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Created March 18, 2016 19:05
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Python unit test example with dynamic test data
Showcases a rather basic way to have multiple test data sets for a single unit test set.
# add 3 and 7 together, see if 10 comes out
# or
TEST_DATA_CLASS=DevelopmentTestData python
# add 1000 and 2000, make sure it's still 3000
TEST_DATA_CLASS=ProductionTestData python
# do 1+2, find out it's not 42
TEST_DATA_CLASS=FailingTestData python
# be reminded that you forgot to implement 'sum' in the test data class
TEST_DATA_CLASS=IncompleteTestData python
import os
import unittest
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
import sys
def add(x, y):
Adds two numbers; this is the method that's being tested.
:param x: number 1
:param y: number 2
:returns: sum of two numbers
return x + y
class AbstractTestData:
"""Abstract test data class. Defines an interface for subclasses that contain test data."""
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
def operand_1(self):
"""Subclasses must have property 'operand_1' (first number to add)."""
return NotImplemented
def operand_2(self):
"""Subclasses must have property 'operand_2' (second number to add)."""
return NotImplemented
def sum(self):
"""Subclasses must have property 'sum' (expected sum of first and second numbers)."""
return NotImplemented
class DevelopmentTestData(AbstractTestData):
"""Test data for testing against a "development" environment."""
operand_1 = 3
operand_2 = 7
sum = 10
class ProductionTestData(AbstractTestData):
"""Test data for testing against a "production" environment."""
operand_1 = 1000
operand_2 = 2000
sum = 3000
class FailingTestData(AbstractTestData):
"""Failing test data."""
operand_1 = 1
operand_2 = 2
sum = 42
class IncompleteTestData(AbstractTestData):
"""Incomplete implementation of test data (no 'sum' property implemented)."""
operand_1 = 32
operand_2 = 64
# sum = 1
class AbstractTestDataCase(unittest.TestCase):
Abstract unit test that test cases using the "dynamic" test data should derive from.
Initializes instance of test data class into self.TEST_DATA that subclasses can later access.
def setUp(self):
# Initialize instance of test data class
test_data_class_name = os.getenv(AbstractTestDataCase.ENV_KEY,
test_data_class = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], test_data_class_name)
self.TEST_DATA = test_data_class()
class AdditionTest(AbstractTestDataCase):
"""Unit test that tests add(x, y) defined above using the test data from the test data class."""
def test(self):
self.assertEqual(add(x=self.TEST_DATA.operand_1, y=self.TEST_DATA.operand_2), self.TEST_DATA.sum)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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