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Created November 2, 2022 00:02
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import { createContext, ReactNode, useContext } from 'react'
import { TxRaw } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/tx'
import { isDeliverTxSuccess } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { coins } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { ArrowTopRightOnSquareIcon as LinkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'
import useToaster, { ToastPayload, ToastTypes } from 'hooks/useToaster'
import { useEquilibriumClient, useWallet } from 'client'
// Context to handle simple signingClient transactions
export interface Msg {
typeUrl: string
value: any
export interface TxOptions {
party?: boolean
gas?: number
toast?: {
title?: ToastPayload['title']
message?: ToastPayload['message']
type?: ToastTypes
actions?: JSX.Element
export interface TxContext {
tx: (
msgs: Msg[],
options: TxOptions,
callback?: (log: any) => void,
) => Promise<void>
export const Tx = createContext<TxContext>({
tx: () => new Promise(() => {}),
export function TxProvider({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) {
const { wallet, refreshBalance } = useWallet()
const { client } = useEquilibriumClient()
const signingCosmWasmClient = client?.signingCosmWasmClient
const toaster = useToaster()
// Method to sign & broadcast transaction
const tx = async (
msgs: Msg[],
options: TxOptions,
callback?: (log: any) => void,
) => {
// Gas config
const fee = {
amount: coins(0, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DENOM!),
gas: options.gas
? String(options.gas)
// Broadcast the redelegation message to Keplr
let signed
try {
if (wallet?.address) {
signed = await signingCosmWasmClient?.sign(
} catch (e) {
title: 'Error',
dismissable: true,
message: 'An unexpected error has occured',
type: ToastTypes.Error,
let broadcastToastId = ''
broadcastToastId = toaster.toast(
title: 'Broadcasting transaction...',
type: ToastTypes.Pending,
{ duration: 999999 },
if (signingCosmWasmClient && signed) {
await signingCosmWasmClient
.then((res) => {
if (isDeliverTxSuccess(res)) {
// Get raw log
let log = JSON.parse(res.rawLog as string)
// Run callback
if (callback) callback(log[0])
// Refresh balance
title: options.toast?.title || 'Transaction Successful',
type: options.toast?.type || ToastTypes.Success,
dismissable: true,
actions: options.toast?.actions || <></>,
message: options.toast?.message || <></>,
} else {
title: 'Error',
message: res.rawLog,
type: ToastTypes.Error,
} else {
return <Tx.Provider value={{ tx }}>{children}</Tx.Provider>
export const useTx = (): TxContext => useContext(Tx)
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