if len( ) > 0:
animation = Animation()
animation.FrameCount = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
animation.FrameRate = 30
for eachNode in hierarchyObjects:
animation.AnimationNodes.append( CreateAnimationNode( eachNode[0] ) )
# set up the volume sphere
volumeSphere = VolumeSphere()
# center = FindCenter( rootObject ) OR doesn't display properly with a computed center,
center = rootObject.matrix_world.translation
radius = FindBoundingRadius( center )
MSTSvector = ( center.x, center.z, center.y )
volumeSphere.Vector = MSTSvector
volumeSphere.Radius = radius * 1.1 # add some safety margin
ExportShape.Volumes.append( volumeSphere )
print ( "Compacting ",len( ExportShape.Points )," Points ", end='' )
print ( " To ",len( ExportShape.Points ) )
ExportShape.Write( MSTSFilePath )
# Reporting
print ( )
for lodControl in ExportShape.LodControls:
for distanceLevel in lodControl.DistanceLevels:
triangleCount = 0
primitiveCount = 0
for eachSubObject in distanceLevel.SubObjects:
for primitive in eachSubObject.Primitives:
if len( primitive.Triangles ) > 0:
primitiveCount += 1
triangleCount += len(primitive.Triangles)
print ( "LOD: ",distanceLevel.Selection )
print ( " Triangles = ", triangleCount )
print ( " Draw Calls = ", primitiveCount )
print ( "IMAGES:" )
for eachImage in ExportShape.Images:
print( " ",eachImage )
All code below uses the MSTS coordinate system.
Structure matches the MSTS .s file with the following
top level name substitutions:
This structure matches the MSTS .s file with the following exceptions
Add vertices to vertex_sets, not subobject.vertices as in MSTS.
It not needed to populate the sub_object_header data.
Both of the above are generated from the underlying data on write.
import codecs
import bpy
import math
from math import *
class STFWriter:
# Writes an MSTS structured unicode text file
def __init__( self, filename):
self.f =, 'w', encoding='utf-16')
def WriteLine( self, string ):
self.f.write( string )
self.f.write( '\r\n' )
def Write( self, string ):
self.f.write( string )
def Close(self ):
class VolumeSphere:
def __init__( self ):
self.Vector = ( 0.0,0.0,0.0 )
self.Radius = 100.0
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' vol_sphere (' )
stf.WriteLine( ' vector ( {0} {1} {2} ) {3}'.format( self.Vector[0],self.Vector[1],self.Vector[2],self.Radius))
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
class MSTSMatrix:
def __init__( self ):
self.Label = 'MAIN'
self.M11 = 1.0
self.M12 = 0.0
self.M13 = 0.0
self.M21 = 0.0
self.M22 = 1.0
self.M23 = 0.0
self.M31 = 0.0
self.M32 = 0.0
self.M33 = 1.0
self.M41 = 0.0
self.M42 = 0.0
self.M43 = 0.0
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' matrix {0} ( {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} )'.format( self.Label,self.M11,self.M12,self.M13,self.M21,self.M22,self.M23,self.M31,self.M32,self.M33,self.M41,self.M42,self.M43 ))
class VertexState:
def __init__( self ):
self.Flags = 0
self.iMatrix = 0
self.iLightMaterial = -5
self.iLightConfig = 0
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' vtx_state ( {0:08X} {1} {2} {3} 00000002 )'.format( self.Flags, self.iMatrix, self.iLightMaterial, self.iLightConfig ))
class Texture:
def __init__(self):
self.iImage = 0
self.iFilter = 0
self.MipMapLODBias = 0 # often -3 in MSTS
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' texture ( {0} {1} {2} ff000000 )'.format( self.iImage,self.iFilter,self.MipMapLODBias))
class UVOpCopy: # uv_op_copy
def __init__( self ):
self.TextureAddressMode = 0 #TexAddrMode
self.SourceUVIndex = 0 #SrcUVIdx
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' uv_op_copy ( {0} {1} )'\
.format( self.TextureAddressMode, self.SourceUVIndex ) )
class UVOpReflectMapFull: #uv_op_reflectmap ==> :uint,TexAddrMode .
