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Last active May 6, 2024 09:09
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Very simple JSON parser in Python
The parser below is a predictive, recursive-descent parser. The use of a predictive parser
is possible because JSON has an LL(k) grammar. Specifically, JSON has an LL(1) grammar,
a fact that is hinted at in the `parse_json` function: `parse_json` looks ahead by only
one character (not even a whole JSON token) in order to decide how to parse the string.
JSON definition:
JSON-Python type mapping:
JSON is a context-free language (, not a regular
language (
### Top-level Function
def load_json_string(s):
i = skip_leading_whitespace(s, 0)
assert i < len(s), 'string cannot be emtpy or blank'
python_element, i = parse_json(s, i)
validate_json(s, i, condition=(i == len(s)))
return python_element
except IndexError:
raise_invalid_json_error('Unexpected end of string:', s, len(s))
### Parsing JSON and Translating it to Python
# In the parsing functions below, two invariants are implicitly enforced for values
# at the index `i`:
# 1. When `i` is passed in as an argument to a function, `s[i]` is not whitespace.
# 2. When `i` is returned from a function, `s[i]` is not whitespace.
# Therefore, whenever a function is called or the value returned from a function is
# handled, we can immediately begin using `s[i]` to inspect the next JSON token we need
# to handle.
# Other conditions on the value of `s[i]` are more explicitly enforced below, using
# the `validate_json` function.
def parse_json(s, i):
first_char = s[i]
if first_char == '{':
return parse_object(s, i)
elif first_char == '[':
return parse_array(s, i)
elif first_char == '"':
return parse_string(s, i)
elif first_char == 'n':
return parse_null(s, i)
elif first_char == 't':
return parse_true(s, i)
elif first_char == 'f':
return parse_false(s, i)
return parse_number(s, i)
def parse_object(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, expected='{')
i = skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
python_dict = {}
while s[i] != '}':
key, i = parse_string(s, i)
validate_json(s, i, expected=':')
value, i = parse_json(s, skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i))
python_dict[key] = value
if s[i] == ',':
i = skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
validate_json(s, i, not_expected='}')
validate_json(s, i, expected='}')
return python_dict, skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
def parse_array(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, expected='[')
i = skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
python_list = []
while s[i] != ']':
python_element, i = parse_json(s, i)
if s[i] == ',':
i = skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
validate_json(s, i, not_expected=']')
validate_json(s, i, expected=']')
return python_list, skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
def parse_string(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, expected='"')
i += 1
i0 = i
while s[i] != '"':
if s[i] == '\\':
i += 2 # Escaped character takes up two spaces.
i += 1
python_string = s[i0:i].decode('string-escape')
return python_string, skip_trailing_whitespace(s, i)
def parse_null(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i:i+4] == 'null'))
return None, skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+4)
def parse_true(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i:i+4] == 'true'))
return True, skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+4)
def parse_false(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i:i+5] == 'false'))
return False, skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+5)
def parse_number(s, i):
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i] in '-IN' or '0' <= s[i] <= '9'))
if s[i] == 'N':
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i:i+3] == 'NaN'))
return float('nan'), skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+3)
elif s[i] == 'I':
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i:i+8] == 'Infinity'))
return float('inf'), skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+8)
elif s[i] == '-' and s[i+1] == 'I':
validate_json(s, i, condition=(s[i:i+9] == '-Infinity'))
return float('-inf'), skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+9)
is_number_char = lambda char: '0' <= char <= '9' or char in '+-Ee.'
j = next((j for j in xrange(i, len(s)) if not is_number_char(s[j])), len(s))
use_float = any(s[i] in 'Ee.' for i in xrange(i, j))
python_converter = float if use_float else int
return python_converter(s[i:j]), skip_leading_whitespace(s, j)
except ValueError:
raise_invalid_json_error('Invalid JSON number:', s, i)
### Skipping over Whitespace between JSON Tokens
import re
_whitespace_matcher = re.compile(r'\s*')
skip_leading_whitespace = lambda s, i: _whitespace_matcher.match(s, i).end()
skip_trailing_whitespace = lambda s, i: skip_leading_whitespace(s, i+1)
### Validating Input
def validate_json(s, i, expected=None, not_expected=None, condition=None):
assert expected is not None or not_expected is not None or condition is not None,\
'expected, not_expected, or condition must be declared'
expected is not None and s[i] == expected or \
not_expected is not None and s[i] != not_expected or \
condition is True or \
raise_invalid_json_error('Unexpected token:', s, i)
def raise_invalid_json_error(message, s, i):
raise JsonValidationError(err_message)
def caret(i):
return ' ' * i + '^'
class JsonValidationError(StandardError):
### Testing and Performance Measurement
def tests():
import json
test1 = {
'hi"': "there'",
"foo": {
"bar": 'baz',
'blah': [
{'foo':'bar', ' ': 40}
test2 = 'null'
test3 = '"hi \"asdf\""'
for t in (test1, test2, test3):
s = json.dumps(t)
print 'Testing on input:', s
assert load_json_string(s) == json.loads(s), s
print 'Tests pass!'
def timeit():
import json
from timeit import timeit
test_json1 = json.dumps({
'hi\\"': "there",
"foo": {
"bar": 'baz',
'blah': [
{'foo':'bar', ' ': 40}
"foo2": float('nan'),
"foo3": float('inf'),
"foo4": float('-inf'),
"foo5": 2.3**-28
test_json2 = r' { "one": { "two": [{ "three": { "four": null }}, NaN, -Infinity, 2e+1, 2E-2, 50.403], "five": 5 }} '
for test_json in (test_json1, test_json2):
test1 = "load_json_string('{}')".format(test_json)
test2 = "json.loads('{}')".format(test_json)
n = 1000
print "Timing on input:", test_json
print 'load_json_string:', timeit(test1, "from __main__ import load_json_string", number=n)
print 'json.loads:', timeit(test2, "import json", number=n)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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