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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save pyetras/f154bbb6e21e5b7a60b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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rails <- read.csv("data/rails_edges.csv")
rails$repository1 <- substring(rails$repository1, 20)
rails$repository2 <- substring(rails$repository2, 20)
cntrb <- cbind(rails$repository2, rails$contributor_cnt)
rails <- rails[, c("repository1", "repository2", "actors_cnt")]
rbind(cntrb, c("rails/rails", 2049)) -> cntrb
cntrb <-
cntrb$V2 <- as.numeric(as.character(cntrb$V2))
rownames(cntrb) <- cntrb$V1
rails_n <- read.csv("data/rails_network2.csv")
rails_n$repository1 <- substring(rails_n$repository1, 20)
rails_n$repository2 <- substring(rails_n$repository2, 20)
rails_n <- rbind(rails, rails_n)
GG <-, directed = F)
GG <- set.edge.attribute(GG, "alpha", index=E(GG), value = rails_n$actors_cnt/max(rails_n$actors_cnt))
GG <- induced.subgraph(GG, which(match(V(GG)$name, cntrb$V1[order(cntrb$V2, decreasing = T)][1:100]) > 0))
GG_wgh <- cntrb[V(GG)$name, "V2"]
get.adjacency(GG, attr="alpha") -> mat
dat <- expand.grid(y=seq(nrow(mat)), x=seq(ncol(mat)))
dat <- data.frame(dat, value=as.vector(mat))
ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_point(aes(alpha=ifelse(value < 1e-5, 0, value)), size=5, shape=15) -> p1
p1 + scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:100, labels=V(GG)$name, expand = c(0.01, 0.01)) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) -> p1
p1 + scale_y_continuous(breaks=1:100, labels=V(GG)$name, expand = c(0.01, 0.01)) -> p1
p1 + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1), panel.background = element_rect(fill="transparent"), panel.grid.major=element_line(color="#d9d9d9")) -> p1
p1 + labs(x="", y="") + theme(legend.position = "none") + scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0, 1), guide = "none", trans="sqrt")
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