def __init__( self ):
self.TextureAddressMode = 0 #TexAddrMode
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' uv_op_reflectmapfull ( {0} )'\
.format( self.TextureAddressMode ) )
class LightConfig: #light_model_cfg ==> :dword,flags :uv_ops .
def __init__( self ):
self.UVOps = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' light_model_cfg ( 00000000' )
count = len( self.UVOps )
stf.WriteLine( ' uv_ops ( {0}'.format( count ) )
for i in range( 0, count ):
self.UVOps[i].Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
class PrimState:
# eg prim_state ( 00000000 0
# tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 0 0 0 1
# )
def __init__( self ):
self.Label = ''
self.iShader = 0
self.iTextures = []
self.ZBias = 0.0
self.iVertexState = 0
self.AlphaTestMode = 1
self.iLightConfig = 0
self.ZBufMode = 1
def Write( self,stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' prim_state {0} ( 00000000 {1}'.format( self.Label,self.iShader) )
stf.Write( ' tex_idxs ( {0}'.format(len(self.iTextures)) )
for eachiTexture in self.iTextures:
stf.Write( ' {0}'.format( eachiTexture ) )
stf.WriteLine(' ) {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}'.format( self.ZBias,self.iVertexState, self.AlphaTestMode, self.iLightConfig, self.ZBufMode ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
class Vertex:
# eg vertex ( 00000000 0 0 ffffffff ff000000
# vertex_uvs ( 1 0 )
# )
def __init__( self ):
self.iPoint = 0
self.iNormal = 0
self.iUVs = [] #TODO multiple UV's
self.Color1 = 0xffffffff
self.Color2 = 0xff000000
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' vertex ( 00000000 {0} {1} {2:08X} {3:08X}'.format(self.iPoint,self.iNormal,self.Color1, self.Color2 ) )
stf.Write( ' vertex_uvs ( {0}'.format( len(self.iUVs) ) )
for eachiUV in self.iUVs:
stf.Write( ' {0}'.format(eachiUV))
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
class Primitive:
def __init__( self ):
self.iPrimState = 0
self.Triangles = []
self.iNormals = []
def Write( self, stf, indexOffset ):
stf.WriteLine( ' indexed_trilist (' )
stf.Write( ' vertex_idxs ( {0} '.format( len(self.Triangles) * 3) )
linecount = 0
for eachTriangle in self.Triangles:
for eachIndex in eachTriangle:
stf.Write( '{0} '.format( eachIndex + indexOffset ) )
linecount += 1
if linecount > 100:
linecount = 0
stf.WriteLine( '' )
stf.Write( ' ')
stf.WriteLine( ')') #vertex_idxs
stf.Write( ' normal_idxs ( {0} '.format( len(self.Triangles)) )
linecount = 0
for i in self.iNormals:
stf.Write( '{0} 3 '.format( i ) )
linecount += 1
if linecount > 100:
linecount = 0
stf.WriteLine( '' )
stf.Write( ' ')
stf.WriteLine( ')') #normal_idxs
stf.Write( ' flags ( {0} '.format( len(self.Triangles)) )
linecount = 0
for i in self.iNormals:
stf.Write( '00000000 ' )
linecount += 1
if linecount > 100:
linecount = 0
stf.WriteLine( '' )
stf.Write( ' ')
stf.WriteLine( ')') #flags
stf.WriteLine( ' )') #indexed_trilist
class GeometryInfoPerMatrix:
def __init__( self, ShapeVertexStatesCount ):
self.PrimitivesCount = 0
self.TrianglesCount = 0
self.VerticesCount = 0
self.VertexStatesCount = 0
self.VertexStatesUsed = []
for i in range(0,ShapeVertexStatesCount):
self.VertexStatesUsed.append( False )
class VertexSet:
def __init__( self ):
self.Vertices = []
self.iStart = 0 # first vertex used by this set
self.index = {} # not exported, keyed on iPoint, list of iVertex referencing that point
class SubObject:
def __init__( self, parent ):
self.VertexSets = []
self.Primitives = []
self.DistanceLevel = parent
self.Flags = '00000400 -1 -1 000001d2 000001c4'
self.Priority = 0 # sub_objects are sorted by this number, 0 comes first
self.iHierarchy = 0 # not exported, see HierarchyOptimization
self.sequence = len( self.DistanceLevel.SubObjects ) # not exported, for debugging
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' sub_object (' )
self.WriteSubObjectHeader( stf )
self.WriteVertices( stf )
self.WriteVertexSets( stf )
