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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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A short-circuiting let expression in Clojure
;; This is probably either a silly idea or a foolish implementation of an okay one.
(defn ret*
[bindings & body]
(if-let [[k v & more] (not-empty bindings)]
`(let [k# ~v]
(if (reduced? k#)
(let [~k k#]
~(apply ret* more body))))
`(do ~@body)))
(defmacro ret
"(ret [bindings...] body...) - Like clojure.core/let but if one of the
bindings evaluates to `(clojure.core/reduced something)`, then that
`something` is returned and no further bindings nor the `body` are
[bindings & body]
`(let [r# ~(apply ret* bindings body)]
(if (reduced? r#)
;; Example (see
(defn wrap-user
"Add user information to the request map if logged in."
(fn [request]
(ret [db (get-in request [:myapp :system :db])
ident (or (get-in request [:session ::friend/identity :current])
(reduced (handler request))) ;; short circuit #1
user (or (magic/user-by-id db ident)
(reduced (handler request)))] ;; short circuit #2
(handler (assoc-in request [:myapp :user] user)))))
;; Or, adding another `let` (which is, again, easy to convert into a `ret`
;; for whatever reason needed) and getting rid of repetitive repetition:
(defn wrap-user
"Add user information to the request map if logged in."
(fn [request]
(let [req (ret [db (get-in request [:myapp :system :db])
ident (or (get-in request [:session ::friend/identity :current])
(reduced nil))
user (or (magic/user-by-id db ident)
(reduced nil))]
(assoc-in request [:myapp :user] user))]
(handler (or req request)))) ;; A single return point, arguably makes it easier to read.
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