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Created July 10, 2014 13:52
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Reasonable TTY output for common tests.
%%% @doc Common Test Example Common Test Hook module.
%% @doc Add the following line in your *.spec file to enable
%% reasonable, tty error reporting for your common tests:
%% {ct_hooks, [ct_tty_hook]}.
%% Callbacks
-record(state, { total, suite_total, ts, tcs, data }).
%% @doc Return a unique id for this CTH.
id(_Opts) ->
%% @doc Always called before any other callback function. Use this to initiate
%% any common state.
init(_Id, _Opts) ->
{ok, #state{ total = 0, data = [] }}.
%% @doc Called before init_per_suite is called.
pre_init_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) ->
{Config, State#state{ suite_total = 0, tcs = [] }}.
%% @doc Called after init_per_suite.
post_init_per_suite(_Suite,_Config,Return,State) ->
{Return, State}.
%% @doc Called before end_per_suite.
pre_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) ->
{Config, State}.
%% @doc Called after end_per_suite.
post_end_per_suite(Suite,_Config,Return,State) ->
Data = {suites, Suite, State#state.suite_total, lists:reverse(State#state.tcs)},
{Return, State#state{ data = [Data |] ,
total = + State#state.suite_total } }.
%% @doc Called before each init_per_group.
pre_init_per_group(_Group,Config,State) ->
{Config, State}.
%% @doc Called after each init_per_group.
post_init_per_group(_Group,_Config,Return,State) ->
{Return, State}.
%% @doc Called after each end_per_group.
pre_end_per_group(_Group,Config,State) ->
{Config, State}.
%% @doc Called after each end_per_group.
post_end_per_group(_Group,_Config,Return,State) ->
{Return, State}.
%% @doc Called before each test case.
pre_init_per_testcase(_TC,Config,State) ->
{Config, State#state{ ts = now(), total = State#state.suite_total + 1 } }.
%% @doc Called after each test case.
post_end_per_testcase(TC,_Config,Return,State) ->
TCInfo = {testcase, TC, Return, timer:now_diff(now(), State#state.ts)},
{Return, State#state{ ts = undefined, tcs = [TCInfo | State#state.tcs] } }.
%% @doc Called after post_init_per_suite, post_end_per_suite, post_init_per_group,
%% post_end_per_group and post_end_per_testcase if the suite, group or test case failed.
on_tc_fail(_TC, _Reason, State) ->
%% @doc Called when a test case is skipped by either user action
%% or due to an init function failing.
on_tc_skip(_TC, Reason, State) ->
case Reason of
%% Just quit if files were not build correctly
{tc_user_skip, "Make failed"} -> erlang:halt(1);
_ -> State
%% @doc Called when the scope of the CTH is done
terminate(State) ->
lists:foreach(fun (SuiteData) ->
aggregate_results(Cases) ->
Oks = [ C || {testcase, _, ok, _} = C <- Cases ],
Fails = [ C || {testcase, _, {error, _}, _} = C <- Cases ],
{length(Oks), length(Fails)}.
print_suite({suites, Name,_, TestCases}) ->
case aggregate_results(TestCases) of
{Oks, 0} -> print_suite_ok(Name, Oks);
{Oks, Fails} -> print_suite_failed(Name,Oks,Fails,TestCases)
end, ok.
print_suite_ok(Name, OkCount) ->
io:format("~n====== Suite OK: ~p (All ~p tests passed)~n",
[Name, OkCount]).
print_suite_failed(Name, OkCount, FailCount, Cases) ->
ct:pal("~n====== Suite FAILED: ~p (~p of ~p tests failed)~n",
[Name, FailCount, OkCount+FailCount]),
lists:foreach(fun maybe_print_test_case/1, Cases).
maybe_print_test_case({testcase, _Name,ok,_}) -> ok;
maybe_print_test_case({testcase, Name,{error, Content},_}) ->
io:format("~n====== Test name: ~p", [Name]),
io:format("~n====== Reason: ~p~n", [Content]).
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