self.WritePrimitives( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )') #sub_object
def WriteSubObjectHeader( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' sub_object_header ( ' + self.Flags )
self.WriteSubObjectGeometryInfo( stf )
self.WriteSubObjectShaders( stf )
self.WriteSubObjectLightConfigs( stf )
self.WriteSubObjectID( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WriteSubObjectGeometryInfo( self, stf ):
shape = self.DistanceLevel.LodControl.Shape
# Set up data collection array and initialize
matrixInfo = []
for i in range(0,len(shape.Matrices) ):
matrixInfo.append( GeometryInfoPerMatrix( len(shape.VertexStates) ))
#Scan all geometry and accumulate the statistics per matrix
for primitive in self.Primitives:
primState = shape.PrimStates[primitive.iPrimState]
vertexState = shape.VertexStates[primState.iVertexState]
iMatrix = vertexState.iMatrix
matrixInfo[iMatrix].PrimitivesCount += 1
matrixInfo[iMatrix].TrianglesCount += len(primitive.Triangles)
matrixInfo[iMatrix].VerticesCount += len(primitive.Triangles) * 3
matrixInfo[iMatrix].VertexStatesUsed[primState.iVertexState] = True
# Calculate VertexStates (txLightCmds) per matrix
for i in range( 0, len(matrixInfo) ):
matrixInfo[i].VertexStatesCount = 0
for b in matrixInfo[i].VertexStatesUsed:
if b : matrixInfo[i].VertexStatesCount += 1
# Now update the summary data
# Calculate FaceNormals
faceNormalsCount = 0
for primitive in self.Primitives:
faceNormalsCount += len(primitive.Triangles)
# Calculate number of vtx_states used by primitives in this sub_objects
vertexStatesCount = 0
for eachVertexSet in self.VertexSets:
if len(eachVertexSet.Vertices)>0:
vertexStatesCount += 1
# Calculate number of vertices (VertIdxs) in all the vertex_idxs statements ( 3 x FaceNormals )
verticesCount = faceNormalsCount * 3
# Calculate Trilists - number of indexed_trilist statements ( in all the files I've seen, all primitives are trilists )
trilistsCount = len(self.Primitives)
# UNKNOWN use - NodeTxLightCmds, LineListIdxs, NodeXTrilistIdxs, LineLists, PtLists , NodeXTrilists - always seems to be 0
stf.WriteLine( ' geometry_info ( {0} {1} 0 {2} 0 0 {3} 0 0 0'.format(faceNormalsCount,vertexStatesCount,verticesCount,trilistsCount))
# Write geometry nodes
# Create a new empty geometry node map and geometry nodes array
geometryNodeMap = []
geometryNodeCount = 0
for i in range( 0, len( shape.Matrices) ):
geometryNodeMap.append(-1) # initialize to -1's
if matrixInfo[i].PrimitivesCount > 0:
geometryNodeCount += 1
# Populate the new geometry_node_map and write out the geometry_nodes
stf.WriteLine( ' geometry_nodes ( {0}'.format(geometryNodeCount))
iGeometryNode = 0
for iMatrix in range( 0, len(shape.Matrices)):
matrix_info = matrixInfo[iMatrix]
if matrix_info.PrimitivesCount > 0:
stf.WriteLine( ' geometry_node ( {0} 0 0 0 0'.format(matrix_info.VertexStatesCount))
stf.WriteLine( ' cullable_prims ( {0} {1} {2} )'.format(matrix_info.PrimitivesCount,matrix_info.TrianglesCount,matrix_info.VerticesCount))
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
geometryNodeMap[iMatrix] = iGeometryNode
iGeometryNode += 1
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
# Write geometry node map
stf.Write( ' geometry_node_map ( {0} '.format(len(shape.Matrices)))
for iGeometryNode in geometryNodeMap:
stf.Write( '{0} '.format( iGeometryNode) )
stf.WriteLine( ')' ) #geometry_node_map
stf.WriteLine( ' )') #geometry_info
def WriteSubObjectShaders( self, stf ):
shape = self.DistanceLevel.LodControl.Shape
subObjectShaders = set()
for eachPrimitive in self.Primitives:
primState = shape.PrimStates[eachPrimitive.iPrimState]
subObjectShaders |= set([primState.iShader])
stf.Write( ' subobject_shaders ( {0} '.format(len(subObjectShaders) ) )
for iShader in subObjectShaders:
stf.Write( '{0} '.format( iShader ) )
stf.WriteLine( ')' )
def WriteSubObjectLightConfigs( self, stf ):
shape = self.DistanceLevel.LodControl.Shape
subObjectLightConfigs = set()
