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Last active December 28, 2015 03:42
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  • Save pycckuu/f181d21da3191ecd8c16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pycckuu/f181d21da3191ecd8c16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class Trilinos < Formula
desc "Algorithms for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "cab674e88c8ca2d2c54176af60030ed28203c0793f3c64c240363dbe7fa46b99"
head "", :using => :git
option "with-teko", "Enable the Teko secondary-stable package"
option "with-shylu", "Enable the ShyLU experimental package"
option "with-check", "Perform build time checks (time consuming and contains failures)"
option :cxx11
# options and dependencies not supported in the current version
# are commented out with #- and failure reasons are documented.
option "with-cholmod", "Build with Cholmod (Experimental TPL) from suite-sparse"
#-option "with-csparse", "Build with CSparse (Experimental TPL) from suite-sparse" # Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "Amesos_CSparse::Amesos_CSparse(Epetra_LinearProblem const&)"
depends_on :mpi => [:cc, :cxx, :recommended]
depends_on :fortran => :recommended
depends_on :x11 => :recommended
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on "homebrew/python/numpy" if build.with? "python"
depends_on "swig" => :build if build.with? "python"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "openblas" => :optional
openblasdep = (build.with? "openblas") ? ["with-openblas"] : []
mpidep = (build.with? "mpi") ? ["with-mpi"] : []
depends_on "adol-c" => :recommended
depends_on "boost" => :recommended
depends_on "cppunit" => :recommended
depends_on "doxygen" => :recommended
depends_on "hwloc" => :recommended
depends_on "libmatio" => [:recommended] + ((build.with? "hdf5") ? ["with-hdf5"] : [])
depends_on "metis" => :recommended
depends_on "mumps" => [:recommended] + openblasdep
depends_on "netcdf" => ["with-fortran", :recommended]
depends_on "parmetis" => :recommended if build.with? "mpi"
depends_on "scalapack" => [:recommended] + openblasdep
depends_on "scotch" => :recommended
depends_on "suite-sparse" => [:recommended] + openblasdep
depends_on "superlu" => [:recommended] + openblasdep
depends_on "superlu_dist" => [:recommended] + openblasdep if build.with? "parmetis"
#-depends_on "petsc" => :optional # ML packages currently do not compile with PETSc >= 3.3
#-depends_on "qd" => :optional # Fails due to global namespace issues (std::pow vs qd::pow)
#-depends_on "binutils" => :optional # libiberty is deliberately omitted in Homebrew (see PR #35881)
# Experimental TPLs:
depends_on "eigen" => :recommended
depends_on "hypre" => [:recommended] + mpidep + openblasdep # EpetraExt tests fail to compile
depends_on "glpk" => :recommended
depends_on "hdf5" => [:recommended] + mpidep
depends_on "tbb" => :recommended
depends_on "glm" => :recommended
depends_on "yaml-cpp" => :recommended
#-depends_on "lemon" => :optional # lemon is currently built as executable only, no libraries
#-depends_on "cask" => :optional # cask is currently built as executable only, no libraries
# Missing TPLS:
# BLACS, Y12M, XDMF, tvmet, thrust, taucs, SPARSEKIT, qpOASES, Portals,
# Pnetcdf, Peano, PaToH, PAPI, Pablo, Oski, OVIS, OpenNURBS, Nemesis, MF,
# MA28, LibTopoMap, InfiniBand, HPCToolkit, HIPS, gtest, gpcd, Gemini,
# ForUQTK, ExodusII, CUSPARSE, Cusp, CrayPortals, Coupler, Clp, CCOLAMD,
def onoff(s, cond)
s + ((cond) ? "ON" : "OFF")
# Patch FindTPLUMFPACK to work with UMFPACK>=5.6.0
# Amesos to work with Superlu_dist 3.3
patch :DATA
def install
# Trilinos supports only Debug or Release CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE!
# constrain Cmake to look for libraries in homebrew's prefix
# on Linux Trilinos might pick up wrong MPI.
# Can't specify "open-mpi" location as other (mpich)
# implementations may be used.
args << "-DMPI_BASE_DIR:PATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" if build.with? "mpi"
# BLAS / LAPACK support
if build.with? "openblas"
args << "-DBLAS_LIBRARY_NAMES=openblas"
args << "-DBLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS=#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib}"
args << "-DLAPACK_LIBRARY_NAMES=openblas"
args << "-DLAPACK_LIBRARY_DIRS=#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib}"
args << "-DTrilinos_ASSERT_MISSING_PACKAGES=OFF" if build.head?
