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Created March 23, 2009 14:01
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  • Save pyrat/83556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pyrat/83556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export CLASSPATH="/Users/alastairbrunton/DITA/lib:/Users/alastairbrunton/DITA/lib/resolver.jar"
export DITA_HOME="/Users/alastairbrunton/Desktop/DITA-OT1.4.2.1"
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/scripts/.personal_profile ]; then
. ~/scripts/.personal_profile
# Get the mac specific aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/scripts/.mac_profile ]; then
. ~/scripts/.mac_profile
alias apache2ctl='sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl'
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=dxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
#export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
export PS1='\w > '
export SVN_EDITOR='nano'
export GIT_EDITOR='mate -w'
export EDITOR='mate -w'
if [[ -f "$HOME/.amazon_keys" ]]; then
source "$HOME/.amazon_keys";
# Setup Amazon EC2 Command-Line Tools
export EC2_HOME=~/.ec2
export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=`ls $EC2_HOME/pk-*.pem`
export EC2_CERT=`ls $EC2_HOME/cert-*.pem`
export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/
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