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Created April 26, 2012 17:52
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program test_function_registry
use class_func_registry
use flu_module
use class_platonic
use platonic_from_lua_module
use flu_get_module
use class_function
use class_boundary
use boundary_box_module
use class_boundary_dirichlet
use helper_module
type(flu) :: l
type(func_registry) :: fr
type(func) :: f1, f2
class(boundary), pointer :: b
class(platonic), pointer :: p => null()
type(boundary_box) :: blr
integer :: err
integer :: i
character(len=3) :: char(4) = ["abc","123","pqr"," "]
! call set_log_level(FPDE_LOG_DEBUG)
l = luaL_newstate()
if( luaL_dofile(l,"../example/function_registry.lua") ) then
end if
call lua_getglobal(l,"fr")
call fr%from_lua(l, error = err)
f1%name = "abc"
call lua_getglobal(l,"my_boundaries")
call f1%boundary%from_lua(l,err)
allocate(boundary_dirichlet :: b)
fr%func(2)%boundary%default => b
call fr%init(err)
call fr%init(err)
! print *, err
do i = 1, fr%n_func
print *, i, trim(fr%func(i)%name)
end do
end program test_function_registry
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