for primitive in self.Primitives:
primState = shape.PrimStates[primitive.iPrimState]
subObjectLightConfigs |= set([primState.iLightConfig])
stf.Write( ' subobject_light_cfgs ( {0} '.format(len(subObjectLightConfigs) ) )
for iLightConfig in subObjectLightConfigs:
stf.Write( '{0} '.format( iLightConfig ) )
stf.Write( ')' )
def WriteSubObjectID( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' 0' ) # [:uint,SubObjID]
def WriteVertices( self, stf ): # and set start location for vertex_set's
# count the vertices
count = 0
for vertexSet in self.VertexSets:
count += len( vertexSet.Vertices )
stf.WriteLine( ' vertices ( {0}'.format(count))
# write out the vertices
iStart = 0
for vertexSet in self.VertexSets:
vertexSet.iStart = iStart
for vertex in vertexSet.Vertices:
vertex.Write( stf )
iStart += len( vertexSet.Vertices )
stf.WriteLine( ' )') # vertices
def WriteVertexSets( self, stf ):
# count the vertex sets
count = 0
for vertexSet in self.VertexSets:
if len( vertexSet.Vertices ) > 0:
count += 1
stf.WriteLine( ' vertex_sets ( {0}'.format(count) )
# write out the vertex sets
for i in range( 0, len( self.VertexSets ) ):
vertexSet = self.VertexSets[i]
if len( vertexSet.Vertices ) > 0:
stf.WriteLine( ' vertex_set ( {0} {1} {2} )'.format(i,vertexSet.iStart,len(vertexSet.Vertices)))
stf.WriteLine( ' )' ) #vertex_sets
def WritePrimitives( self,stf ):
shape = self.DistanceLevel.LodControl.Shape
print ("Writing primitives")
# determine count
count = 0
iPrimState = -1
for eachPrimitive in self.Primitives:
count += 1
if eachPrimitive.iPrimState != iPrimState:
iPrimState = eachPrimitive.iPrimState
count += 1
stf.WriteLine( ' primitives ( {0}'.format(count))
# and write out the primitives
iPrimState = -1
for eachPrimitive in self.Primitives:
if eachPrimitive.iPrimState != iPrimState:
iPrimState = eachPrimitive.iPrimState
stf.WriteLine( ' prim_state_idx ( {0} )'.format( iPrimState ) )
primState = shape.PrimStates[iPrimState]
vertexSet = self.VertexSets[ primState.iVertexState]
eachPrimitive.Write( stf, vertexSet.iStart )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' ) # primitives
class DistanceLevel:
def __init__(self,parent):
self.LodControl = parent
self.SubObjects = []
self.Selection = 0 # maximum distance this distance level is visible
self.Hierarchy = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' distance_level (' )
print ("Writing distance level")
self.WriteHeader( stf )
count = len( self.SubObjects )
stf.WriteLine( ' sub_objects ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range( 0,count):
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WriteHeader( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' distance_level_header (' )
stf.WriteLine( ' dlevel_selection ( {0} )'.format( self.Selection ) )
count = len( self.Hierarchy )
stf.Write( ' hierarchy ( {0} '.format( count ) )
for i in range( 0,count ):
stf.Write( '{0} '.format( self.Hierarchy[i] ) )
stf.WriteLine( ')')
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
class LodControl:
def __init__( self, parent ):
self.Shape = parent
self.DistanceLevels = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' lod_control (' )
stf.WriteLine( ' distance_levels_header ( 0 )' )
count = len( self.DistanceLevels )
stf.WriteLine( ' distance_levels ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range(0,count):
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
class RotationKey: #key
def __init__(self ):
self.Frame = 0
self.X = 0
self.Y = 0
self.Z = 0
self.W = 0
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' slerp_rot ( {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} )'\
.format( int(self.Frame), round(self.X,8), round(self.Y,8), round(self.Z,8), round(self.W,8) )) # note frame must be an int for ffeditc_unicode to compress it properly
class TCBRotationKey: #key
def __init__(self ):
self.Frame = 0
self.X = 0
self.Y = 0
self.Z = 0
self.W = 0
self.Tension = 0
self.Continuity = 0
self.Bias = 0
