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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save pythonesque/309c464c86daac090fd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import Char
import Dict
import Dict (Dict)
-- import Graphics.Element (..)
-- import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
-- import Graphics.Input (..)
import Html
import Html (..)
import Html.Attributes (..)
import Html.Events (..)
import List
import Maybe
import Signal
import String
import Result
-- import Native.Graph
-- charCodeAt : Int -> String -> Maybe Char
-- charCodeAt = Native.Graph.charCodeAt
type alias Symbol = (Int, String)
type alias SymTable = {
max: Int,
tbl: Dict String Int
emptyTable : SymTable
emptyTable = { max = 0, tbl = Dict.empty }
symbol : SymTable -> String -> (SymTable, Symbol)
symbol t s = case Dict.get s t.tbl of
Just i -> (t, (i,s))
Nothing -> ({ t | tbl <- Dict.insert s (t.max + 1) t.tbl, max <- t.max + 1 }, (t.max + 1,s))
symname : Symbol -> String
symname (i, s) = s
type alias Constructor = String
type alias Variable = String
type alias TyDec = String
type alias TyDecs = {
baseTypes: Dict TyDec (Dict Symbol (List Type)),
index: Dict Symbol (TyDec, List Type)
type alias BaseIndex = Dict Symbol TyDec
type Type
= Base TyDec
-- | Func (Type, Type)
type alias BaseType = Dict Constructor (List Type)
type alias BaseTypes = Dict TyDec BaseType
baseTypes : BaseTypes
baseTypes = Dict.fromList
[ ("bool", Dict.fromList [("True", []), ("False", [])])
, ("list", Dict.fromList [("Nil", []), ("Cons", [Base "bool", Base "list"])])
foo : () -> ()
foo x = x
declType : SymTable -> TyDecs -> (TyDec, BaseType) -> (SymTable, TyDecs)
declType t { baseTypes, index } (c, new) =
let (t', new', idx') = Dict.foldl (\c' ty (t, new, idx) ->
let (t', s) = symbol t c'
in (t', Dict.insert s ty new, Dict.insert s (c, ty) idx)) (t, Dict.empty, index) new
in (t', { baseTypes = Dict.insert c new' baseTypes, index = idx' })
declTypes : SymTable -> BaseTypes -> (SymTable, TyDecs)
declTypes symbolTable baseTypes
= Dict.foldl (\ty -> \c -> \(t, new) -> declType t new (ty, c))
(symbolTable, { baseTypes = Dict.empty, index = Dict.empty }) baseTypes
type Term
= Con (Constructor, List Term, Type)
-- = Var (Variable, Type)
-- | Abs (Variable, Type, Term)
-- | App (Term, Term, Type)
-- | Con (Constructor, List Term, Type)
-- | Case (Term, Dict Constructor (List Variable, Term), Type)
-- | Fix Term
typeOf : Term -> Type
typeOf term = case term of
Con (_, _, ty) -> ty
type alias Model = {
term: String -- Field.Content
type Token
= LParen
| RParen
| VBar
| Eq
| Ident Symbol
| TyIdent Symbol
| KwType
type AbsExp
= SExp (List AbsExp)
| Atom Symbol
-- scan : SymTable -> String -> Result () (SymTable, List Token)
-- scan tbl s =
-- let isWhitespace ch =
-- ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\v'
-- isIdent ch =
-- Char.isUpper(ch) || Char.isLower(ch) || Char.isDigit(ch) || ch == '_'
-- skip i = Maybe.andThen (charCodeAt i s) (\ch ->
-- if isWhitespace ch then skip (i + 1) else Just (ch, i))
-- buildIdent i = case charCodeAt i s of
-- Just ch -> if isIdent ch then buildIdent (i + 1)
-- else i
-- Nothing -> i
-- build tbl i toks = case charCodeAt i s of
-- --case skip i of
-- Just ch ->
-- if isWhitespace ch
-- then build tbl (i + 1) toks
-- else case ch of
-- ' ' -> build tbl (i + 1) toks
-- '(' -> build tbl (i + 1) <| LParen :: toks
-- ')' -> build tbl (i + 1) <| RParen :: toks
-- _ -> if | Char.isUpper ch -> let i' = buildIdent (i + 1)
-- id = String.slice i i' s
-- (tbl', id') = symbol tbl id
-- in build tbl' i' ((Ident id') :: toks)
-- | Char.isLower ch -> let i' = buildIdent (i + 1)
-- id = String.slice i i' s
-- (tbl', id') = symbol tbl id
-- in build tbl' i' ((Ident id') :: toks)
-- | otherwise -> Err ()
-- Nothing -> Ok (tbl, List.reverse toks)
-- in
-- build tbl 0 []
scan : SymTable -> String -> Result () (SymTable, List Token)
scan tbl s =
let isIdent ch =
Char.isUpper(ch) || Char.isLower(ch) || Char.isDigit(ch) || ch == '_'
skip = String.uncons << String.trimLeft
buildIdent s id = case String.uncons s of
Just (ch, s') -> if isIdent ch then buildIdent s' <| String.cons ch id
else (String.reverse id, s)
Nothing -> (String.reverse id, s)
build tbl s toks = case skip s of
Just (ch, s') -> case ch of
'(' -> build tbl s' <| LParen :: toks
')' -> build tbl s' <| RParen :: toks
'=' -> build tbl s' <| Eq :: toks
'|' -> build tbl s' <| VBar :: toks
