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Created June 22, 2015 21:58
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XML2HTML converter and sorter for Vimeo statistics
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
@Grab(group='org.slf4j', module='slf4j-api', version='1.7.12'),
@Grab(group='ch.qos.logback', module='logback-classic', version='1.0.6')
import org.slf4j.*
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
class VimeoParser {
def xmlFile
def outFile
def VimeoParser(File xmlFile, def outFile) { "Parsing ${xmlFile}"
this.xmlFile = xmlFile
this.outFile = outFile
def parse() {
log.debug "Parser starting..."
def stats = new XmlParser().parse(xmlFile) "Records found : ${stats.statistics.size()}" "Sorting by loads then plays"
def sorted = stats.statistics.sort { first, second ->
first.total_loads.text().toInteger() <=> second.total_loads.text().toInteger() ?:
first.total_plays.text().toInteger() <=> second.total_plays.text().toInteger()
sorted.reverse(true) "Generating HTML file"
def writer = new StringWriter()
def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
builder.html {
head {
title "Vimeo Statistics (sorted by loads and plays)"
link(rel: "stylesheet", href: "")
body {
table(class:"pure-table pure-table-horizontal") {
// table content
tbody {
sorted.each { clip ->
tr {
td {
a(href: ""+clip.url.text()) {
mkp.yield clip.title.text()
td "${clip.total_loads.text()} (${clip.total_local_loads.text()} / ${clip.total_embed_loads.text()})"
td "${clip.total_plays.text()} (${clip.total_local_plays.text()} / ${clip.total_embed_plays.text()})"
// Header
thead {
tr {
th "Clip"
th "Total loads (local/embed)"
th "Total plays (local/embed)"
// Footer
tfoot {
tr {
td(colspan:3) {
mkp.yield sorted.size()+" records"
} "Writing to output file : ${this.outFile}"
* Delete outFile if exists and write to it.
def out = new File(this.outFile)
if(out.exists()) {
log.warn "output file already exists, deleting..."
log.debug "Parser ended."
// CLI
def cli = new CliBuilder(
usage : 'groovy vimeo.groovy -f "xmlFile" -o "outFile"'
cli.h(longOpt: "help", "Show usage informations and exit.")
cli.f(argName: "xmlFile", longOpt: "file", args:1, required: true, "XML file to load, REQUIRED")
cli.o(argName: "outFile", longOpt: "output", args:1, required: true, "Output HTML file, REQUIRED")
def opt = cli.parse(args)
if(!opt) {
println "Erreur while parsing args"
else if(opt.h) {
println "Usage : "
} else {
if(opt.f && opt.o){
def xmlFile = new File(opt.f)
if(!xmlFile.exists()) {
println "File ${xmlFile} does not exist !"
def parser = new VimeoParser(xmlFile, opt.o)
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