self.In = 0
self.Out = 0
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' tcb_key ( {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} )'\
.format( int(self.Frame), self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.W, self.Tension, self.Continuity, self.Bias, self.In, self.Out ))
class LinearKey: # key
def __init__(self ):
self.Frame = 0
self.X = 0
self.Y = 0
self.Z = 0
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' linear_key ( {0} {1} {2} {3} )'\
.format( int(self.Frame), round(self.X,8), round(self.Y,8),round( self.Z,8) ))
class PositionController: # controller
def __init__( self ):
self.Keys = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine(' linear_pos ( {0}'.format(len(self.Keys)))
for eachKey in self.Keys:
eachKey.Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine(' )')
class RotationController: # controller
def __init__( self ):
self.Keys = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine(' tcb_rot ( {0}'.format(len(self.Keys)))
for eachKey in self.Keys:
eachKey.Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine(' )')
class AnimationNode:
def __init__( self ):
self.Label = None
self.Controllers = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' anim_node {0} ('.format( self.Label ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' controllers ( {0}'.format( len(self.Controllers) ) )
for eachController in self.Controllers:
eachController.Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
class Animation:
def __init__( self ):
self.FrameCount = 0
self.FrameRate = 30
self.AnimationNodes = []
def Write( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' animation ( {0} {1}'.format( int(self.FrameCount), self.FrameRate) )
stf.WriteLine( ' anim_nodes ( {0}'.format( len(self.AnimationNodes) ) )
for eachAnimationNode in self.AnimationNodes:
eachAnimationNode.Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
class Shape:
def __init__( self ):
self.Volumes = []
self.Shaders = []
self.Filters = []
self.Points = []
self.UVPoints = []
self.Normals = []
self.Matrices = []
self.Images = []
self.Textures = []
self.Colors = []
self.LightMaterials = []
self.LightConfigs = []
self.VertexStates = []
self.PrimStates = []
self.LodControls = []
self.Animations = []
def Write( self, filepath ):
stf = STFWriter( filepath )
stf.WriteLine( 'SIMISA@@@@@@@@@@JINX0s1t______\r\n' )
stf.WriteLine( 'shape (' )
stf.WriteLine( ' shape_header ( 00000000 00000000 )' )
self.WriteVolumes( stf )
self.WriteShaders( stf )
self.WriteFilters( stf )
self.WritePoints( stf )
self.WriteUVPoints( stf )
self.WriteNormals( stf )
self.WriteSortVectors( stf )
self.WriteColours( stf )
self.WriteMatrices( stf )
self.WriteTextures(stf )
self.WriteLightConfigs( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ')' )
def WriteVolumes( self, stf ):
print ("Writing volumes")
count = len( self.Volumes )
stf.WriteLine( ' volumes ( {0}'.format(count) )
for i in range( 0,count):
self.Volumes[i].Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteShaders( self, stf ):
print ("Writing shader names")
count = len( self.Shaders )
stf.WriteLine( ' shader_names ( {0}'.format( count ))
for i in range( 0, count ):
stf.WriteLine( ' named_shader ( {0} )'.format( self.Shaders[i] ))
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WriteFilters( self, stf ):
print ("Writing texture filter names")
count = len( self.Filters )
stf.WriteLine( ' texture_filter_names ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range( 0, count ):
stf.WriteLine( ' named_filter_mode ( {0} )'.format( self.Filters[i]))
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WritePoints( self, stf ):
print ("Writing points")
count = len( self.Points )
stf.WriteLine( ' points ( {0}'.format(count) )
for i in range( 0, count ):
p = self.Points[i]
stf.WriteLine( ' point ( {0} {1} {2} )'.format(round(p[0],6),round(p[1],6),round(p[2],6) ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteUVPoints( self, stf ):
