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Created October 1, 2012 07:38
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Wrap a potentially unavailable Btapp function to make it immediately callable
var add = btapp.func('add', 'torrent');
...or to provide a callback for dht activity, you might try the following:
var get_any_hash = btapp.func('dht', 'get_any_hash');
// While the function won't be available immediately, it is abstracted away,
// allowing you to treat the future function as immedidately callable
get_any_hash(function(hash) {
//Just saw a hash in the dht!
(function() {
function assert(condition, msg) { if(!condition) throw msg; }
assert(_, 'Requires underscore/lodash');
assert(jQuery, 'Requires jQuery');
assert(jQuery.Deferred, 'Requires jQuery Deferred objects. Make sure you are using jQuery version > 1.5');
assert(Btapp, 'Requires Btapp.js. Visit for help');
assert('live' in Backbone.Model.prototype && 'live' in Backbone.Collection.prototype, 'Requires Backbrace.js.');
var onObjectFunctionAvailable = function(obj, funcName, trigger) {
assert(funcName in, 'expected ' + funcName + ' to be a function');
var onObjectAvailable = function(obj, funcName, trigger) {
var cleanup, cb;
if(funcName in {
onObjectFunctionAvailable(obj, funcName, trigger);
} else {
cleanup = function() {'add:bt:' + funcName, cb);
cb = function() {
onObjectFunctionAvailable(obj, funcName, trigger);
obj.on('add:bt:' + funcName, cb);
var waitForObjectAvailability = function(btapp, path, trigger) {
var selector, cleanup, cb;
// Generate the live selector for the parent object that will
// contain the the desired function
selector = _.chain(path).initial().reduce(function(memo, elem) {
var next = memo + (memo.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + elem;
return next;
}, '').value();
cleanup = function() {
btapp.die(selector, cb);
cb = function(obj) {
onObjectAvailable(obj, _.last(path), trigger);
// Now we need to wait and listen for the parent object, cb);
var generateTriggeredFunction = function(trigger) {
return function() {
// Create a wrapper deferred object that we'll return immediately
// once we actually get our hands on the function we'll call it
// and pipe the deferred object from that call into this one
var ret = new jQuery.Deferred;
// Hold on to the args until the function is available
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
trigger.done(function(func) {
// All btapp functions return a deferred object,
// so we just need to make sure we pipe that object
// into the deferred object that we returned immediately
func.apply(this, args).then(
function() {
ret.resolve.apply(this, arguments);
}, function() {
ret.reject.apply(this, arguments);
// By dangling done/fail callbacks onto this return value,
// the caller's code will be executed when the actual function's
// return Deferred object is resolved.
return ret;
Btapp.prototype.func = function(path) {
var trigger, btapp;
// Support both of the following argument styles
// .call('btapp', 'add', 'torrent')
// .call(['btapp', 'add', 'torrent'])
if(typeof path === 'string') {
path = _.toArray(arguments);
_(path).each(function(segment) {
assert(segment !== '*', 'unlike Backbrace, func only wraps a single function, so wildcards are not supported');
// We're going to use the trigger deferred object to hang all
// calls to our function on...that way we can just resolve it
// when the desired function is available
trigger = new jQuery.Deferred;
// We should verify that the btapp we've been dangled off of has the correct paths
// Check if we're looking for a function on the base object
if(path.length === 1) {
onObjectAvailable(this, _.last(path), trigger);
} else {
waitForObjectAvailability(this, path, trigger);
return generateTriggeredFunction(trigger);
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