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_MPI:BOOL=", (build.with? "mpi"))
args << onoff("-DTrilinos_ENABLE_OpenMP:BOOL=", (ENV.compiler != :clang))
args << onoff("-DTrilinos_ENABLE_CXX11:BOOL=", (build.cxx11?))
# Extra non-default packages
args << onoff("-DTrilinos_ENABLE_ShyLU:BOOL=", (build.with? "shylu"))
args << onoff("-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Teko:BOOL=", (build.with? "teko"))
# Temporary disable due to compiler errors:
args << "-DTrilinos_ENABLE_STK=OFF"
args << "-DTrilinos_ENABLE_SEACAS=OFF"
args << "-DIntrepid_ENABLE_TESTS=OFF"
args << "-DSacado_ENABLE_TESTS=OFF"
args << "-DEpetraExt_ENABLE_TESTS=OFF" if build.with? "hypre"
args << "-DTrilinos_ENABLE_FEI=OFF" unless OS.mac?
args << "-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Sundance=OFF" if !OS.mac? || MacOS.version < :mavericks
# Third-party libraries
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Boost:BOOL=", (build.with? "boost"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Scotch:BOOL=", (build.with? "scotch"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Netcdf:BOOL=", (build.with? "netcdf"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_ADOLC:BOOL=", (build.with? "adol-c"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_AMD:BOOL=", (build.with? "suite-sparse"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Matio:BOOL=", (build.with? "libmatio"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_yaml-cpp:BOOL=", (build.with? "yaml-cpp"))
if (build.with? "suite-sparse") && (build.with? "csparse")
args << "-DTPL_ENABLE_CSparse:BOOL=ON"
args << "-DCSparse_LIBRARY_NAMES=cxsparse;amd;colamd;suitesparseconfig"
args << "-DTPL_ENABLE_CSparse:BOOL=OFF"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Cholmod:BOOL=", ((build.with? "suite-sparse") && (build.with? "cholmod")))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_UMFPACK:BOOL=", (build.with? "suite-sparse"))
args << "-DUMFPACK_LIBRARY_NAMES=umfpack;amd;colamd;cholmod;suitesparseconfig" if build.with? "suite-sparse"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_CppUnit:BOOL=", (build.with? "cppunit"))
args << "-DCppUnit_LIBRARY_DIRS=#{Formula["cppunit"].opt_lib}" if build.with? "cppunit"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Eigen:BOOL=", (build.with? "eigen"))
args << "-DEigen_INCLUDE_DIRS=#{Formula["eigen"].opt_include}/eigen3" if build.with? "eigen"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_GLPK:BOOL=", (build.with? "glpk"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_HWLOC:BOOL=", (build.with? "hwloc"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_HYPRE:BOOL=", (build.with? "hypre"))
# Even though METIS seems to conflicts with ParMETIS in Trilinos config (see TPLsList.cmake in the source folder),
# we still need to provide METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS so that metis.h is picked up on Linuxbrew.
