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Created July 10, 2018 15:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Routines to remap particles onto a new grid decomposition.
Phillip Wolfram
import netCDF4
from scipy import spatial
import numpy as np
def remap_particles(fin, fpart, fdecomp):
load in particle positions, locations of grid cell centers, and decomposition
tree corresponding to fin.
The goal is to update particle field currentBlock to comply with the new grid
as defined by fin and decomp. FIN AND FDECOMP MUST BE COMPATIBLE!
We assume that all particles will be within the domain such that a nearest
neighbor search is sufficient to make the remap.
Phillip Wolfram
# load the files
f_in = netCDF4.Dataset(fin, 'r')
f_part = netCDF4.Dataset(fpart,'r+')
# get the particle data
xpart = f_part.variables['xParticle']
ypart = f_part.variables['yParticle']
zpart = f_part.variables['zParticle']
currentBlock = f_part.variables['currentBlock']
currentCell = f_part.variables['currentCell']
currentCell = f_part.createVariable('currentCell', 'i', ('nParticles'))
# get the cell positions
xcell = f_in.variables['xCell']
ycell = f_in.variables['yCell']
zcell = f_in.variables['zCell']
# build the spatial tree
tree = spatial.cKDTree(np.vstack((xcell,ycell,zcell)).T)
# get nearest cell for each particle
dvEdge = f_in.variables['dvEdge']
maxdist = 2.0*max(dvEdge[:])
_, cellIndices = tree.query(np.vstack((xpart,ypart,zpart)).T,distance_upper_bound=maxdist,k=1)
# load the decomposition
decomp = np.genfromtxt(fdecomp)
currentBlock[:] = decomp[cellIndices]
currentCell[:] = cellIndices + 1
# close the files
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser
# Get command line parameters
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="f_in",
help="file to open for appending \
particle data 'particle_' extension",
parser.add_option("-p", "--particles", dest="f_part",
help="file for particles",
parser.add_option("-d", "--decomp", dest="f_decomp",
help="file for decoposition, \
where # is the number of blocks for the \
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if not options.f_in:
parser.error("Filename is a required input.")
if not options.f_part:
parser.error("Particle filename is a required input.")
if not options.f_decomp:
parser.error("Decomposition filename is a required input.")
remap_particles(options.f_in, options.f_part, options.f_decomp)
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