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Created December 6, 2017 18:19
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PRESS Statistic, Hat Matrix, and Leverage Points for Multiple Linear Regressions in Excel
' Multiple Linear Regressions in Excel
' This group of functions uses the Hat Matrix and
' Leverages to calculate the PRESS statistic
' A column of ones must precede your X columns (exR)
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Function Hat(exR As Range) As Variant
'Returns a symmetrical array of dimensions n by n
With WorksheetFunction
Hat = .MMult(.MMult(exR, .MInverse(.MMult(.Transpose(exR), exR))), .Transpose(exR))
End With
End Function
Function Leverages(exR As Range) As Variant
'Diagonal elements of the Hat matrix
'The influence each response value has on the fitted value for that same observation
Dim H As Variant
Dim result() As Double
Dim i As Integer
ReDim result(1 To exR.Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
H = Hat(exR)
For i = 1 To exR.Rows.Count
result(i, 1) = H(i, i)
Next i
Leverages = result
End Function
Function Press(exR As Range, yR As Range) As Double
'Returns Press Statistic (lower is better)
Dim yPred As Variant
Dim Hii As Variant
Dim i As Integer
yPred = WorksheetFunction.MMult(Hat(exR), yR.Value)
Hii = Leverages(exR)
For i = 1 To exR.Rows.Count
Press = Press + ((yPred(i, 1) - yR.Cells(i).Value) / (1 - Hii(i, 1))) ^ 2
Next i
End Function
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