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Last active July 1, 2019 11:09
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Nat where
data Nat
= Zero
| Succ Nat
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class AdditiveSemigroup a where
infixl 6 .+.
(.+.) :: a -> a -> a
instance AdditiveSemigroup Nat where
(.+.) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Zero .+. n = n
(Succ m) .+. n = m .+. (Succ n)
class AdditiveMonoid a where
zero :: a
instance AdditiveMonoid Nat where
zero :: Nat
zero = Zero
class MultiplicativeSemigroup a where
infixl 7 .*.
(.*.) :: a -> a -> a
instance MultiplicativeSemigroup Nat where
(.*.) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Zero .*. _ = Zero
_ .*. Zero = Zero
(Succ Zero) .*. n = n
(Succ m) .*. n = m .*. n .+. n
class MultiplicativeMonoid a where
one :: a
instance MultiplicativeMonoid Nat where
one :: Nat
one = Succ Zero
class (MultiplicativeMonoid a, AdditiveMonoid a) => Semiring a
instance Semiring Nat
n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9 :: Nat
n0 = Zero
n1 = Succ n0
n2 = Succ n1
n3 = Succ n2
n4 = Succ n3
n5 = Succ n4
n6 = Succ n5
n7 = Succ n6
n8 = Succ n7
n9 = Succ n8
tests :: [Bool]
tests = [
-- Eq
n0 == n0
, n1 == n1
, n0 /= n1
-- Ord
, n0 < n1
, n1 > n0
, n3 <= n3
, n3 <= n4
, n4 >= n3
, n4 >= n4
-- Num + (left/right) identity, commutativity, associativity
, n0 .+. n7 == n7
, n7 .+. n0 == n7
, n2 .+. n3 == n3 .+. n2
, (n2 .+. n3) .+. n4 == n2 .+. (n3 .+. n4)
-- Num * (left/right) identity, commutativity, associativity
, n1 .*. n5 == n5
, n5 .*. n1 == n5
, n2 .*. n3 == n3 .*. n2
, (n2 .*. n3) .*. n4 == n2 .*. (n3 .*. n4)
-- distributivity
, n4 .*. (n3 .+. n6) == n4 .*. n3 .+. n4 .*. n6
runTests :: [Bool] -> Bool
runTests = all (True &&)
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