_ -> if | Char.isUpper ch -> let (id, s'') = buildIdent s' <| String.fromChar ch
(tbl', id') = symbol tbl id
in build tbl' s'' <| (Ident id') :: toks
| Char.isLower ch -> let (id, s'') = buildIdent s' <| String.fromChar ch
(tbl', id') = symbol tbl id
in build tbl' s'' <| (case id of
"type" -> KwType
_ -> TyIdent id') :: toks
| otherwise -> Err ()
Nothing -> Ok (tbl, List.reverse toks)
build tbl s []
parse : List Token -> Result () (AbsExp, BaseTypes)
parse toks =
let parse' toks exps atoms decls = case toks of
LParen::toks -> parse' toks (atoms::exps) [] decls
RParen::toks -> case exps of
atoms'::exps -> parse' toks exps ((SExp <| List.reverse atoms)::atoms') decls
_ -> Err ()
(Ident id)::toks -> parse' toks exps ((Atom id)::atoms) decls
KwType::(TyIdent ty)::Eq::(Ident cons)::toks ->
if List.length exps == 0
then let foo=0
parseTyDec toks' base cons tys = case toks' of
(TyIdent t)::toks'' ->
parseTyDec toks'' base cons (Base (symname t)::tys)
VBar::(Ident cons')::toks'' ->
parseTyDec toks''
{- TODO: Detect conflicts. -}
(Dict.insert cons (List.reverse tys) base)
(symname cons') []
toks'' -> (Dict.insert (symname ty) (Dict.insert cons (List.reverse tys) base) decls, toks'')
(decls', toks') = parseTyDec toks Dict.empty (symname cons) []
in parse' toks' exps atoms decls'
else Err ()
[] -> if List.length exps == 0 then Ok <| (List.reverse atoms, decls)
else Err ()
_ -> Err ()
in (\(exps, decls) -> (
case exps of
[exp] -> exp
_ -> SExp exps,
decls)) (parse' toks [] [] Dict.empty)
infer : TyDecs -> AbsExp -> Result () Term
infer { index, baseTypes } exp =
let inferList bt tl terml = case (bt, tl) of
([], []) -> Ok (List.reverse terml)
(b::bl, t::tl) ->
Result.andThen (infer { index = index, baseTypes = baseTypes } b) (\term' ->
if typeOf term' == t then inferList bl tl (term'::terml)
else Err ())
_ -> Err ()
case exp of
Atom s -> case Dict.get s index of
Just (ty, bt) ->
if (List.length bt) == 0 then Ok (Con (symname s, [], Base ty))
else Err ()
Nothing -> Err ()
SExp (Atom s::tl) -> case Dict.get s index of
Just (ty, bt) -> (\terms -> Con (symname s, terms, Base ty))
(inferList tl bt [])
Nothing -> Err ()
_ -> Err ()
type Action
= SetTerm String -- Field.Content
| NoOp
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model = case action of
SetTerm term -> { model - term | term = term }
NoOp -> model
renderWorkflow : TyDecs -> Result () Term -> Html
renderWorkflow { baseTypes } t =
let render term = case term of
Con (ctor, ts, ty) -> case ty of
Base "bool" -> input [type' "checkbox"] [] --checkbox (Signal.send ( False)) True
Base bty ->
case Dict.get bty baseTypes of
Just bty -> case Dict.toList bty of
[entry] ->
fieldset []
(legend [] [text ctor] :: render ts)
[] -> text "Oops"
entries -> let options = (\(k, v) -> (symname k, v)) entries
in -- [ dropDown (Signal.send ( ( typeOf ts))) options
fieldset []
( legend [] [(select [] <| (\(k, v) -> option [value k, selected (k == ctor)] [text k]) options)]
:: render ts)
Nothing -> text <| "Failed to fetch type" ++ bty ++ ". This is a bug."
case t of
Ok term -> render term
Err e -> text <| "Could not render workflow due to an error: " ++ (toString e)
view : Model -> Html
view model =
let foo = 1
(symbolTable, toks) = case scan emptyTable model.term of
Ok (symbolTable, toks) -> (symbolTable, Ok toks)
Err e -> (emptyTable, Err e)
(exp, decls) = case Result.andThen toks parse of
Ok (exp, decls) -> (Ok exp, Dict.union baseTypes decls)
Err e -> (Err e, baseTypes)
(_, tydecs) = declTypes symbolTable decls
term = Result.andThen exp (infer tydecs)
div []
[ div []
[ -- container 40 40 middle Field.field Field.defaultStyle (Signal.send actionChannel << SetTerm) "Type here!" model.term
textarea [cols 80, rows 25, value <| model.term, on "input" targetValue <| \value ->
Signal.send actionChannel <| SetTerm value] []
, Html.form []
[ text "Workflow"
, renderWorkflow tydecs term
, div []
[ text "Declarations"
, decls |> toString |> text
, div []
[ text "Scanning"
, toks |> toString |> text
, div []
[ text "Parsing"
, exp |> toString |> text
, div []
[ text "Inferring"
, term |> toString |> text
main : Signal Html
main = view model
model : Signal Model
model =
Signal.foldp update {
term = "True" -- Field.noContent
} <| Signal.subscribe actionChannel
actionChannel : Signal.Channel Action
actionChannel = <| SetTerm "True" -- Field.noContent
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