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Created May 6, 2014 07:08
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type maybe = True of string
| Maybe
| False
type regex = Alt of regex * regex * maybe array
| Then of regex * regex * maybe array
| Star of regex * maybe array
| Char of char
let make_memo () = Array.make 101 Maybe
exception Syntax_error
let expect s i c =
if s.[i] = c then
i + 1
raise Syntax_error
let rec alt s i =
let (a, i) = thn s i in
if s.[i] = '|' then
let (b, i') = alt s (i + 1) in
(Alt (a, b, make_memo ()), i')
(a, i)
and thn s i =
let (c, i) = star s i in
match s.[i] with
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '(' ->
let (d, i) = thn s i in
(Then (c, d, make_memo ()), i)
| _ -> (c, i)
and star s i =
let (p, i) = prime s i in
if s.[i] = '*' then
(Star (p, make_memo ()), i + 1)
(p, i)
and prime s i =
match s.[i] with
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' ->
(Char s.[i], i + 1)
| _ ->
let i' = expect s i '(' in
let (r, i'') = alt s i' in
let i''' = expect s i'' ')' in
(r, i''')
and parse_regex s =
let s' = s ^ "\000" in
let (tree, i) = alt s' 0 in
if s'.[i] = '\000' then
raise Syntax_error
let rec solve n exp =
match exp with
| Char ch ->
if n = 1 then
True (String.make 1 ch)
| Star (a, memo) ->
if n = 0 then
True ""
else if memo.(n) = Maybe then
let rec f i =
if i > n then
match (solve i a) with
| True s1 ->
(match (solve (n - i) exp) with
| True s2 -> True (s1 ^ s2)
| _ -> f (i + 1))
| _ -> f (i + 1)
memo.(n) <- f 1; memo.(n)
else memo.(n)
| Then (a, b, memo) ->
if memo.(n) = Maybe then
let rec f i =
if i > n then
match (solve i a) with
| True s1 ->
(match (solve (n - i) b) with
| True s2 -> True (s1 ^ s2)
| _ -> f (i + 1))
| _ -> f (i + 1)
memo.(n) <- f 0; memo.(n)
else memo.(n)
| Alt (a, b, memo) ->
if memo.(n) = Maybe then
match (solve n a) with
| True s -> memo.(n) <- True s; memo.(n)
| _ -> memo.(n) <- solve n b; memo.(n)
else memo.(n)
let main () =
let n = read_int () in
let re = read_line () in
let exp = parse_regex re in
match (solve n exp) with
| True s -> print_endline s
| _ -> print_endline "NIL"
let _ = main ()
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