if build.with? "metis"
args << "-DMETIS_LIBRARY_DIRS=#{Formula["metis"].opt_lib}"
args << "-DMETIS_LIBRARY_NAMES=metis"
args << "-DTPL_METIS_INCLUDE_DIRS=#{Formula["metis"].opt_include}"
# A hack for mumps 5.0
# TODO: use extra LIBRARY_NAMES with 5.0 only?
if build.with? "mumps"
args << "-DMUMPS_LIBRARY_DIRS=#{Formula["mumps"].opt_lib}"
args << "-DMUMPS_LIBRARY_NAMES=dmumps;pord;mumps_common"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_PETSC:BOOL=", (build.with? "petsc"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_HDF5:BOOL=", (build.with? "hdf5"))
if build.with? "parmetis"
# Ensure CMake picks up METIS 5 and not METIS 4.
args << "-DParMETIS_LIBRARY_DIRS=#{Formula["parmetis"].opt_lib};#{Formula["metis"].opt_lib}"
args << "-DParMETIS_LIBRARY_NAMES=parmetis;metis"
args << "-DTPL_ParMETIS_INCLUDE_DIRS=#{Formula["parmetis"].opt_include}"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_SCALAPACK:BOOL=", (build.with? "scalapack"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_SuperLU:BOOL=", (build.with? "superlu"))
args << "-DSuperLU_INCLUDE_DIRS=#{Formula["superlu"].opt_include}/superlu" if build.with? "superlu"
# fix for 4.0:
args << "-DHAVE_SUPERLUDIST_LUSTRUCTINIT_2ARG:BOOL=ON" if build.with? "superlu_dist"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_SuperLUDist:BOOL=", (build.with? "superlu_dist"))
args << "-DSuperLUDist_INCLUDE_DIRS=#{Formula["superlu_dist"].opt_include}/superlu_dist" if build.with? "superlu_dist"
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_QD:BOOL=", (build.with? "qd"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_Lemon:BOOL=", (build.with? "lemon"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_GLM:BOOL=", (build.with? "glm"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_CASK:BOOL=", (build.with? "cask"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_BinUtils:BOOL=", (build.with? "binutils"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_TBB:BOOL=", (build.with? "tbb"))
args << onoff("-DTPL_ENABLE_X11:BOOL=", (build.with? "x11"))
args << onoff("-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Fortran=", (build.with? "fortran"))
if build.with? "fortran"
libgfortran = `$FC --print-file-name libgfortran.a`.chomp
ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{File.dirname libgfortran} -lgfortran"
args << onoff("-DTrilinos_ENABLE_PyTrilinos:BOOL=", (build.with? "python"))
args << "-DPyTrilinos_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=#{prefix}" if build.with? "python"
mkdir "build" do
system "cmake", "..", *args
system "make", "VERBOSE=1"
system ("ctest -j" + Hardware::CPU.cores) if build.with? "check"
system "make", "install"
def caveats; <<-EOS
On Linuxbrew install with:
--with-openblas --without-scotch
test do
system "#{bin}/Epetra_BasicPerfTest_test.exe", "16", "12", "1", "1", "25", "-v"
system "mpirun", "-np", "2", "#{bin}/Epetra_BasicPerfTest_test.exe", "10", "12", "1", "2", "9", "-v" if build.with? "mpi"
system "#{bin}/Epetra_BasicPerfTest_test_LL.exe", "16", "12", "1", "1", "25", "-v"
system "mpirun", "-np", "2", "#{bin}/Epetra_BasicPerfTest_test_LL.exe", "10", "12", "1", "2", "9", "-v" if build.with? "mpi"
# system "#{bin}/Ifpack2_BelosTpetraHybridPlatformExample.exe" # this file is not there
# system "#{bin}/KokkosClassic_SerialNodeTestAndTiming.exe" # this file is not there
# system "#{bin}/KokkosClassic_TPINodeTestAndTiming.exe" # this file is not there
# system "#{bin}/KokkosClassic_TBBNodeTestAndTiming.exe" if build.with? "tbb" # this file is not there
# system "#{bin}/Tpetra_GEMMTiming_TBB.exe" if build.with? "tbb" # this file is not there
# system "#{bin}/Tpetra_GEMMTiming_TPI.exe" # this file is not there
diff --git a/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake b/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake
index 963eb71..998cd02 100644
--- a/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake
+++ b/cmake/TPLs/FindTPLUMFPACK.cmake
@@ -55,6 +55,6 @@
- REQUIRED_HEADERS umfpack.h amd.h UFconfig.h
