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Last active January 12, 2021 16:54
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CO2 Signal plugin for BitBar - read line 14-15 for initialisation
#!/usr/bin/env PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 /usr/local/bin/python3
# <bitbar.title>CO2Signal API</bitbar.title>
# <bitbar.version>v1.0</bitbar.version>
# <>Martin Jobke</>
# <>pygoner</>
# <bitbar.desc>This plugin displays the current gCO2eq emmissions per kWh of produced energy in the requested country </bitbar.desc>
# <bitbar.dependencies>python, CO2 Signal</bitbar.dependencies>
import requests
import sys
# user settings
# get your C02Signal API token at
# insert your specific country code from this list
# have fun ^^
myapitoken = ''
myCountrycode = ''
class CO2Signal:
def __init__(self, authToken, countryCode):
self.authToken = authToken
self.countryCode = countryCode
def requestC02Signal(self):
url = '' + self.countryCode
headers = {'auth-token': self.authToken}
self.resDict = requests.get(url, params=headers).json()
def displayResponse(self):
self.dropdownMenu('', 'error')
except KeyError:
stringToDisplay = self.countryFlag(self.countryCode)
# if the API key is used more than 30 times an hour or wrong
# the CO2 Signal return just a json containing 'message'
self.dropdownMenu(stringToDisplay, 'APILimit')
except KeyError:
# if the country live data is currently unavialable the
# fossilFuelPercentage is null/none
if (self.resDict['data']['fossilFuelPercentage']):
stringToDisplay += str(round(self.resDict['data']['carbonIntensity'], 1))
stringToDisplay += ' | color=' + self.color(self.resDict['data']['carbonIntensity'])
self.dropdownMenu(stringToDisplay, 'normal')
stringToDisplay += ':-( | color=#e62e00' # red sad smiley
self.dropdownMenu(stringToDisplay, 'noLiveData')
def dropdownMenu(self, stringToDisplay, mode):
if (mode == 'normal'):
ffp = round(self.resDict['data']['fossilFuelPercentage'], 1)
# creating a smiley face which reflects the mood of
# an environmental caring person ^^
if (ffp < 20):
ffp = str(ffp) + ' :heart_eyes:'
if(ffp < 30):
ffp = ffp = str(ffp) + ' :grinning:'
if(ffp < 50):
ffp = ffp = str(ffp) + ' :neutral_face:'
ffp = ffp = str(ffp) + ' :poop:'
print('fossil fuel percentage: ' + ffp)
print('-- percentage of electricity')
print('-- generated by coal, gas or oil')
if (mode == 'APILimit'):
if ('Invalid' in self.resDict['message']):
print('Get a API key at')
if (mode == 'noLiveData'):
print('No data currently avialable!')
if (mode == 'error'):
print('API Website (CO2 Signal)| href=')
print('electricityMap Website | href=')
def countryFlag(self, countryCode='WhiteFlag'):
# see regional indicator symbols
if (countryCode == 'WhiteFlag'):
return '🏳 '
start = 0x1F1E6
# unicode start for letter 'A' in regional Symbols
letterOffset1 = ord(countryCode[0]) - ord('A')
letterOffset2 = ord(countryCode[1]) - ord('A')
# calculation of number which is added
# e.g. 'D' as regional letter = 'A' as regional letter + 3
letter1 = start + letterOffset1
letter2 = start + letterOffset2
return (chr(letter1) + chr(letter2))
def rgb_to_hex(self, rgb):
return '%02x%02x%02x' % rgb
def linearGradient(self, col1, col2, splitFactor):
# this function returns the color which is in between those two colors and
# is splits those two colors according to the split factor
# e.g. col1 = (0, 0, 0); col2 = (40, 60, 80); SF = 0.4
# linearGradient(col1, col2, SF) -> 0.4*((40, 60, 80) - (0, 0, 0))
# similar to finding a point on straight between two points
dif = (col1[0] - col2[0], col1[1] - col2[1], col1[2] - col2[2])
dif = (dif[0]*splitFactor, dif[1]*splitFactor, dif[2]*splitFactor)
result = (col1[0] - dif[0], col1[1] - dif[1], col1[2] - dif[2])
result = (int(result[0]), int(result[1]), int(result[2]))
return result
def color(self, carbonIntensity):
# this function should determine a color given the carbon intensity
# low intensity -> more green
# middle intensity -> yellow
# high intensity -> brown
# similar to the color scale at:
maximum = 800
ratio = carbonIntensity / maximum
colors = ((42, 163, 100), (162, 206, 86), (240, 225, 75),
(222, 191, 68), (205, 158, 61), (188, 124, 53),
(171, 91, 46), (143, 61, 35), (82, 39, 12), (56, 29, 2))
splitLenght = 1 / 9
# the color scale is split up nine times
# each time there is a linear gradient betwenn the colors of the colors tuple
k = int(ratio // splitLenght)
splitFactor = (ratio % splitLenght) / splitLenght
if (ratio >= 0.999999):
return('#' + self.rgb_to_hex(colors[10]))
carbonColor = self.linearGradient(colors[k], colors[k+1], splitFactor)
carbonColor = self.rgb_to_hex(carbonColor)
return('#' + carbonColor)
myCO2Signal = CO2Signal(myapitoken, myCountrycode)
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