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Last active January 3, 2016 15:16
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Frege version of the Countdown program
module Countdown where
native getCPUTime java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis :: () -> IO Long
pure native formatLocale java.lang.String.format :: Maybe JLocale -> String -> Float -> String
data JLocale = pure native java.util.Locale
format s f = formatLocale Nothing s f
read :: String -> Int
read x = case of
Right y -> y
_ -> 0
readNumbers :: String -> [Int]
readNumbers = map read . words
data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Div
valid :: Op -> Int -> Int -> Bool
valid Add _ _ = True
valid Sub x y = x > y
valid Mul _ _ = True
valid Div x y = x `mod` y == 0
apply_ :: Op -> Int -> Int -> Int
apply_ Add x y = x + y
apply_ Sub x y = x - y
apply_ Mul x y = x * y
apply_ Div x y = x `div` y
data Expr = Val Int | App Op Expr Expr
values :: Expr -> [Int]
values (Val n) = [n]
values (App _ l r) = values l ++ values r
eval :: Expr -> [Int]
eval (Val n) = [n | n > 0]
eval (App o l r) = [apply_ o x y | x <- eval l
, y <- eval r
, valid o x y]
--Combinatorial functions
subs :: [a] -> [[a]]
subs [] = [[]]
subs (x:xs) = yss ++ map (x:) yss
where yss = subs xs
interleave :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]
interleave x [] = [[x]]
interleave x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (interleave x ys)
perms :: [a] -> [[a]]
perms [] = [[]]
perms (x:xs) = concat (map (interleave x) (perms xs))
choices :: [a] -> [[a]]
choices xs = [zs | ys <- subs xs, zs <- perms ys]
--Formalising the problem
solution :: Expr -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool
solution e ns n = elem (values e) (choices ns) && eval e == [n]
--Brute force solution
split :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
split [] = []
split [_] = []
split (x:xs) = ([x], xs) : [(x: ls, rs) | (ls, rs) <- split xs]
exprs :: [Int] -> [Expr]
exprs [] = []
exprs [n] = [Val n]
exprs ns = [e | (ls,rs) <- split ns
, l <- exprs ls
, r <- exprs rs
, e <- combine l r]
combine :: Expr -> Expr -> [Expr]
combine l r = [App o l r | o <- ops]
ops :: [Op]
ops = [Add,Sub,Mul,Div]
solutions :: [Int] -> Int -> [Expr]
solutions ns n = [e | ns' <- choices ns
, e <- exprs ns'
, eval e == [n]]
--Combining generation and evaluation
type Result' = (Expr,Int)
results :: [Int] -> [Result']
results [] = []
results [n] = [(Val n,n) | n > 0]
results ns = [res | (ls,rs) <- split ns
, lx <- results ls
, ry <- results rs
, res <- combine' lx ry]
combine' :: Result' -> Result' -> [Result']
combine' (l,x) (r,y) = [(App o l r, apply_ o x y) | o <- ops
, valid o x y]
solutions' :: [Int] -> Int -> [Expr]
solutions' ns n = [e | ns' <- choices ns
, (e,m) <- results ns'
, m == n]
--Exploiting numeric properties
valid' :: Op -> Int -> Int -> Bool
valid' Add x y = x <= y
valid' Sub x y = x > y
valid' Mul x y = x /= 1 && y /= 1 && x <= y
valid' Div x y = y /= 1 && x `mod` y == 0
results' :: [Int] -> [Result']
results' [] = []
results' [n] = [(Val n,n) | n > 0]
results' ns = [res | (ls,rs) <- split ns
, lx <- results' ls
, ry <- results' rs
, res <- combine'' lx ry]
combine'' :: Result' -> Result' -> [Result']
combine'' (l,x) (r,y) = [(App o l r, apply_ o x y) | o <- ops
, valid' o x y]
solutions'' :: [Int] -> Int -> [Expr]
solutions'' ns n = [e | ns' <- choices ns
, (e,m) <- results' ns'
, m == n]
--Interactive version for testing
instance Show Op where
show Add = "+"
show Sub = "-"
show Mul = "*"
show Div = "/"
instance Show Expr where
show (Val n) = show n
show (App o l r) = bracket l ++ show o ++ bracket r
bracket (Val n) = show n
bracket e = "(" ++ show e ++ ")"
showtime :: Long -> String
showtime t = " in " ++ show t ++ " ms."
display_ :: [Expr] -> IO ()
display_ es = do
t0 <- getCPUTime ()
if null es then
t1 <- getCPUTime ()
putStr "\nThere are no solutions, verified in "
putStrLn (showtime (t1 - t0))
t1 <- getCPUTime ()
putStr "\nOne possible solution is "
putStr (show (head es))
putStr ", found in "
putStrLn (showtime (t1 - t0))
putStr "\nPress return to continue searching..."
putStrLn ""
t2 <- getCPUTime ()
if null (tail es) then
putStrLn "There are no more solutions"
do sequence [println e | e <- tail es]
putStr "\nThere were "
putStr (show (length es))
putStr " solutions in total, found in "
t3 <- getCPUTime ()
putStrLn (showtime ((t1 - t0) + (t3 - t2)))
putStrLn ".\n"
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "-----------------------------\n"
ns <- stdout.print "Enter the given numbers: " >> stdout.flush >> getLine
n <- stdout.print "Enter the target number: " >> stdout.flush >> getLine
display_ (solutions'' (readNumbers ns) (read n))
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