+ REQUIRED_HEADERS umfpack.h amd.h SuiteSparse_config.h
diff --git a/packages/rol/test/vector/test_03.cpp b/packages/rol/test/vector/test_03.cpp
index 5722915..fa53818 100644
--- a/packages/rol/test/vector/test_03.cpp
+++ b/packages/rol/test/vector/test_03.cpp
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
RCP<Vector<RealT> > y = rcp(new StdVector<RealT>(y_rcp));
RCP<Vector<RealT> > z = rcp(new StdVector<RealT>(z_rcp));
- ArrayRCP<RCP<Vector<RealT>>> A_rcp(2);
- ArrayRCP<RCP<Vector<RealT>>> B_rcp(2);
+ ArrayRCP<RCP<Vector<RealT> > > A_rcp(2);
+ ArrayRCP<RCP<Vector<RealT> > > B_rcp(2);
A_rcp[0] = x;
A_rcp[1] = y;
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
B_rcp[0] = w;
B_rcp[1] = z;
- RCP<MultiVector<RealT>> A = rcp(new MultiVectorDefault<RealT>(A_rcp));
- RCP<MultiVector<RealT>> B = rcp(new MultiVectorDefault<RealT>(B_rcp));
+ RCP<MultiVector<RealT> > A = rcp(new MultiVectorDefault<RealT>(A_rcp));
+ RCP<MultiVector<RealT> > B = rcp(new MultiVectorDefault<RealT>(B_rcp));
// Test norm
if(static_cast<int>(norm_sum(*A)) != 6) {
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Test clone
- RCP<MultiVector<RealT>> C = A->clone();
+ RCP<MultiVector<RealT> > C = A->clone();
if(norm_sum(*C) != 0) {
// Test deep copy
- RCP<MultiVector<RealT>> D = A->deepCopy();
+ RCP<MultiVector<RealT> > D = A->deepCopy();
if(static_cast<int>(norm_sum(*D)) != 6) {
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::vector<int> index(1);
index[0] = 0;
- RCP<MultiVector<RealT>> S = A->shallowCopy(index);
+ RCP<MultiVector<RealT> > S = A->shallowCopy(index);
if(static_cast<int>(norm_sum(*S)) != 1) {
diff --git a/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.hpp b/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.hpp
index 930719e..70ac59f 100644
--- a/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.hpp
+++ b/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.hpp
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
#include <string>
-EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix::EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix* newHypreMatrix(int N);
+EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix* newHypreMatrix(int N);
-Epetra_CrsMatrix::Epetra_CrsMatrix* newCrsMatrix(int N);
+Epetra_CrsMatrix* newCrsMatrix(int N);
-Epetra_CrsMatrix::Epetra_CrsMatrix* GetCrsMatrix(EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix &Matrix);
+Epetra_CrsMatrix* GetCrsMatrix(EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix &Matrix);
bool EquivalentVectors(Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &Y, double tol);
diff --git a/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.cpp b/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.cpp
index 1bf1b2c..793e218 100644
--- a/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.cpp
+++ b/packages/didasko/examples/hypre/hypre_Helpers.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::rcp;
-EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix::EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix* newHypreMatrix(const int N)
+EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix* newHypreMatrix(const int N)
HYPRE_IJMatrix Matrix;
int ierr = 0;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix::EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix* newHypreMatrix(const int N)
return RetMat;
-Epetra_CrsMatrix::Epetra_CrsMatrix* newCrsMatrix(int N){
+Epetra_CrsMatrix* newCrsMatrix(int N){
Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Epetra_CrsMatrix::Epetra_CrsMatrix* newCrsMatrix(int N){
return Matrix;
-Epetra_CrsMatrix::Epetra_CrsMatrix* GetCrsMatrix(EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix *Matrix)
+Epetra_CrsMatrix* GetCrsMatrix(EpetraExt_HypreIJMatrix *Matrix)
int N = Matrix->NumGlobalRows();
Epetra_CrsMatrix* TestMat = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, Matrix->RowMatrixRowMap(), Matrix->RowMatrixColMap(), N, false);
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