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Created November 26, 2019 19:44
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import logging
from typing import Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import cld2
def language_code_for_text(text: str) -> Optional[str]:
Guess the language of a text input.
:param text: Text.
:return: ISO 639-1 language code, e.g. "en", or None if language couldn't be determined.
assert text is not None, "Text is None."
assert len(text), "Text is empty."
is_reliable, text_bytes_found, details = cld2.detect(text)
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning(f"Unable to determine language for text '{text[0:40]}...': {ex}")
return None
if not is_reliable:
logging.warning(f"Language guess is not reliable for text '{text[0:40]}...'")
# Still stick with it though
if len(details) == 0:
logging.warning(f"Language could not be guessed for text '{text[0:40]}...'")
return None
best_guess = details[0]
return best_guess.language_code
def country_tld_from_url(url: str) -> Optional[str]:
Extract country TLD from URL.
:param url: URL, e.g. "".
:return: Country TLD of URL without the prefix period, e.g. "uk", or None if there's no TLD.
if not url:
return None
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning(f"Unable to parse URL {url}: {ex}")
return None
hostname_parts = parsed_url.hostname.split('.')
if len(hostname_parts) < 2:
logging.warning(f"No TLD found in URL {url}")
return None
return hostname_parts[-1]
def iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier(iso_639_1_code: str, url_hint: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
Convert ISO 639-1 language code to BCP-47 identifier.
Google Cloud requires for us to pass the language as a BCP-47 identifier:
so we have to do some guessing about the dialect the audio data is going to be in.
:param iso_639_1_code: ISO 639-1 language code, e.g. "en".
:param url_hint: Optional URL hint to use for guessing the dialect used.
:return: BCP-47 identifier, e.g. "en-US", or None if the identifier can't be determined.
if not iso_639_1_code:
logging.warning("ISO 639-1 code is unset.")
return None
tld = None
if url_hint:
tld = country_tld_from_url(url_hint)
iso_639_1_code = iso_639_1_code.lower()
if iso_639_1_code in {
# Language == country.upper()
return f"{iso_639_1_code}-{iso_639_1_code.upper()}"
elif iso_639_1_code in {
# Languages in India
return f"{iso_639_1_code}-IN"
elif iso_639_1_code == 'af':
return 'af-ZA'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'am':
return 'am-ET'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'hy':
return 'hy-AM'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'az':
return 'az-AZ'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'id':
return 'id-ID'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ms':
return 'ms-MY'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'bn':
if tld == 'in':
return 'bn-IN'
# Fallback
return 'bn-BD'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ca':
return 'ca-ES'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'cs':
return 'cs-CZ'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'da':
return 'da-DK'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'en':
if tld == 'uk':
return 'en-GB'
elif tld in {
return f'en-{tld.upper()}'
# Fallback
return 'en-US'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'es':
if tld in {
return f'es-{tld.upper()}'
# Fallback
return 'es-ES'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'eu':
return 'eu-ES'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'fil':
return 'fil-PH'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'fr':
if tld == 'ca':
return 'fr-CA'
return 'fr-FR'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'gl':
return 'gl-ES'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ka':
return 'ka-GE'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'zu':
return 'zu-ZA'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'jv':
return 'jv-ID'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'km':
return 'km-KH'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'lo':
return 'lo-LA'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ne':
return 'ne-NP'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'nb':
return 'nb-NO'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'pt':
if tld == 'br':
return 'pt-BR'
# Fallback
return 'pt-PT'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'si':
return 'si-LK'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'su':
return 'su-ID'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'sw':
if tld == 'tz':
return 'sw-TZ'
# Fallback
return 'sw-KE'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'sv':
return 'sv-SE'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ta':
if tld in {
return f'ta-{tld.upper()}'
# Fallback
return 'ta-IN'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'te':
return 'te-IN'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'vi':
return 'vi-VN'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ur':
if tld == 'pk':
return 'ur-PK'
# Fallback -- more Urdu speakers in India than Pakistan
return 'ur-IN'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'el':
return 'el-GR'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'sr':
return 'sr-RS'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'uk':
return 'uk-UA'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'he':
return 'he-IL'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ar':
if tld in {
return f'ar-{tld.upper()}'
# Fallback -- Egyptian Arabic is the most popular dialect
return 'ar-EG'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'hi':
return 'hi-IN'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ko':
return 'ko-KR'
# Chinese (simplified)
elif iso_639_1_code == 'zh' or iso_639_1_code == 'zh-Hans':
if tld == 'hk':
return 'zh-HK'
# Fallback
return 'zh'
# Chinese (traditional)
elif iso_639_1_code == 'yue' or iso_639_1_code == 'zh-Hant':
if tld == 'tw':
return 'zh-TW'
# Fallback
return 'yue-Hant-HK'
elif iso_639_1_code == 'ja':
return 'ja-JP'
return None
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