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Forked from coderofsalvation/
Last active August 22, 2017 08:40
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modified version of snippy which features easier installation, follows symlinks, bashdown templates and automatic detection of cli vs window. This version also combines and, making it possible to use both with just one script. Default the file ~/.snippy/oneliner is used, if you start snippy with the paramter `multi` the…
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# originally written by "mhwombat":
# Based on "snippy" by "sessy"
# (
# and the modified version by "coderofsalvation"
# (
# You will also need "dmenu", "xsel" and "xdotool". Get them from your linux
# distro in the usual way.
# To use:
# (On first start the folders and demo files are created)
# 1. Create the directory ~/.snippy
# 2. For single line snippets (default mode) add lines to the file ~/.snippy/oneliner
# in the format:
# [title] the snippet to insert
# 2. For multiline snippets create a file in the 'multi' subdirectory
# for each snippet that you want.
# The filename will be used as a menu item, so you might want to
# omit the file extension when you name the file.
# TIP: If you have a lot of snippets, you can organise them into
# subdirectories under ~/.snippy/multi.
# TIP: The contents of the file will be pasted asis, so if you
# don't want a newline at the end when the text is pasted, don't
# put one in the file.
# 3. Bind a convenient key combination to this script.
# TIP: If you're using XMonad, add something like this to xmonad.hs
# ((mod4Mask, xK_s), spawn "/path/to/snippy")
# For normal execution (oneliner) you only have to call the script (./ If
# you want to use the multiline snippets start snippy with the 'multi' parameter
# (./snippy multi)
APPS="xdotool xsel dmenu"
TMPFILE="/tmp/.snippy.tmp"; :>$TMPFILE
# if nothing happens, try "xdotool click 2", "xdotool key ctrl+v" or "xdotool key ctrl+shift+v"
GUIPASTE="xdotool click 2"
CLIPASTE="xdotool key ctrl+v"
if [ "$1" = "multi" ]; then
echo "multi"
# smarty like template engine which executes inline bash in (bashdown) strings (replaces variables with values e.g.)
# @link
# @dependancies: sed cat
# @example: echo 'hi $NAME it is $(date)' | bashdown
# fetches a document and interprets bashsyntax in string (bashdown) templates
# @param string - string with bash(down) syntax (usually surrounded by ' quotes instead of ")
txt="$(cat - )"; lines="$(cat ${DIR}/${FILE} | wc -l )"
(( lines > 1 )) && enter="\n" || enter=""
IFS=''; echo "$txt" | while read line; do
[[ "$line" =~ '$' ]] && line="$(eval "printf \"$( printf "%s" "$line" | sed 's/"/\\"/g')\"")";
printf "$line""$enter"
for APP in $APPS; do
which $APP &>/dev/null || {
read -p "install the following required utils? : $APPS (y/n)" reply
[[ "$reply" == "y" ]] && sudo apt-get install ${APPS};
[[ ! -d "$DIR" ]] && {
echo -e "created $DIR\n";
mkdir -p "${MULTI_DIR}";
printf 'hi it is $(date)' > "${MULTI_DIR}""/test";
touch "${ONE_LINER}"
echo "[hello] hi it is $(date)" > ${ONE_LINER}
return 0
if [ "${MULTI}" = "true" ]; then
# Use the filenames in the snippy directory as menu entries.
# Get the menu selection from the user.
selection=`find -L . -type f | grep -v '^\.$' | sed 's!\.\/!!' | /usr/bin/dmenu ${DMENU_ARGS}`
selection=`sed 's/\].*/]/' ${ONE_LINER} | /usr/bin/dmenu ${DMENU_ARGS}`
# If dmenu is closed with esc do nothing
if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
if [ "${MULTI}" = "true" ]; then
if [ -f ${MULTI_DIR}/${selection} ]; then
# Put the contents of the selected file into the paste buffer.
content="$(cat ${MULTI_DIR}/${selection} | bashdown)"
[[ "${#content}" == 0 ]] && printf "${selection}" > $TMPFILE || printf "%s" "$content" > $TMPFILE
${selection} &> $TMPFILE # execute as bashcommand
# Strip out the square brackets...
pattern=`echo ${selection} | tr -d "[]"`
# ...and put them back in, escaped with a backslash.
# Get the text associated with the selection.
text=`grep "\[$pattern\]" ${ONE_LINER} | sed "s/\[$pattern\] //" | bashdown`
printf "%s" "$text" > $TMPFILE
xsel --input < $TMPFILE
# Paste into the current application.
[[ is_window ]] && ${GUIPASTE} || ${CLIPASTE} # cli or gui paste
name="$(xdotool getwindowname $(xdotool getwindowfocus) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
[[ ! "$name" =~ term|tilda ]] && return 1
return 0
init && run
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