print ("Writing uv points")
count = len( self.UVPoints )
stf.WriteLine( ' uv_points ( {0}'.format(count) )
for i in range( 0, count ):
p = self.UVPoints[i]
stf.WriteLine( ' uv_point ( {0} {1} )'.format(round(p[0],6),round(p[1],6)) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteNormals( self, stf ):
print ("Writing normals")
count = len( self.Normals )
stf.WriteLine( ' normals ( {0}'.format(count) )
for i in range( 0, count ):
p = self.Normals[i]
stf.WriteLine( ' vector ( {0} {1} {2} )'.format(round(p[0],6),round(p[1],6),round(p[2],6) ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteSortVectors( self, stf ):
stf.WriteLine( ' sort_vectors ( 1' )
stf.WriteLine( ' vector ( 0 0 0 )' )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteMatrices( self, stf ):
print ("Writing matrices")
count = len( self.Matrices )
stf.WriteLine( ' matrices ( {0}'.format( count ) )
for i in range( 0,count):
self.Matrices[i].Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteImages( self, stf ):
print ("Writing image names")
count = len( self.Images )
stf.WriteLine( ' images ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range(0,count):
imageFileName = self.Images[i]
if imageFileName.count( ' ' ) == 0: #only use quotes when spaces exist in name for SVIEW compatibility
stf.WriteLine( ' image ( {0} )'.format( imageFileName ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' image ( "{0}" )'.format( imageFileName ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteTextures( self, stf ):
print ("Writing textures")
count = len( self.Textures )
stf.WriteLine( ' textures ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range(0,count):
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteColours( self, stf ):
count = len( self.Colors )
stf.WriteLine( ' colours ( {0}'.format( count) )
for i in range( 0, count ):
c = self.Colors[i] # a r g b
stf.WriteLine( ' colour ( {0} {1} {2} {3} )'.format( c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3] ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteLightMaterials( self, stf ):
count = len( self.LightMaterials )
stf.WriteLine( ' light_materials ( {0}'.format( count) )
for i in range( 0, count ):
m = self.LightMaterials[i]
stf.WriteLine( ' light_material ( 00000000 {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} )'.format( m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4] ) )
stf.WriteLine( ' )' )
def WriteLightConfigs( self, stf ):
print( "Writing light configs" )
count = len( self.LightConfigs )
stf.WriteLine( ' light_model_cfgs ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range( 0,count ):
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WriteVertexStates( self, stf ):
print ("Writing vertex states")
count = len( self.VertexStates )
stf.WriteLine( ' vtx_states ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range( 0,count):
self.VertexStates[i].Write( stf )
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WritePrimStates( self, stf ):
print ("Writing prim states")
count = len( self.PrimStates )
stf.WriteLine( ' prim_states ( {0}'.format(count))
for i in range( 0,count ):
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WriteLodControls(self, stf ):
count = len( self.LodControls )
stf.WriteLine( ' lod_controls ( {0}'.format( count ) )
for i in range(0,count):
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
def WriteAnimations(self, stf ):
count = len( self.Animations )
if count > 0: # ShapeViewer crashes if you have animations( 0 )
stf.WriteLine( ' animations ( {0}'.format( count ) )
for i in range(0,count):
stf.WriteLine( ' )')
************************* end library *******************************
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print( "START" )
# ExportShapeFile( 'MAIN', r'C:\MSTS\GLOBAL\SHAPES\LPSTrack100m.s' ) #r'c:\users\wayne\desktop\out.s' ) #
# print( "DONE" )
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